
  • 网络copper corrosion;copper strip test
  1. 铜片腐蚀试验结果评价的数字图像处理方法

    Method of Digital Image Processing for Evaluating Copper Corrosion Test Result

  2. GB/T11138-1994工业芳烃铜片腐蚀试验法

    Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons & Test method of copper corrosion

  3. 小试和侧线实验结果表明,引起液化气铜片腐蚀不合格的主要原因是油品中存在超标的H2S和元素S等。

    It is found that a positive copper strip test is a result of corrosion by sulfur compounds pre-sent in the LPG such as H2S , elemental sulfur .

  4. 结果:能够较好地解决铜片腐蚀试验中的分级问题;

    Results : able to solve the grading in copper erosion experimentation .

  5. 硫化物对石油产品铜片腐蚀影响

    Effect of Sulfide in Petroleum Product on Copper Strip Corrosion

  6. 重油催化裂化汽油铜片腐蚀的原因

    Cause of copper strip corrosion of resid FCC naphtha

  7. 液化气铜片腐蚀原因及防腐工艺研究

    The Reason of Copper Strip Corrosion of LPG and Fine Sulfur Removal Process

  8. 液化气铜片腐蚀原因及解决措施

    Causes and countermeasure of LPG sheet copper corrosion

  9. 石油产品铜片腐蚀试验结果判定方法的改进初见

    Improvement on the evaluation of copper corrosion by petroleum products in copper strip test

  10. 液化气精脱硫工艺与铜片腐蚀试验

    Solving off-Specification of LPG and Copper-Corrosion Test

  11. 试验表明,油品中某些活性硫化物可产生铜片腐蚀,但不同的硫化物产生腐蚀的程度不同;

    The results demonstrate that the different active sulfides can induce the different corrosion degrees for copper strip .

  12. 该方法成功地用于液化气铜片腐蚀不合格的原因分析。

    The said method was successfully used to analyze the unqualified reason of copper-strip corrosion of the liquefied gas .

  13. 在此基础上开发出了新一代的汽油铜片腐蚀抑制剂UNOP2,并对其抑制汽油腐蚀性能进行了试验。

    An anti corrosion additive UNOP 2 for FCC gasoline was developed . The copper strip corrosion test for sulfides and gasoline were made .

  14. 通过铜片腐蚀试验和活性硫测定,发现氧化硫烯腐蚀性上升的主要原因是由于反应生成的亚砜和砜造成的。

    From the data of the determination of copper corrosion and active sulfur of the additives , it can be found out that sulfoxide and sulfone cause the severe copper corrosion .

  15. 传统铜片腐蚀结果评定方法存在着一定的局限性与不足,基于数字图像处理的HIS彩色模型,开发了铜片腐蚀试验结果评价软件。

    Traditional methods for evaluating the copper sheet corrosion result have some limitations and drawbacks . In this paper , the evaluation software for evaluating copper sheet corrosion result has been developed , according to HIS color model of the digital image processing .

  16. 通过酸、碱、水洗试验,汞滴试验,碘化钾氧化试验,证明中国石油化工股份有限公司武汉分公司联合装置汽油铜片腐蚀是由元素硫和性质类似元素硫的多硫化物引起的;

    The results of acid cleaning , alkali cleaning , water cleaning , mercury drip test and oxidizing experiment of KI show that the copper corrosion of gasoline is caused by element sulphur and polysulphide which is similar to element sulphur in nature in Wuhan Petrochemical Co. , Ltd.

  17. 小试和侧线实验研究结果表明,引起焦化液化石油气铜片腐蚀不合格的主要原因是液化石油气的硫化氢和元素硫含量超标,直接原因是其中夹带了微量甚至常量的含硫化氢的胺液。

    The results of experiment showed that the main causes resulting in unqualification of copper corrosion in coking LPG are much higher contents of hydrogen sulfide and element sulfur in LPG . The direct cause is entrainment of small amount of amine containing hydrogen sulfide in the LPG .

  18. 模拟实验中试样铜片处于静态腐蚀,而实际运行变压器和电抗器内部油处于循环状态,发生硫腐蚀引起绝缘纸上硫化亚铜沉淀的机理更加复杂。

    The copper sample in simulation experiment is in static corrosion while the actual operation of oil in the transformers and reactors is in circulation state . The sulfur corrosion in transformer raised by copper sulfide deposit is more complex .