
  • Secondary modulation;remodulation
  1. 文中给出了数传电台内部的组成、信号流程和接口时序等总体架构,重点介绍了采用二次调制技术的MODEM模块和接收发射通道的详细实现方案。

    It describes the collectivity framework such as composition , signal flow and interface sequence of the data transmission radio and makes emphases on how to realize the MODEM module and transmission / receiving channel that adopts the remodulation mode .

  2. 基于上行和下行信号之间的时序交错,我们提出了一种相位二次调制方法以消除瑞利后向散射噪声。

    After reviewing the different techniques of RBS mitigation we proposed a novel idea of Phase remodulation based on Time Interleaving between downstream and upstream signals to mitigate RBS noise .

  3. 设计出了二次调制系统:采用连续可变斜率增量调制(CVSD)实现模拟话音信号与数字编码的转换,采用二进制相对相移键控(2DPSK)作为数字调制方式。

    A twice modulation is designed : , CVSD was adopted to realize conversion between analog and digital voice signals , 2DPSK was used as the digital modulation mode .

  4. 文中详述了二次调制与解调的实现方法以及它在系统中的应用。

    The paper expatiated on the second modulation and demodulation method applied in the system .

  5. 信号进行二次调制,引入两个参考信号分别对信号进行互相关处理,从而能抑制与参考信号同频率的干扰。

    Modulating twice the signal to be tested and cross correlating it in turn with two reference signals , we are able to do so .