
biàn liǎn
  • suddenly turn hostile;change one's countenance;turn hostile suddenly
变脸 [biàn liǎn]
  • (1) [change one's countenance]∶改变脸色

  • (2) [turn hostile suddenly]∶翻脸

变脸[biàn liǎn]
  1. 伊朗的对西方政策大变脸,一改哈塔米时代的温和,处处体现出了强硬。

    Pair of Iranian Westpolitik are big suddenly turn hostile , one has changed Hatami times mildness , has embodied out everywhere flinty .

  2. 川剧的变脸是绝活儿。

    Fast mask-changing is unique to Sichuan Opera performance .

  3. 上市公司IPO之后财务业绩变脸研究

    Research on the Post-IPO Financial Performance Face-off of Listed Companies in China

  4. 对IPO公司变脸现象中盈余管理行为的研究

    The Research on Earnings Management of the Phenomenon of " Face Changing " in IPO Process

  5. 本文认为,我国证券监管机构会借助IPO遴选管制权对上市公司的业绩变脸情况进行控制。

    This paper argues that Chinese securities regulators use the IPO resource allocation rights to control the deterioration of financial performance .

  6. 长期以来,我国上市公司IPO后的业绩变脸问题常见报端,也是证券市场各方关注和讨论的热点问题。

    For a long time , the problem of deterioration of financial performance of Chinese listed companies is common in newspapers , and also the hot issues of the securities market .

  7. 后续研究中若能积累更多的数据,可进一步分析业绩变脸的程度与受到IPO资源管制程度之间的关系,IPO市场对承销商声誉是否存在隐性约束等问题。

    Follow-up studies can analyze the relationship between the degree of deterioration of financial performance and the control of IPO resources with more sample data , and if there are hidden constraints of IPO market on underwriter reputation .

  8. Helio在筹备的时候标榜为“超级玩家的运营商”,但在发布的时候来个大变脸,决定去拥抱社交网络的年轻人。

    Helio was originally conceived as a " power user 's carrier ," but it did an unexplained about-face and decided to go for the social-networking youth when it launched .

  9. 提起变脸,我们先要说说川剧。

    We cannot talk about face changing without mentioning Sichuan opera .

  10. 冬天悄然变脸化作春天之际,爸爸病了。

    The winter had almost guttered into spring when father was ill .

  11. 中国煤炭、焦炭出口许可证变脸

    The Evolvement of Coke & Coal 's Export Licences

  12. 流行的超文本标记语言也正在进行大变脸。

    The venerable Hypertext Markup Language is getting a face lift , too .

  13. 悉尼的庆典由烟花、变脸和武术开始。

    Festivities started in Sydney with firecrackers , face-changing performances and martial arts .

  14. 百安居中国变脸记我国新闻周刊的市场定位分析

    On Market Positioning of the News Weekly in China

  15. 还有些人认为我们不应该把变脸看成国家秘密。

    Some others believe China should not consider the art a state secret .

  16. 源数据大变脸杭州四天售出6292套房?

    Traditional Hangzhou four major sources of data " sold " 6292 suite ?

  17. 他的表演为川剧变脸这个古老的艺术增添了新的魔幻活力。

    His performance has enriched the old and classic art with fresh illusion energy .

  18. 全国社保基金组合重仓股的资产配置特征分析共持重仓股变脸对基金家族的连锁效应研究

    The Research of the Asset Allocation of the Stock Fund of Social Guarantee Fund

  19. 百安居中国变脸记我国奶牛磷需要量

    Phosphorus requirements of dairy cow in China

  20. 变脸:外资商业新动向

    New Developments in Foreign - funded Enterprises

  21. 上海环球金融中心变脸记

    Design Change of Shanghai World Financial Center

  22. 变脸:猜疑、谎。妈的,这越来越象婚姻了。

    Distrusting , lying . Damn it , it is more and more like marriage .

  23. 巴蜀文化变脸培训机构是全国最正宗的川剧变脸培训基地;

    Ba cultural training institutions face is the most authentic Sichuan Opera face training base ;

  24. 我想他又会在去变脸吧。

    I 'm thinking now would be a good time to do more , too .

  25. 百安居中国变脸记中国杉木研究

    The research of Chinese fir in China

  26. 实力的竞争还是名誉的追逐&《财富》500强排行榜10年变脸写真

    Competition in Strength or Chasing for fame

  27. 还有变脸器具上各大配件的保养与维护以及制作方法。

    There are major parts on the face of maintenance equipment and maintenance and production methods .

  28. 耶和华说,我向这城变脸,降祸不降福。

    I have determined to do this city harm and not good , declares the LORD .

  29. 春季房展即将亮相国贸今年楼市“变脸”几何?

    ITC spring exhibitions will be made this year the market " changed face " geometric ?

  30. 观品牌变脸谈品牌管理

    On the Brand Management