
  1. 中国汉代玉器的主要特征与文化特色

    Main characteristics of Chinese jadeware in Han Dynasty and its cultural features

  2. 浅议汉代玉器纹饰的发展演变

    On Development and Evolution of Jade in Han Dynasty

  3. 文章主要介绍了汉代玉器纹饰在造型、装饰风格和雕刻手法上的发展演变,指出汉玉对汉代以前纹饰的吸收和发展以及其对后世的深远影响。

    The article introduces the veins of Han jade from the aspects of shape , decoration style and engraving skill , as well as its innovative development and profound influence on the future jade production .

  4. 从汉代以后,玉器主要用作观赏、陈设以及实用器。

    After the Han Dynasty , jade wares were mainly used as decorations or everyday items .