
  • 网络variable declaration;var
  1. 它们可以分别转换成C语言中对应的常量声明语句、类型声明语句和变量声明语句。二、ATLAS的过程相关语句到C语言的转换。

    The declaration of ATLAS includes constant declaration , type declaration and variable declaration .

  2. 注意company元素怎么不是包含实际的公司名称,而是包含一个类似于ApacheAnt的变量声明?

    Notice how the company element does not contain the name of an actual company , but rather an Apache Ant-like variable declaration ?

  3. 在模块include语句和初始变量声明之后,进入主控制循环。

    After the module includes and the initial variable declarations , the main control loop is entered .

  4. 经典的Groovy在变量声明上相当灵活(而且实际上很简洁)。

    Classic Groovy was quite flexible ( and indeed terse ) when it came to variable declarations .

  5. 它将ESQL语句转换成C语言的变量声明或对ESQL运行库函数的调用,并输出到目标C文件中;

    The ESQL statements are translated into C language 's variable declarations or the function callers , and outputed to destination file .

  6. 类型推断–使用匿名类型时,关键字var必不可少。它还能减少你其他变量声明中的冗余。

    Type Inference-The var keyword , which is necessary when using anonymous types , can also reduce redundancy in your other variable declarations .

  7. 在JavaFXScript中,函数可以包含变量声明和一个返回语句,所有语句都包含在花括号中。

    In JavaFX Script , a function can contain variable declarations and a return statement , all contained within curly braces .

  8. 这允许将某个CPU通常访问的变量声明为该CPU专有的变量。使用此方法使锁定需求最小化并提高了性能。

    This permits the declaration of variables for a CPU that are most commonly accessed by that CPU , which minimizes the locking requirements and improves performance .

  9. AST是源代码的树形表示,它包含了从变量声明到功能定义和方法调用的全部内容。

    The AST is a tree representation of the source code that contains everything from variable declarations to function definitions and method invocations .

  10. 我需要利用Pyrex变量声明的优点来进行加速。

    I need to take advantage of Pyrex variable declarations to get a speedup .

  11. 或者,当通过pthreadmutext变量声明它的时候,可以静态地创建它。

    Otherwise , it can be created statically when it is declared by a pthread_mutex_t variable .

  12. 若要将某个变量声明为数组类型,可以使用$declare-amyarray。

    To declare a variable as an array type , use $ declare-a myarray .

  13. 在变量声明和读取activityRules文件后,下一步是主逻辑循环。

    After variable declaration and reading the activityRules file , the next step is the main logic loop .

  14. 例如,若要将某个变量声明为整数类型(从而始终将其标识为一个有效数字),可以使用:$declare-imyint。

    For example , to declare a variable as an integer type ( and therefore to always be identified as a valid number ), use : $ declare-i myint .

  15. 变量声明语句在命令窗口中无效。

    Variable declaration statements are not valid in the Command Window .

  16. 从字面上不难看出,它将此变量声明为只读常量。

    As the name suggests it declares a variable as a read-only constant .

  17. 在上面的内存变量声明中可以看到几点差异。

    You can see several differences above in the declaration of memory variables .

  18. 该标注被放在变量声明之前。

    And is preceded by the variable declaration .

  19. 第一步是向变量声明部分中添加必需的散列。

    The first step is to add the required hash to the variable declaration section .

  20. (将变量声明单独留在函数外,假设它们可能会用于其他地方)。

    It leaves variables declared outside functions alone , assuming that they might be used elsewhere .

  21. 将行my$outStr=“”;添加到主程序变量声明部分中。

    Add the line my $ outStr = ""; to the main program variable declaration section .

  22. 模板过滤器允许您用在运行时建立的实际的值代替变量声明。

    Template filters allow you to substitute that variable declaration with an actual value that you establish at runtime .

  23. 正如您所料,默认值的类型必须与成员变量声明的类型完全相同。

    As you might expect , this must be the same type that you declared for the member variable .

  24. 应该在过程逻辑的开始部分、紧接变量声明之后的地方调用该过程。

    It should be called at the very beginning of the procedural logic , right after the variable declarations .

  25. 完成了基本变量声明和子例程后,程序将继续进行主程序循环,如下所示。

    With the base variable declarations and subroutine complete , the program moves on to the main program loop , shown below .

  26. 他们提供了最通用的用例:比如变量声明,方法实施等。

    They have covered what are the most common use cases : things like variable declarations , method implementations , and so on .

  27. 注意,伪变量声明已经没有了:不再需要它是因为现在在异常处理函数中有了实际的语句。

    Note that the dummy variable declaration has disappeared : you don 't need it because you now have an actual statement in the exception handler .

  28. 除了必要的模块包含及变量声明之外,信号中断捕捉程序被定义为允许输出每个数据运行的相关的头文件。

    In addition to the necessary module includes and variable declarations , the signal-interrupt catcher is defined to allow the associated header for each data run to be printed out .

  29. 首先,需要在代码的开头对其中一些变量声明执行一些更改,以便可以在本地测试该程序。

    First , you 'll look at the beginning of the code to make a few changes to some of those variable declarations so that you can test the program locally .

  30. $wakestate变量被声明为一个全局变量,在整个对话管理器中有效。

    The $ wake_state variable is declared to be a global and known throughout the dialog manager .