
  • 网络The Host;Gwoemul
  1. 《汉江怪物》(2006)是他的第三部标志性影片。

    The Host ( 2006 ) is his third feature film .

  2. 《汉江怪物》一度是韩国史上票房最高的电影,原因显而易见。

    It 's easy to see why " The Host " was , for a time , the highest-grossing South Korean movie of all time .

  3. 该片是奉俊昊第一次和宋康昊合作,后来宋康昊又主演了奉俊昊的《汉江怪物》、《雪国列车》和《寄生虫》。

    The movie was also Bong 's first time working with Song Kang-ho , who later starred in " The Host , " " Snowpiercer , " and " Parasite . "

  4. 这部电影聚焦的有缺陷的家庭试图将一个家庭成员从住在汉江里的邪恶怪物那里拯救出来。

    The movie centers on a dysfunctional family trying to save one of their own from a vicious monster living in the Han River .