
  • 网络Wave soldering machine;SMT;wave soldering system;wave soldering unit;Ware Soldering Unit
  1. 对使用O型旋转复合波(ORBITALWAVE)波峰焊机,配免清洗助焊剂焊接高密度双面及多层PCB取得的经验,探讨了免洗焊剂、焊料在波峰焊中的正确选择与使用;

    This article describes the experience on the soldering of high density double or multi-layer PCBs using type 0 orbital wave solder machine with Low Residue Flux .

  2. 设定制程参数,按保养计划保养波峰焊机台。

    Set up the parameter of process . Execute the PM .

  3. 波峰焊机用三相异步感应式电泵的研究

    Three Phase Asynchronous Electro-magnetic Induction Pump for Wave Soldering System

  4. 新型三相异步感应式电磁泵单/双波峰焊机研究

    Single / Double Wave Soldering Machine Research of New Three-phase Asynchronous Inductive Electromagnetism Pump

  5. 波峰焊机控制系统的性能直接影响到电子产品的焊接质量。

    The control performance of the control system affects the soldering quality of electronic products .

  6. 提高双波峰焊机焊接质量的分析及方法栅极调制式高频感应焊机

    Analysis of the Soldering Quality of the Doubled-wave Soldering Machine and the Methods of Improving