
  1. 古建木结构抗震机理的探讨

    Study on the aseismic mechanism of historic timber structural building

  2. 古建木结构榫卯连接特性的试验研究

    Experimental studies on the characteristic of mortise-tenon joint in historic timber buildings

  3. 从结构性能的角度来说,古建木结构是很有研究价值的。

    From a performance perspective , wooden ancient building is of great value .

  4. 尝试建立木结构古建筑的整体简化模型,并探讨古建木结构的一般分析步骤。

    Trying to establish a simplified model of the wooden ancient buildings and explore the analysis steps .

  5. 中国神话中众多的生命树实际是建木一树的分化。

    Many life trees in the Chinese mythology are in fact split from the jian mu yi shu ;

  6. 古人相信,昆仑和都广之野的建木不但是天地的中心,而且还是连接天地的天梯。

    The ancients believed that the tree named Jianmu from Kunlun and the wild of Duguang was not only the center of universe but also the ladder connecting earth and heaven .

  7. 本文致力于将已有的研究成果应用于实践,提出的木结构简化计算模型和简化分析思路,可以为古建木结构计算和分析提供有益的参考,为古建筑维修与保护提供理论依据。

    This article committed to make research results applied to the practice , made of simplified analysis of simplified calculation model , can be calculated for the wooden ancient buildings and analysis provides a useful reference , providing theoretical basis for the maintenance and protection of ancient buildings .