
  • 网络waveform analysis;wave analysis;PWA
  1. 行AFC电路的波形分析

    The wave analysis of line AFC circuits

  2. 波形分析技术在识别小断层和剥蚀线中的应用

    Application of Wave Analysis to Identifying Minor Fault and Nip-Out Line

  3. TEACO2激光脉冲波形分析

    Analysis of output pulse profiles of a TEA CO_2 laser

  4. CO2焊短路过渡过程瞬时能量的波形分析

    Instantaneous energy waveform of short circuiting transition in CO_2 arc welding

  5. 线性相位数字滤波器在ECG波形分析中的应用

    The application of linear phase digital filter for ECG signal analysis

  6. 空间矢量PWM算法及波形分析

    Calculation and Analysis of PWM Based on Space Vector Theory

  7. RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  8. 环形超声波电动机定子振动的固有频率RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Natural Frequency of the stator of Ring Ultrasonic Motor Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  9. 距离-速度二维波形分析数字动目标跟踪是通过高速采样存储N次雷达脉冲回波信号,在MTD处理(如FFT)后,分析回波波形信息获取目标的距离和速度误差而进行自动跟踪的。

    It gets range error and speed error by analyzing stored N - times sampling target echo waveform .

  10. 实验性听神经瘤两侧诱导记录的ABR波形分析

    Study on the Bilaterally Recorded ABR in the Experimental Model of Acoustic Tumor

  11. 本文用P波波形分析方法对1976年8月22日松潘6.7级地震的破裂机制作了研究,给出了该地震的震源参数。

    In this paper , based upon the analysis of P-waveform , the rupture process of the Songpan earthquake of M6.7 occurred on August 22 , 1976 is studies and its source parameters are obtained .

  12. 从GTO门极关断波形分析其关断能力

    Analysing Turn - off Capacity of GTO Thyristor from Its Gate Turn - off

  13. 眼球运动相关EOG信号的波形分析与特征提取

    Analysis and extraction of eigenvalues based on eye movement related electrooculography

  14. 10kV电网过电压在线监测装置的研制及波形分析

    Development and result analysis of on-line device for monitoring overvoltage in 10 kV power system

  15. RSA密码算法的功耗轨迹分析及其防御措施论述了几种常用的振动信号分析法,如时域分析、轴心轨迹、波形分析、轨迹分析、频谱分析等。

    It describes the time-base analysis , wave form analysis , trace analysis and frequency spectrum analysis which are always used to evaluate the vibration signals measured on machines .

  16. 利用Ud、UvT波形分析整流装置的故障

    Analysis of troubles of the rectifier by means of UD and UVT waveform

  17. 提出一种用于MTD体制雷达的速度-距离跟踪技术:距离-速度二维波形分析数字动目标跟踪技术。

    A new method for digital moving target track based on distance - speed two dimensions waveform analysis used in MTD radar is presented .

  18. 分析并建立了MOA的数学模型,并研制出一套基于DFT数字波形分析法的便携式MOA在线监测装置。

    Establishing and analyzing the mathematical model of MOA , then developing a portable instrument based on the Digital Waveform Analysis method for on-line monitoring leakage current of MOA .

  19. 本文介绍采用离散傅立叶变换(DFT)和曲线拟合进行电力系统机网暂态过程波形分析的方法。

    This paper presents a method which applies both discreate fourier transform ( DFT ) and curve fitting technique to analyze the wave of the transient process of machine-network in electric power system .

  20. 在波形分析模块中,通过数据算法设计和Delphi编程完成谐波分析、频率分析、相量分析和故障简报的生成,并在软件界面以多种形式进行显示。

    In the waveform analysis module , Harmonic analysis , frequency analysis , phasor analysis and fault generation of the presentation is completed by the the data algorithm design and Delphi programming , and displayed in various forms in the software interface .

  21. 这些研究工作不仅能提高滚动轴承早期故障预报、诊断的效率和精度,而且有益于促进滚动轴承AE信号波形分析技术的发展。

    These research findings not only can improve greatly the efficiencies and accuracies of incipient faults prediction and diagnosis of rolling bearings , but also are favorable to promote the waveforms analysis techniques of AE signals of rolling bearings .

  22. TMS诱发电位分析目前使用的主要方法有:直接波形分析、频谱分析、全局平均场幅度(GMFA)方法、最小范数估计(MNE)等。

    The important methods of analysis TMS evoked brain responses include : waveform analysis , spectral analysis , global mean field amplitude ( GMFA ), minimum-norm estimation ( MNE ), and so on .

  23. 同步发电机转子绕组匝间短路动测波形分析

    Dynamic Detecting of Interturn Short Circuits of Synchronous Generator Rotor Windings

  24. 波形分析数字动目标跟踪技术

    A Method for Digital Moving Target Track Based on Waveform Analysis

  25. 近场波形分析方法研究

    Study On the Method of Wave Pattern Analysis in the Near-Field

  26. A272并条机条子萨氏条干曲线的波形分析

    An Analysis of Saco-Lowell Evenness Curve Shape of the Drawing Frame Sliver

  27. 双波谐波齿轮中柔轮变形波的波形分析

    Analyses of Deformed Wave Shape of Flexible Wheel in Harmonious Double-wave Gear

  28. 波形分析与电类专业的教学和实践

    Wave form analysis and teaching and practice of electric major

  29. 基于小波多分辨率分析法的电力电缆故障波形分析

    Analysis about application of wavelet in power cable faults location

  30. 波形分析在塔河油田勘探开发中的应用

    Application of Waveform Analysis to Petroleum Exploration and Development in Tahe Field