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biàn yìng
  • harden;brinelling;solidify;callous
变硬[biàn yìng]
  1. 在纸板上涂两三层清漆使其变硬。

    Give the cardboard two or three coats of varnish to harden it .

  2. 清漆几分钟就变硬了。

    The varnish takes a few minutes to harden .

  3. 把混合物放在一个地方冷却变硬。

    Put the mixture somewhere cool to firm up .

  4. 在混合物还没有变硬之前,趁热将它塑成形。

    Mould the mixture into shape while hot , before it hardens

  5. 这种材料需要有更高的温度和压力才能凝结变硬。

    The material requires higher temperatures and pressures to set hard .

  6. 煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。

    Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins .

  7. 黏土干了的时候就变硬了。

    Clay hardens when it becomes dry .

  8. 由于V的高度内容钢的残余物有细密纹理的即使当从例外地变硬高的温度。

    Owing to the high content of V the steel remains fine-grained even when hardened from exceptionally high temperatures .

  9. 结果表明,针刺引起POD和PAL活性上升,使木质素大量沉积在细胞壁上,果顶变硬,从而防止裂果。

    The results showed that the POD and PAL activities in fruit top increased remarkably after puncture and a vast amount of lignin accumulated on cell walls , so the fruit top got harder and the fruit cracking could be avoided .

  10. 结果:CCl4诱导8周后,小鼠肝脏出现明显的纤维化症状,可看到肝组织变硬、表面粗糙不平、密集分布大量的白色点状斑块。

    Results : After 8 weeks of CCl4 induction , the mouse liver showed fibrosis symptom severely . Hepatic tissues become hard , coarse and there were large amounts of white plaques on liver surface .

  11. 习语短语津津有味地咀嚼;尽情地吃[助剂]防腐剂;保存剂Stockpile积累;储备物资pricehike提价;物价上涨freezerburn冻斑,冷冻食品表面干燥变硬

    New words : munch on ( something ) - to eat preservatives - chemicals added to food , to prevent it from rotting or spoiling - to keep a very large amount of something , for future use - a sudden increase in prices - when items in the freezer become dry from being in there too long

  12. 水泥将变硬直到像石头一样。

    The soft concrete will harden till it is like stone .

  13. 鸡蛋与牛奶或奶油混在一起搅打,烹制到刚刚变硬。

    Eggs beaten with milk or cream and cooked until set .

  14. 使变硬或柔韧或有回弹力,尤其是通过加热。

    Made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment .

  15. 支气管炎、高血压、动脉硬化症金属在空气中冷却时变硬。

    The metal hardened when it was cooled in the air .

  16. 使衣服或帽子变硬的硬的粗糙的纤维。

    A stiff coarse fabric used to stiffen hats or clothing .

  17. 如果你不,刷子就会变硬。

    If you don 't , they will go hard .

  18. 待其根部结构成长后,表面变硬而填满模子。

    As its root structure grows it hardens to fill the mold .

  19. 把椅子夹紧直到胶水变硬。

    Clamp the chair together until the glue has hardened .

  20. 二氧化硫能让声带变硬

    The sulfur dioxide had the effect of hardening the vocal chords .

  21. 膏体会变硬成为粉末,舒缓过敏皮肤。

    The paste will harden into a crust and soothe irritated skin .

  22. 淬火就是促使变硬。连续式光辉123质淬火炉

    Hardening means making harder . continuous bright hardening quenching furnace

  23. 它会使你的精神消沉,你的心也会变硬。

    It deadens your spirit and it hardens your heart .

  24. 他们把粘土坯放在炉火里使其变硬。

    They harden clay by putting it in a fire .

  25. 泥砖需要很长时间干燥才能变硬。

    Adobe can take a long time to dry and become hard .

  26. 木质化足以使细胞变硬和增强。

    This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells .

  27. 太阳的热使黏土变硬。一种热硬化性的树脂。

    The heat of the sun hardens clay . a thermosetting resin .

  28. 过了一段时间,他的肌肉变硬、变结实了。

    After a time his muscles grew hard and firm .

  29. 但是,弹性材料会变硬,扭矩也会增加。

    However , the elastomer becomes hard and torques increase .

  30. 94%(205/218)的肝脏质地变硬,结缔组织增生;

    94 % ( 205 / 218 ) of livers became fibrosis ;