
  • 网络liquid crystal cell;lc cell;LCD cell
  1. 本论文针对课题组完成的液晶盒、LCoS芯片及投影仪进行测试。

    This paper tests liquid crystal cell , LCoS chip and projector which are made by our program .

  2. 再次,在带尾纤输出的高功率LD泵浦Nd:YAG激光腔内插入一只空液晶盒,观察到了激光器以单纵模运转;

    Thirdly , when an empty liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of the Nd : YAG laser pumped by high power LD , the laser can operates in single axial mode .

  3. 当K(13)取不同的值时,液晶盒中的指向矢分布发生有规律的变化,并且K(13)的符号不同时,变化方向是相反的。

    The distribution of the director change regularly with different k ^ .

  4. 参数空间法(parameterspacerepresentation)是基于液晶盒关态琼斯矩阵作出的一种确定液晶工作状态的方法。

    Parameter space representation which based on the stationary Jones matrix of liquid crystal is a method that can decide the state of the liquid crystal cell .

  5. 讨论了影响液晶盒显示质量的因素,提出了改进的ITO电极走线设计原则、液晶盒工艺参数设计方法、PI工序、丝印制盒工序及灌注工序工艺控制方法。

    The factors impacting display quality of LCD are discussed and some improved processes control and designing methods are presented too .

  6. STN液晶盒透射光谱的模拟计算和测试

    Computer Aid Measurement and Analysis of Transmission Spectra of Liquid Crystal Box

  7. 准直背光源加漫射观察屏的液晶盒外光学补偿法在改善LCD视角的同时,还可提高LCD的对比度。

    The collimating back lighting plus diffusing viewing screen can improve the viewing angle and increase the contrast of the LCD at the same time .

  8. 最后给出了垂直排列(VA)液晶盒和水平排列TN液晶盒用宽视角膜的优化设计结果以及补偿前后的性能比较。

    Finally , the designed results of wide viewing-angle films for vertical alignment LCD and horizontal alignment TN-LCD are offered .

  9. 如果贴上TAC膜及压敏胶,便可以贴附在液晶盒上使用了。

    It could be used on the liquid crystal cell bonding with TAC film and pressure-sensitive adhesive .

  10. 计算结果表明:具有预扭曲角的IPS液晶盒有很快的响应速度。

    The computational result demonstrates : there is a high responding time in IPS liquid crystal cell with pretwist angle .

  11. 我们测量了介于理想正交偏光片组之间的VA和IPS液晶盒在不同温度下的固有漏光。

    We have measured intrinsic light leakage of VA and IPS LC cells between " ideal " crossed polarizers as a function of temperature .

  12. 用参数空间方法优化了(0,2π)BTN液晶盒的光学性质,从而发现新的(0,2π)BTN显示模式具有更高的对比度和更大的dΔn值。

    Optical properties of a ( 0,2 π) transmissive BTN LC cell is optimized by parameter space method .

  13. 平行排列液晶盒在不对称弱锚定边界条件下的Freedericksz转变

    Freedericksz transition of liquid crystal under asymmetrical anchoring condition in homogeneous liquid crystal cell

  14. 研究了液晶盒的厚度、摩擦强度,以及在紫外光诱导相分离过程中的光照强度对PDLC膜的光学各向异性程度和电光特性的影响。

    It is found that optically anisotropic properties of PDLC film are greatly depended on the cell thickness , rubbing strength and phase separation process .

  15. 将镀有增透膜的液晶盒插入大功率LD泵浦Nd八7AG激光谐振腔内,是否产生了激光纵模分裂现象还难以确定。

    While an anti-reflected liquid crystal cell is inserted in the cavity of Nd : YAG laser end-pumped by the high-power LD , it is difficult to confirm weather the laser longitudinal modes have been spitted or not .

  16. 本文介绍了应用4×4矩阵方法来模拟STN液晶盒在不同条件下的透射光谱特性,并利用先栅色散性质设计了光谱的计算机辅助测试系统。

    This paper relates the transmission spectrum property of STN cell simulated by 4 × 4 matrix method and computer aid testing system of spectrum in advantage of grating dispersion property .

  17. 通过测量STN或TN液晶盒的扭曲角,提供了一种新的研究表面扭曲锚定强度的方法。

    In this paper , by measuring the actual twist angle in STN ( super twisted nematic ) or TN liquid crystal cell , we supply a new method for studying surface torsional anchoring strength .

  18. 液晶盒内的能级结构与其表现出的宏观物理效应:一级Freedericksz转变、双稳态之间的关系以及对响应时间的影响在本章也作了讨论。

    The relationships between the structure of energy levels and bistable , the Freedericksz transition , and the influence on the responds time have been discussed .

  19. 该光敏胶的光敏性强、粘接性能好,尤其是抗腐蚀性能和耐热性能极佳,可用于LCD的液晶盒注入口密封及TN-LCD的金属管脚固定。

    The product displays strong photo sensitive property , good adhesion and perfect resistance to corrosion and heat . It can be applied to change port sealing in LCD and metallic terminal bonding in TN LCD .

  20. 导出了液晶盒的吉布斯自由能,其中包括表面弹性自由能k13项。

    The Gibbs free energy of the liquid crystal cell is derived , which includes surface elastic free energy term k_ ( 13 ) .

  21. 由Williams和Kapustin首先观察到的经典电流体动力运流(EHC)结构,其条纹波矢与平面排列液晶盒中的指向矢易取向轴相平行或略成一定角度。

    The classical electrohydrodynamic convection ( EHC ) structures , observed first by Williams and Kapustin , and rolls with a wave vector parallel or slightly oblique to the director easy axis in planar sandwich cells .

  22. 研究了表面弹性能K13项对磁场作用下的弱锚定向列液晶盒Fr啨edericksz转变性质的影响。

    The influence of the surface elastic energy term K 13 on the properties of Fr é edericksz transition of weak anchoring nematic liquid crystal cell under a magnetic field has been investigated in detail .

  23. 实验中利用扫描电镜和偏光显微镜,研究了铁电液晶盒内形成的聚合物网络具有指向性,其饱和电压为5V,完全可以与TFT相结合实现显示器的连续灰度。

    With the scanning electro microscope ( SEM ) and the polarized optic microscope , the orienting of the polymer network formed in FLC was investigated . Its saturation voltage is 5V , which combined with the thin film transistor ( TFT ) will realize a continuous grey level display .

  24. 通过光在液晶盒中传输特性的分析,阐明了LCLV的非线性调制原理,并通过计算机模拟和光学实验结果的比较证明用高对比度LCLV可以实现实时非线性联合变换相关。

    The nonlinear modulation principle of the LCLV has been explained by analyzing the light propagation property in the liquid crystal box . The idea of using high contrast LCLV to realize nonlinear joint transform correlation is confirmed by comparing the computer simulation results with the optical experimental results .

  25. 根据液晶盒的薄板结构特点,提出用混合PS-FDTD方法模拟光在液晶中的传播。

    In order to reduce the computational cost of FDTD method , hybrid PS-FDTD method is introduced to simulate the propagation of light through liquid crystals based on the characteristics of thin plate structure of liquid crystal cells .

  26. 用不对称液晶盒测定挠曲电系数

    Measurement of Flexoelectric Coefficient with the Non-symmetric Planar Aligned NLC Cell

  27. 240°超扭曲液晶盒偏振片参数的最佳化及其显示特性

    The optimization and the electro-optical characters of 240 ° stn LCD

  28. 适于高对比度、低电压显示的手性垂直定向液晶盒

    Chiral_homeotropic liquid crystal cells for high contrast and low voltage displays

  29. 关于表面稳定模式铁电液晶盒的扭曲状态的研究

    Study on twisted states of surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cell

  30. 挠曲电效应与向列相液晶盒的锚定能

    The Flexoelectric Effect and the Anchoring Energy of the NLC Cell