
  1. 铸锭的铸造质量对合金的使用性能有重大影响,Cu-Cr-Zr合金常见的铸造缺陷包括缩孔、气孔、裂纹、偏析、冷隔和铜豆等。

    Ingot quality influences the property of alloys significantly . The common defects in cast ingots are shrinkage cavity , gas hole , crack , segregation , cold lap and copper sweat during the Cu-Cr-Zr vacuum melting and casting .

  2. 出土随葬器物15件,包括铜鼎、铜豆、铜壶、铜带钩、玉石饰件、玉琮、骨笄等。钩钉,铁或钢制(不包括带铜头的)

    The unearthed burial articles are 15 pieces including bronze ding tripod , bronze dou , bronze hu , belt hook , jade ornament , jade cong , bone hairpin , etc.

  3. 二巯基丙磺酸钠驱铜治疗小儿肝豆状核变性疗效观察

    Effectiveness of Sodium Dimercaptopropane Sulfonate in the Treatment of Wilson Disease in Children

  4. 中西医结合除铜治疗对肝豆状核变性患者肝硬化的长期疗效观察

    Decoppering Therapy with Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in the Treatment of Liver Cirrhosis Caused by Hepatolenticular Degeneration : An Observation on Long-term Therapeutic Effects

  5. 血清铜及血清游离铜对肝豆状核变性的诊断价值

    Diagnostic value of serum copper and non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper determination in patients with Wilson disease

  6. 目的:探讨血清铜和血清游离铜对肝豆状核变性的诊断价值,为肝豆状核变性的诊断提供依据。

    Abstract : Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of serum copper and non-ceruloplasmin-bound copper determination in patients with Wilson disease ( WD ) .