
  • Transformers;Revenge of the Fallen
  1. 最近,数字领域公司承担的项目包括电影《铁甲钢拳》(RealSteel)和《变形金刚2:卷土重来》(Transformers:RevengeoftheFallen)。

    Recent digital domain projects include real steel and Transformers : Revenge of the fallen .

  2. 好莱坞大片《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(Transformers:DarkoftheMoon)仍以1.02亿元保持着上映首日票房的最高纪录。

    The Hollywood blockbuster Transformers : Dark of the Moon remains the opening-day champ with 102 million yuan .

  3. 例如,我们可能拿不到某种特别的变形金刚(Transformer)。

    We may not get that particular Transformer , for example .

  4. 好莱坞大片《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(Transformers:DarkoftheMoon)仍以1.02亿元保持着上映首日票房的最高纪录。

    The Hollywood blockbuster " Transformers : Dark of the Moon " remains the opening-day champ with 102 million yuan .

  5. 巨作《变形金刚3》3D版很卖座,也许是2D版的画面不够震撼。

    The explosive " Transformers 3 " did well in 3D ; perhaps the 2D version was not sufficiently headache-inducing .

  6. 例如,《变形金刚:绝迹重生》(Transformers:TheAgeofExtinction)在中国的票房收入就超过了美国。

    for example , " Transformers : The Age of Extinction " made more money in China than in the United States .

  7. 中国观众在观看《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(Transformers3:DarkoftheMoon)之际,除了前两部中的那些外国机器人明星外,还会认出更多的东西。

    Chinese audiences watching Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon will recognise more than just the alien robot stars from the previous movies .

  8. 华硕(ASUS)的变形金刚(Transformer)是一台配备了可拆卸屏幕的Windows8PC机,18英寸的显示屏是Android平板的两倍大。

    The ASUS transformer is a Windows 8 PC with a detachable 18-inch screen that doubles as an Android Tablet .

  9. 中国武隆景区的岩溶地貌吸引了《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)导演迈克尔•贝(MichaelBay)的目光。

    The grottoed landscape of southern China 's Wulong nature reserve caught the eye of Michael Bay , director of the fourth instalment of the Transformers franchise .

  10. 上海——对于《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。

    SHANGHAI - The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of " Transformers : Age of Extinction " in China last year .

  11. 好的,让我们来谈谈变形金刚,请问你是什么时候接触到TF的?

    OK , Let 's talk something about transformers , what time did you first get in touch of TF ?

  12. 《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers4:AgeofExtinction)定于明年夏天上映,其演员阵容包括华语流行歌手韩庚。

    ' Transformers 4 : Age of Extinction , ' due for release next summer , has a cast that includes Chinese Mandopop singer Han Geng .

  13. 当然,《变形金刚》的老粉丝们也能在这一部中看到许多熟悉的元素,例如激动人心的机器人大战,令人瞠目的3D效果,以及矢志不渝的广告植入。

    Of course , fans of the older Transformers movies will find many familiar themes , such as the exciting robot-to-robot fight scenes , the stunning 3-D effects , and the relentless devotion to product placement .

  14. 此外,中国的盗版问题也不再是美国电影公司的重大威胁。例如,《变形金刚:绝迹重生》(Transformers:TheAgeofExtinction)在中国的票房收入就超过了美国。

    And Chinese piracy is no longer such a significant threat to American studios ; for example , Transformers : The Age of Extinction made more money in China than in the United States .

  15. 上海&对于《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)去年在中国取得的巨大成功,上海国际电影节也许只起到了很小的作用。

    SHANGHAI & The Shanghai International Film Festival may have played only a minor role in the blockbuster success of Transformers : Age of Extinction in China last year .

  16. Cullen加入之后,制片厂可能根本就不会为一部变形金刚电影烦恼。

    The studio probably didn 't want to even bother considering a Transformers movie until Cullen signed on .

  17. 退一万步,说它“比《变形金刚4》(Transformers4)强多了”,不算过分,就算再加个感叹号也说不上是多高的赞美。

    Granted , this isn 't a very high bar to clear : " better than ' Transformers 4 " " barely counts as praise , even with an exclamation mark .

  18. 不出所料,《变形金刚:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)周末在北美影院雄踞票房首位,约为一亿美元,令派拉蒙影业极为兴奋。

    As expected , " Transformers : Age of Extinction " was a huge No. 1 at North American theaters over the weekend , taking in an estimated $ 100 million and prompting Rockette kicks from Paramount Pictures .

  19. 由迈克尔•贝(MichaelBay)执导,马克•沃尔伯格(MarkWahlberg)主演的《变形金刚》系列电影第四部预计将成为今年最卖座的影片之一。

    Featuring actor Mark Wahlberg and directed by Michael Bay , the fourth installment in the blockbuster action-robot franchise is expected to be one of the top-grossing pictures of the year .

  20. 另一辆原型车用飞机从伦敦调运——这部原型车会出现在即将上映的由迈克尔.贝(MichaelBay)执导的《变形金刚》(Transformers)中——但由于航班推迟,错过了发布会开场。

    Another prototype was flown over from London , where it is appearing in a forthcoming Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay , but the flight was delayed , missing the beginning of the show .

  21. 这尊雕像是为了电影《变形金刚2》全球巡展设立的,用以宣传这部电影于5日上市的DVD和蓝光光盘。

    This statue set up for Global Tour of movie " Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen ", in order to promote its DVD and Blue-ray Disc , which launched on Nov.5,2009 .

  22. 噢,更像“变形金刚”里的MeganFox或者“星际大争霸”里的KateeSackhoff。

    Howard : Well , you know , more like Megan Fox from Transformers . Or Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica .

  23. 漫威电影宇宙、星球大战、DC扩展宇宙、X战警宇宙、怪兽宇宙、哈利波特/神奇动物、变形金刚宇宙……拜它们所赐,现在每个好莱坞工作室都呼喊着要打造热门系列电影。

    Thanks to the unstoppable power of Marvel 's Cinematic Universe , Star Wars , the DC Extended Universe , the X-Men Universe , MonstersVerse , Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts , and Transformers-Verse , every Hollywood studio is clamouring for a hit franchise .

  24. 2007年:凭借电影《变形金刚》的一炮而红,福克斯大胆尝试了复古范儿十足的蓬松式发型出席了GQ男人装杂志举办的年度大奖。

    2007 : Following her star-making turn in Transformers , Fox tried out a retro bouffant for the GQ Men of the Year awards .

  25. 当我被逼问到我最喜欢的电影时,我有时会被喜爱迈克尔&12539;贝(MichaelBay)的《变形金刚》(Transformers)电影的人问到导演主创论。

    After I am cornered and asked to supply my ' favorite film , ' I am sometimes quizzed about the ' auteur theory ' by people who ' loved , ' let 's say , Michael Bay 's ' Transformers ' movies .

  26. 虽然警方没有说明受害者的身份,但当地媒体报道说,被打的是美国电影导演迈克尔·贝(MichaelBay)。他以往的作品包括《世界末日》(Armageddon)、《珍珠港》(PearlHarbor)和《变形金刚》系列的其他几部影片。

    Though police did not identify the victim further , local media reported it was American movie director Michael Bay , whose past credits include ' Armageddon , ' ' Pearl Harbor ' and other installations of the ' Transformers ' series .

  27. 截至上周,在亚马逊网站的笔记本销售排行榜上,华硕变形金刚已跌落至第三,排名前两位的是宏碁和三星的Chromebook。

    COM , the ASUS transformer had slipped to No. 3 in the laptop category behind two chromebooks from Acer and Samsung .

  28. 但昨日爆出,武隆景区管理方——重庆市武隆喀斯特旅游集团(ChongqingWulongKarstTourismAssociation),正起诉电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的制片方派拉蒙,声称广告植入缺少“中国武隆”地标,可能让观众产生迷惑。

    But yesterday it emerged that the Chongqing Wulong Karst Tourism Association , which administers the area , is suing Paramount , which produced Transformers : Age of Extinction , alleging that the sequence might be confusing to the audience due to the absence of the Wulong nature preserve 's logo .

  29. 据中国电影网站时光网说,派拉蒙影业(ParamountPictures)的《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》(Transformers:AgeofExtinction)在中国上映不到两周就打破了票房记录,超过了《阿凡达》(Avatar)。

    In the less than two weeks since its premiere in China , Paramount Pictures " " Transformers : Age of Extinction " " has hurtled to the top of the country 's box-office records , surpassing " Avatar , " " according to the Chinese movie website Mtime .

  30. 钢铁侠3,变形金刚……53,生化危机。

    Iron Man 3 , Transformers ... 53 . Resident Evil .