
  • 网络copper vapor laser;cvl
  1. 铜蒸气激光器脉冲加宽技术及加宽脉冲对放大器效率的影响

    Technique of CVL pulse broadening and influence of broadened pulse on amplification efficiency

  2. 本文研究了氖气压、输入电压、管壁温度和放电管气氛对铜蒸气激光器振荡&放大链最佳延时的影响。

    Influence of Ne pressure , input voltage , wall temperature and discharge tube atmosphere on optimal delay of the CVL oscillator - amplifier chain is studied .

  3. 20W放电自加热式铜蒸气激光器

    Self-heated 20 W discharge copper vapor laser

  4. 利用铜蒸气激光器泵浦碰撞锁模染料激光放大器,获得2.4μJ,70fs低色散光脉冲,脉冲重复率为5kHz。

    Low-dispersion pulses with a duration of 70 fs and energies of up 2 . 4 μ J were obtained from an amplifier pumped by a copper vapor laser at 5 kHz pulse repetition-rate .

  5. 实验研究了外延腔铜蒸气激光器(CVL)的输出特性。

    The output properties of copper vapor laser ( CVL ) have been studied experimentally in this paper .

  6. φ60mm大口径铜蒸气激光器光束黑心问题的研究

    Investigation on black center in laser light beam for copper vapor lasers with 60 mm larger-bore

  7. 实验研究了小口径铜蒸气激光器(CVL)输出特性与缓冲气体压强的关系。

    An experiment which deals with pressure effects on the output characteristics of a small radial copper vapor laser is described .

  8. 研究了在大口径铜蒸气激光器(CVL)的氖缓冲气体内掺入氢气对激光输出特性的影响。

    The effect of hydrogen additive in the Ne buffer gas on the output characteristics of a large bore copper vapor laser has been investigated .

  9. 讨论了放电口径在6cm以上的100W铜蒸气激光器绝热结构对管壁温度分布的影响,从而对其有效增益区长度的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of thermal insulator structure in a 100 W copper vapor laser of large discharge tube diameter ( 6.5 cm ) on the length of the lasing region is discussed .

  10. 铜蒸气激光器脉冲磁压缩技术研究

    The Research on Magnetic Pulse Compression Technology of Copper Vapor Laser

  11. 铜蒸气激光器振荡&放大系统的实验研究(一)

    Experimental investigation on copper vapor laser oscillator-amplifier system ( 1 )

  12. 缓冲气体压强对铜蒸气激光器输出特性的影响

    Buffer Gas Pressure Effects on Copper Vapor Laser Output Characteristics

  13. 用于铜蒸气激光器的可饱和电抗器

    Saturable reactor used as charging inductor in copper vapor lasers

  14. 自加热式铜蒸气激光器的热气体透镜研究

    Study of thermal gas lens in self-heated copper vapor lasers

  15. 铜蒸气激光器种子注入光腔的参数计算

    Parameter calculation of seed injected oscillator in copper vapor laser

  16. 铜蒸气激光器中高压大功率脉冲变压器的研制

    Development of high-voltage high-power pulse transformer for copper vapor laser

  17. 铜蒸气激光器模型的计算方法和程序设计

    Computation method and program design of Cu - laser model

  18. 铜蒸气激光器热透镜特性的分析与测量

    Characteristics Study of Thermal Lens in a Copper Vapor Laser

  19. 用于高功率铜蒸气激光器的磁脉冲压缩器

    A Magnetic Pulse Compressor for High-power Copper Vapor Laser

  20. 铜蒸气激光器窗口污染实验研究

    Experimental Study on Window Pollution of Copper Vapor Laser

  21. 掺氢改善大口径铜蒸气激光器的输出特性

    Improvement of Output Characteristics of a Large-Bore Copper Vapor Laser with Hydrogen Additive

  22. 本文系统阐述了铜蒸气激光器的设计过程。

    The deSign procedure Of copper vapor laser is ' emphasize , in .

  23. 高稳定铜蒸气激光器脉冲充电电源的研制

    The development of a steady pulse charging power supply for copper vapor laser

  24. 铜蒸气激光器中的放大自发辐射研究

    Investigation of amplified spontaneous emission in copper vapor laser

  25. 铜蒸气激光器加宽放大及双程放大的输出特性

    Amplification with streched input and double - pass amplification in copper vapor lasers

  26. 铜蒸气激光器放电回路元件的最佳化

    Optimization of discharge circuit elements for copper vapor lasers

  27. 铜蒸气激光器扩散系数的研究

    Study of Diffusion Coefficient in Copper - vapor Laser

  28. 在铜蒸气激光器的激活介质中观察到四波混频现象。

    Four-wave mixing was observed in the active medium of a copper vapor laser .

  29. 铜蒸气激光器光束方向性与它所泵浦的染料激光器的效率的关系

    Beam divergence of copper vapor laser versus efficiency of dye laser pumped with it

  30. 给出了大口径铜蒸气激光器的径向电子温度及发光强度分布。

    The radial electron temperature and intensity of large | bore copper laser are presented .