
bō piàn
  • wave plate;retardation sheet
波片[bō piàn]
  1. MD投影机中的光学元器件(一)&偏振片与波片

    Optical Parts in the MD Projector (ⅰ) & Polarizer and Wave Plate

  2. TEM(00)模激光器的稳定运转以及1/4λ波片的作用

    Stable Operation of TEM_ ( 00 ) Mode Laser and the Function of 1 / 4 λ Wave Plate

  3. 旋转波片法测量电光调Q射频波导CO2激光器的内部参数

    Measurement of Internal Parameters of Electrooptically Q-switched RF Excited Waveguide CO_2 Laser Using Rotatable Phase Plate

  4. 大功率CO2激光器薄膜λ/4波片的制备及薄膜位相延迟的初步研究

    Preparation of Thin Films Quarterwave Plate Used in High Power CO_2 Laser and Preliminary Study of Thin Films Retardation

  5. 作为光束均值器,λ/4波片是大功率CO2激光加工机中的关键部件。

    Quarterwave plate as a light beam average component , is a key component in high power CO_2 laser processing mechine .

  6. PPT光纤波片耦合模方程的解析解

    Analytic solution of PPT optical fiber coupling equation

  7. PLZT电控半波片在双频激光器中的应用

    Application of electro-controlled PLZT half-wave plate in bifrequency lasers

  8. 在这种条件下,耦合波方程只能数值求解。PPT光纤波片耦合模方程的解析解

    Under the condition , the coupling equation can be numerically resolved . Analytic solution of PPT optical fiber coupling equation

  9. 用Jones算法讨论了半波片和偏振片组合衰减装置的一般特性,得出了衰减量控制精度的表达式。

    The general property of an assemble of a half wave plate and polarizers is discussed by Jones algorithm . An expression for attenuation precision of the assemble is given .

  10. 石英晶体波片的延迟量对入射倾角有很大的敏感性,利用波片的这一特性,从普通的Lyot型双折射滤光片的基本原理出发,设计了一种新的Loyt型双折射调谐滤光片。

    Because of the retardation of wave-plate sensitive to the incident angle , a new kind of tunable Lyot filter is designed .

  11. 本文以一种电光调Q脉冲Nd:YAG激光器谐振腔为例,详细分析了1/4波片在谐振腔内的各种应用,并提出通过调节1/4波片的快轴方向来控制激光器偏振方向的方法。

    This paper gives a detailed analysis of the application of QWP in a typical pulse Nd : YAG laser resonator . Particularly , a method to control the polarization of the laser beam by adjusting the fast axis direction of QWP is proposed .

  12. 采用琼斯矩阵与随机耦合的波片模型(Monte-Carlo)方法相结合研究了在偏振模色散(PMD)和偏振相关损耗(PDL)共同作用下,超短光脉冲经光纤传输后脉冲被展宽的统计特性。

    Using the Jones Matrix and Monte-Carlo method , we study the statistical broadening characteristic of ultra-short optical pulse induced by polarization mode dispersion ( PMD ) and polarization dependent loss in single mode fibers .

  13. 多个波片的叠加实验很好的模拟和验证了PS-OCT系统的层析效应。

    The measurement of multiple wave-plates simulated and verified the effect of tomography of the PS-OCT system .

  14. PIF是要实现一定的干涉光谱分布;消色散波片则是要通过多块晶体对入射光的调制实现一定的位相延迟。

    The objective of PIF is to realize a certain distribution of interference spectrum , while that of the achromatic wave plate is to realize the retardation by using several crystals to modulate the input beam .

  15. 用激光二极管(LD)抽运Nd:YAG晶体,采用四镜环行腔,腔内放置TGG晶体和λ/2波片,组成光学单向器,利用LBO晶体内腔倍频技术,实现单频946nm红外光和473nm蓝光输出。

    A 946 nm Nd : YAG laser pumped by a laser diode was obtained using four mirrors ring resonator . the laser was single-frequency operated by using a TGG and a half-wave plate acted as optical diode in the cavity .

  16. 通过对长波段区间的PRTS曲线上的极值波长的精确判断,可以计算出该石英波片的厚度。

    Through accurate judgment of extreme points of PRTS curve at long-wave band , the physical thickness of quartz wave plates can be obtained exactly .

  17. 报道了掺季氨盐0.001%的KDP晶体的异常光学透过率特性以及晶体具有三维变化的波片效应和旋光特性。

    Supernormal transmittance ratio properties are reported of KDP crystals doped with 0.001 % quaternary ammonium salt . These phenomena show that the wave-plane effect and the optical activity are highly displayed in KDP crystals , and the effect varies with the three-dimensional positions .

  18. 一块厚约1.8mm的波片,对应波长632.8nm,温度每升高1℃,其延迟量约减少1°。

    The retardation would reduce 1 ° when the temperature increased 1 ℃ for the wave-plate with thickness of 1.8 mm and wavelength of 632.8 nm .

  19. 本文利用Muller矩阵和Stoks参量,从理论上分析Lyot可调双折射滤光片的透射率、通带半宽度等性能,并首次讨论了λ/4波片的精度对滤光片性能的影响。

    Using Muller matrix and Stokes parameter , transmission and half breadth of passband of tunable Lyot filter were theoretically analysed , and the effect that the accuracy of quarter wave plate made to the character of filter was first discussed .

  20. 克尔盒是利用克尔效应,由电压控制的可变波片,其控制电压约800V,驱动克尔盒需要设计专门的高压驱动模块。

    Pockels cell is a variable wave plate controlled by voltage , the control voltage is about 800V . To drive pockels cell needs to design a specialized high-voltage driver module .

  21. 设计了一种由相位型空间光调制器(PSLM)、偏振光分束器(PBS)、反射镜、半波片(HWP)和四分之一波片(QWP)构成的2×2光开关。

    A novel 2 × 2 optical switch , which consists of phase spatial light modulator ( PSLM ), polarizing beam - splitter ( PBS ), mirror , half-wave plate ( HWP ) and quarter-wave plate ( QWP ), is proposed .

  22. 使用垂直入射TGG+半波片的光学单向器,进行连续调谐实验,发现了TGG晶体和半波片对连续调谐的影响,设计了布氏角入射TGG晶体及自然旋光补偿片的光学单向器。

    By the use of the normal incidence TGG + half-wave of the optical isolators , an influence that the TGG and the half wave plate hinder continuous tuning is found . Then Brewster angle incident TGG crystal and natural optical rotation compensation-chip optical isolators is designed and completed .

  23. 双λ/4波片复合的特性分析

    Analysis of the Composite Character Based on Double Quarter Wave Plate

  24. 基于激光频率分裂的波片位相差测量方法

    Phase retardation measurement of wave-plate based on laser frequency splitting technology

  25. 基于半波片的偏振跟踪理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of polarization tracking based on half - wave plate

  26. 云母1/4波片光谱性能分析

    Analysis of the 1 / 4 Wave Plate 's Spectral Performance

  27. 斯托克斯空间内利用起偏器和波片变换光的偏振态

    Using polarizer and wave plate transform polarization state in Stokes space

  28. 移相法测量波片的相位延迟量

    Phase Shifting Method for Measuring the Phase Retardation of Wave Plates

  29. 1/4波片在Nd:YAG激光器谐振腔中的应用

    Application of Quarter Wave Plate in Nd : YAG Laser Resonator

  30. 1/4波片精度对光弹影响的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis to accuracy of quarter wave plate to photoelastic effect