
  • 网络deformation vibration;bending vibration;Bending
  1. 受VK3分子吸附在银镜表面的影响,萘环结构发生了很大的扰动,导致一些拉曼特征峰产生位移,环变形振动对应的拉曼散射强度得到了增强。

    The interaction between vitamin K_3 molecules and silver surface made a large disturbance to the structure of naphthalene ring , and resulted in some Raman shifts and the enhancement of ring deformation vibration .

  2. 研究柔性梁大挠度动力响应问题,应用多体系统方法建立起大变形振动控制方程,结合Newmark直接积分法和Newton-Raphson迭代法给出了求解该非线性代数-微分方程组的数值方法。

    Large deflection dynamic problems of Euler beams are investigated . Their vibration governing equations are derived based on multibody system method . A numerical procedure for solving the resulting differential algebraic equations is presented by employing Newmark direct integration method combined with Newton-Raphson iterative method .

  3. 提出了利用最优初始位形以减轻具有柔性杆和关节的冗余度机器人变形振动的新方法。

    In the paper , an optimal method of decreasing flexible vibration of redundant flexible robot manipulators by using the optimal initial configuration is presented .

  4. 基于微塑性变形的振动时效激振力的选择

    The choice of dynamical stress for VSR based on micro plastic deformation

  5. 考虑塑性变形的振动压路机非线性动力学仿真

    Study of a Nonlinear Dynamics with Plastic Deformation of a Vibratory Roller

  6. 径向槽对锯片热变形和振动特性的影响

    Effects of slots on thermal deflection and vibration behaviors of circular saw

  7. 旋风铣削用于精密加工时细长工件变形与振动误差

    Research on Slender Piece Deformation and Error When Whirling Using in Finish Machining

  8. 结构工况变形的振动分析

    Vibration analysis of the structure 's operational deflection shapes

  9. 这有助于双圆弧齿轮的变形和振动分析。

    This is usful to analysis of the deformation and vibration of the gears .

  10. 反倾层状岩体边坡变形破坏振动试验研究

    Research of vibration test for deformation and damage of anti-dip angle layered rocky slope

  11. 一定程度上解决了装置在工作过程中的变形、振动、噪声过大等问题。

    In some extent , the problem of the deformation , vibration and noise is solved .

  12. 由此提出几种解决方法来控制车削薄壁套零件产生的变形与振动。

    The relative solutions were proposed to control the vibration and distortion in the process of turning .

  13. 但薄壁类零件结构形状复杂,刚度低,外形协调要求高,加工中极易发生变形和振动。

    Thin wall structural components are complex , low stiffness , low positioning accuracy , vibration and poor process .

  14. 研究了列车速度与动应力、振动变形、振动速度、振动加速度的关系;

    The relations of train speed and dynamic stress , vibration deformation , vibration speed , vibration acceleration was studied ;

  15. 该计量系统被应用于变形、振动等参数的测量中,取得了较为理想的结果。

    This system was applied to the measurement of deformation and vibration , and the satisfactory results has been given .

  16. 对于航空航天中常见的大挠度、大变形的振动,线性理论往往达不到工程要求的精度。

    It is known that the linear theory can not solve the problems with large deflection in aeronautic and astronautic engineering .

  17. 基于周期结构原理的钢轨振动模型能够考虑钢轨截面变形对振动的影响,本文给出了该模型的理论基础,并给出了算例。

    In this , a model based on periodic structure theory is presented , it can take the cross-section deformation into consideration .

  18. 响水风电场风机基础管桩沉桩引起的海堤变形及振动分析

    Analysis on deformation and vibration of seawall caused by pipe pile driving for construction of wind turbine foundation in Xiangshui Wind Farm

  19. 应用古典振动理论及冲击波动理论,对三种弹性元件悬架车辆的振动进行模拟并对响应进行分析。提出用冲击波动力学分析车辆振动的理论依据,由此建立车辆的波阻力及变形力振动模型。

    The classical vibration theory and impact wave theory are applied to simulate the helical spring suspension vehicle vibration and its response is analyzed .

  20. 柔性机械臂具有广泛的应用前景,但是柔性臂的变形和振动增加了运动控制的难度。

    Flexible arm has a wide range of application , but the deformation and vibration of flexible arm increase the difficulty of motion control .

  21. 因此索网在一般荷载下的变形和振动问题便是一个较为复杂的几何非线性问题。

    The deformation and vibration analysis of net cables under common loads is therefore a complex nonlinear problem as geometric non-linearity is generally involved .

  22. 旋风铣削用于精加工要解决的关键技术之一是细长工件的受力变形与振动误差问题。

    The problem of slender pieces deformation and the vibration error is one of the key techniques that whirling should solve when using in finish machining .

  23. 文中还分析了不同振次下的干砂体积变形与振动加速度之间关系,以及振动频率对这关系的影响。

    The relationship between the volumetric deformations of sand for different number of cycles of vibratory motion and input accelerations and its dependence on input frequency are investigated .

  24. 由于它结构的特殊性,柔性臂在运动中会发生变形和振动,这给空间柔性冗余机器人的定位和跟踪控制带来了很多的问题。

    The structural flexibility inevitably causes the elastic deflection and vibration . As a consequence , the positioning and tracking performance of the flexible redundant robot will tend to be degraded .

  25. 列车荷载作用下的基床动应力、动变形、振动速度、振动加速度、累积沉降都随着深度的增加而减小。

    The long-period cumulative settling characteristic and the dynamic characteristic including dynamic stress , dynamic deformation , vibrating velocity , vibrating acceleration reduced with the increasing of height under train load .

  26. 激振器轴刚度较小时,设计中应当考虑其变形对振动筛产生的影响,特别应考虑对激振器滚动轴承寿命的影响。

    A consideration should be given to the influence of the shaft deformation on the vibrating screen when the rigidity of exciter shaft is smaller , specially on the service life of rolling bearing of exciter .

  27. 阐述了贵州乌江洪家渡水电站厂房上部新型钢结构排架柱、吊车梁负荷试验时的变形、振动的观测方法与结果,并对结果进行了分析处理。

    This article introduces the methods and results of observing vibration and deformation of crane beams and framed columns-steel structures on the top of powerhouse when them were in load test , as well as analyzes the results .

  28. 根据计算结果,在夹具的平衡校正面各加上适当的平衡重量,就可以减少由于离心惯性力而引起的工艺系统变形和振动,从而提高长曲轴的加工精度和表面质量。

    On the basis of calculation , the balance of adjustable surfaces were loaded the proper balance weight that reduced the deformation and vibration due to centrifugal inertia , therefore improved long crankshaft turn 's machining accuracy and surface quality .

  29. 桥梁在列车作用下,会产生变形和振动,对桥梁结构的安全、桥上车辆的行车安全以及旅客的乘坐舒适度产生很大的影响。

    The bridge would produce deformation and vibration under the action of linear induction metro train ( LIMT ), which may bring harmful effect on the structure of bridge , the running safety of the train vehicles and the comfort of passengers .

  30. 由于柔性负载在操作过程中会产生变形和振动,系统模态存在不确定性,以及内力会引起机械臂与柔性负载之间的相互作用等,都在不同程度上增加了系统动力学分析和建模的复杂性。

    Flexible payload can produce deformation and vibration when it is operated . Moreover these uncertainties and internal forces lead to the interaction between manipulator and flexible payload . so they increase complexity of system dynamics analysis and modelling to certain extent .