
èr xiàng sè xìng
  • dichroism
二向色性[èr xiàng sè xìng]
  1. 结果表明,光照15min时,红外二向色性比值D达最大,液晶排列最均匀。光照角度对该膜的预倾角影响不大。

    The results showed that the film exhibited a maximum IR dichroism ratio and best uniform liquid crystal alignment under UV light illumination for 15 min.

  2. 二向色性对磁性液体波片性能的影响

    Influence of Dichroism on the Property of Magnetic Liquid Wave Plates

  3. W片二向色性角β的测定

    The Measurement of Dichroic Angle β by W Plate

  4. W片的二向色性角β与诱导时间和温度的实验规律

    An Experimental Rule Between Dichroic Angle β by W Piate and the Inducement Time and Temperature

  5. 利用红外二向色性法说明在相同拉伸情况下,丙烯酸酯类的加工助剂以及改性剂较PVC基体更易发生取向。

    Infrared graph prove the higher orientation will be gotten from ACR rather than PVC matrix in same strength condition .

  6. 温度诱导有机溶剂中K2Cr2O7溶液圆二向色性增大的研究

    Temperature-induced Circular Dichroism Increasing of K_2Cr_2O_7 Dissolved in an Organic Solvent

  7. 该偏光片基本结构类似于H型偏光片,在从近红外到远红外这样宽的波谱范围内表现出很高的二向色性。

    This kind of polarizer is similar to H-polarizer . It also is highly dichroic over a wide spectral range from the near infrared through the far infrared .

  8. 用圆偏光二向色性谱(CD)研究了这一聚合物的螺旋行为,主要包括螺距和螺旋方向。

    The helicoidal behavior ( including mainly helix pitch and twist sense ) of this polymer was studied by means of circular dichroism ( CD ) .

  9. 在对PS和PP熔体进行流变分析和采用正电子湮灭、红外二向色性、GPC及热分析等方法对其凝聚态分子结构进行表征的基础上提出了超声辐照对聚合物熔体的降粘机理。

    The molecular conformation and structure of the polymers were analyzed by positron annihilation , infrared dichroism , GPC and thermal analysis , etc.

  10. 在磁光理论部分,分别对Faraday效应与磁致圆二向色性、磁致线双折射与线二向色性、磁致克尔效应等磁光效应进行了理论推导与分析;

    First , the theory of Faraday effect , magnetic circular dichroism , magnetic linear birefringence and Kerr effect are argued .

  11. 主要内容及结论如下:(1)应用红外二向色性和同步辐射广角X光衍射实验研究了乙烯含量对EPDM拉伸取向及应变诱导结晶行为的影响。

    Main contents and conclusions are as follows . ( 1 ) Infrared Dichroism and Synchrotron Radiation WAXD are used to investigate the impact of ethylene content on stretching orientation and strain-induced crystallization of EPDM .

  12. 具有维格特(Weigert)效应的W片所显示的光学各向异性中同时具备二向色性与双折射两个因素,两者均与波长有关,通常在双折射很微弱时予以忽略。

    In the W flat with Weigert effect , both dichroism and birefraction should be showed simultaneously , but the birefraction is neglected generally because of it ′ s small .

  13. 本文提供一种只需测定三个数据即可得到同一W片的二向色性角β与双折射(e光与o光的相位差)的理论依据与实验方法,这种方法不必使用任何补偿器。

    In this paper , it is put forward a theoretical basis and experimental method that the dichroic angle β and the double refraction ( phsae difference of extraordinary and ordinary light ) can be determined respectively for the identical W sheet , in which three data are need only .

  14. 利用单根多壁碳纳米管的C-K边ELSP谱进行验证,获得了本征的平均谱和二向色性谱。

    It was tested on the C-K ELSP images from a single multi-wall carbon nanotube and the intrinsic averaged spectrum and the dichroic spectrum were successfully recovered from MSA processing .

  15. 结合ELSP和多元统计方法,发展了获得各向异性材料二向色性谱的实验方法。

    We have also combined the ELSP method with multivariate statistical analysis ( MSA ) method to develop a method of experimentally measuring the dichroic signals in an anisotropic material .

  16. 采用红外二向色性法对聚四氢呋喃醚二醇/4,4′-二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯系聚氨酯薄膜样品的拉伸取向行为进行了研究,结果表明,随着拉伸倍率的增大,CH2角基团发生取向。

    In the paper , the orientation behaviors of polyurethane [ poly ( tetrahydrofuran / methylene diphenyl diisocyanate ) ] film were investigated by means of infrared dichroism measurement . The results show that CH 2 groups orient as draw ratio increases .

  17. 根据入射光的偏振状态不同,磁光效应可以简单的归类为:基于线偏振光的磁光克尔效应(MOKE),和基于圆偏振光的磁圆二向色性(MCD)。

    According to the difference of polarization of incident light , magnetic-optical effect can be simply divided into two parts : Magnetic-optical Kerr effect ( MOKE ), which is based on line polarized light , and magnetic circle dichroism , which is based on circle polarized light .

  18. 磁二向色性光电发射(MDPE)技术是结合光电子能谱和磁二向色性技术的磁学测量方法,近年来已成为研究表面、界面和薄膜等低维体系磁性的重要手段。

    In recent years , the Magnetic Dichroism for Photoemission ( MDPE ), integrating the merits of photoelectron spectroscopy and magneto optic technology , is becoming an important method for the investigation of magnetism in such low dimensional systems as surface , interface and thin films .

  19. 磁致圆二向色性对法拉第旋转器消光比的影响

    Effect of magnetic circular dichroism on Faraday rotator 's extinction ratio

  20. 红外二向色性法研究聚氨酯薄膜的取向行为

    Infrared dichroism studies on the orientation behavior of polyurethane film

  21. GB/T14075-1993光纤色散测试仪技术条件近红外圆二向色性测量仪

    Specifications for optical fiber chromatic dispersion measuring set near-infrared circular dichroism instrument

  22. 磁光旋转谱和磁圆二向色性谱测量

    Measurement of Magneto-optic Rotation Spectra and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra

  23. 利用氯化银乳胶光致二向色性实现假彩色编码

    A pseudo-color encoder using photodichroism in silver chloride emulsion

  24. 用衰减全反射红外二向色性表征聚环氧乙烷薄膜的表面取向

    Characterization of Surface Orientation in Polyethylene Oxide Film by Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Dichroism

  25. 磁光材料磁圆二向色性的测量

    Measurement of magnetic circular dichroism of magnetooptical materials

  26. 二向色性某些晶体在沿不同轴观看时,而呈现两种不同的颜色的性质。

    The property possessed by some solutions of showing different colors at different concentrations .

  27. 此种特性称为二向色性,尤其是在电气石中表现得特别强烈。

    This property , which is known as dichroism , is particularly strong in tourmaline .

  28. 固体材料中的磁圆二向色性

    Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Solid Material

  29. 用一阶近似理论计算了俘精酸酐样品二向色性随曝光量变化曲线。

    The dichroism kinetic curve of fulgide film was theoretical calculated according to first-order approximation formulae .

  30. 白偏光照射高分辨率干板,经稀释显影后呈现出负二向色性。

    A high resolution plate shows negative dichroism after illumination by white polarized light and dilute development .