
  • 网络Transformer coil;Bobbin
  1. 采用这种方法,将遗传算法与有限元分析结合起来,通过VC++6.0和ANSYS对外部文件的读写实现参数的传递,从而完成了对变压器线圈及其出线装置电场的优化设计。

    Then the genetic algorithms and the finite element analysis are integrated to optimize the electric field of UHV transformer coil and outlet device by operating parameter delivery in VC + + 6.0 and ANSYS programming .

  2. 由普通钨丝灯泡、变压器线圈和电容组成的非线性RLC串联铁磁谐振电路,可以演示非线性系统常见的单稳态、双稳态、状态的自动跳变(闪灭)等各种现象。

    Using the RLC nonlinear circuit composed of the normal incandescent lamp , the transformer coil and the electric capacity , we may demonstrate the different phenomenon in nonlinear systems , such as the common glimmer , single stability , double stability and so on .

  3. 自冷式SF6气体变压器线圈温升的计算

    The Calculation of the Coil Temperature Rise in SF6 Gas Insulated Transformer under Nature Gas Circulation

  4. 采用SIMULINK软件仿真出了分段层式干式变压器线圈在暂态电压作用下的电位分布和梯度分布。

    The potential distribution and gradient distribution of the dry-type transformer with subsection and layer winding applied transient voltage are simulated by SIMULINK .

  5. 110kV变压器线圈变形的分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Distortion of Winding of 110 kV Transformer

  6. 本文分析了自冷式SF6气体绝缘变压器线圈温升的计算方法,并对变压器功率损耗与散热情况对线圈温升的影响进行了讨论。

    The calculation method of the coil temperature rise in SF6 gas insulated transformer under nature gas circulation is introduced . The effects of power loss and heat dissipation on the coil temperature rise are also discussed in this paper .

  7. 大型变压器线圈短路电磁力的数值计算

    The Numerical Calculation of Short-Circuit Electromagnetic Force for Large Transformer Windings

  8. 关于如何正确校验变压器线圈温度表的讨论

    Discussion on How to Precisely Test Coil Temperature Meter of Transformer

  9. 自然油循环电力变压器线圈冷却结构换热性能研究

    Study on Thermal Performance of Natural Oil Circulation Power Transformer Winding

  10. 变压器线圈磁滞回环的数学模型及应用

    A Mathematical Model of Hysteresis for Transformer Coil and Its Application

  11. 高频开关电源中间抽头变压器线圈损耗的建模及其应用

    Winding loss modeling of central-tapped transformer in SMPS and its application

  12. 暂态分析中变压器线圈等值参数的确定

    Determination of equivalent parameters of the transformer winding for transient analyses

  13. 毛线缠结成一团了。变压器线圈缠绕用纸

    The wool is all snarled up . transformer coil winding paper

  14. 变压器线圈涡流损耗的混合算法

    The Calculation of Eddy Current Losses in Power Transformer Windings

  15. 变压器线圈干燥装置液压回路设计与应用

    Design and Application of Hydraulic System for Transformer Coil Desiccator

  16. 用于暂态分析的变压器线圈纵向等值电容的计算

    Calculation of Equivalent Series Capacitance for Transient Analysis in Large Power Transformer

  17. 大型变压器线圈涡流损耗分析

    A Research of Eddy-Current Loss in Large Transformer 's Windings

  18. 一个应用于输出双半波整流电路的中间抽头变压器线圈设计实验验证了优化设计的有效性。

    The experiments by the central-tapped transformer verified the optimal design effectively .

  19. 坏了的变压器线圈应当重绕。

    The damaged windings of the transformer should be rewound .

  20. 传感器采用液体耦合的初级和次级变压器线圈。

    The transducer employs fluid-coupled primary and secondary transformer windings .

  21. 超高压变压器线圈分区绝缘结构设计的优化算法

    An Optimization Algorithm for the Graded Insulation Design of EHV Transformer Windings

  22. 电力变压器线圈短路力计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis on short - circuit force of transformer 's winding

  23. 因此监测运行中的变压器线圈热点温度是非常必要的。

    So it is necessary to monitoring the hot - point temperature .

  24. 现场更换主变压器线圈后的试验

    The Test of Transformer After Changing , Windings on Site

  25. 小型三相电力变压器线圈短路故障查找

    Troubleshoot of Coil Short of Miniature Three-phase Power Transformer

  26. 变压器线圈直流电阻测量及结果分析

    Transformer Coil DC Resistance Test and its Result Analysis

  27. 特快速暂态过电压下变压器线圈的建模与仿真的研究

    Study of Modeling and Simulation of Transformer Winding under the Very Fast Transient Over-voltage

  28. 大容量变压器线圈短路状态下非线性稳定性与动力稳定性

    Study of Nonlinear and Dynamic Stabilities of Large Power Transformer Coils Under Short-Circuit Condition

  29. 用于变压器线圈暂态分析的导线内阻抗的计算

    Calculation of the internal impedance of wire for the transient simulation in transformer windings

  30. 变压器线圈冲击分布测量的研究

    Measurement of Impulse Voltage Distribution of Transformer Winding