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  • 网络the Establishment of Xinjiang Province
建省 [jiàn shěng]
  • [provinciate] 给以一个省的地位

  • 海南于1989年建省

  1. 新疆建省,是清朝政府对历代治边政策的重大调整,也是对前期在新疆实施军府制的重大变革。

    The establishment of Xinjiang Province , is the Qing government border policy of the successive major adjustment , but also on the early implementation of Military Administration in Xinjiang , a major change .

  2. 试论西康建省与康区的早期现代化

    The Setting-up of Western Kang Province and Early Modernization in Kang Area

  3. 清代新疆建省后的田赋制度

    The Land-tax System of Xinjiang Province in Qing Dynasty

  4. 刘锦棠与新疆建省

    LIU Jin tang and Establishment of Xinjiang Province

  5. 他在新疆建省期间始终致力于新疆建省事宜。

    He devoted himself to the founding of Xinjiang Province while he was in Xinjiang .

  6. 新疆建省前概况;

    Overview before Xinjiang set up province .

  7. 南京国民政府成立后,非常重视经营西康地区,先于1935年成立了西康建省委员会,积极推进各种经营活动,最终于1939年正式建立西康行省。

    In 1935 , Xikang province preparatory committee was set up and then did Xikang province .

  8. 自1998年建省以来,海南省在政治领域进行了大量的改革。

    Hainan Province has made significant reforms in the political field since the establishment in 1998 .

  9. 西康建省是中国近现代史上的一个重要事件。

    The establishment of Xikang province is a big event in the modern history of China .

  10. 绥远建省对巩固国防和维护国家统一有重要意义。

    Establishing Siouan Province contains important significance in strengthening the national defense and unifying the country .

  11. 青海的商业,在建省之后,逐渐向官僚资本垄断的方向发展。

    Commerce of Qinghai , after building the province , the direction monopolized to the bureaucratic capital gradually is developed .

  12. 海南建省办经济特区20多年来,旅游业逐年发展,成为支柱产业之一。

    Hainan has constructed Special Economic Zone for more than 20 years . Tourism has become one of the pillar industries .

  13. 1988年建省以来,海南经济取得了很大发展,而上市公司在海南经济发展中立下了汗马功劳。

    The economy of Hainan has taken great development since 1988 , especially the list company has made much outstanding contribution .

  14. 同时,通过建省对青海自身的社会发展带来了积极的变化,尤其是对于青海省教育的发展,产生了较大的影响。

    Qinghai got positive changes about social development by the establishment of Qinghai Province , especially have big effect on education development .

  15. 目前,新疆建省的研究成果颇丰,是新疆史研究的重要组成部分。

    At present , the research results of Xinjiang province are quite abundant . That is an important part of Xinjiang history .

  16. 第四部分,论述规复新疆后,通过建省等措施,加强了新疆边防。

    The fourth part , after the elaboration reinstates Xinjiang , through constructs the province the measure , strengthened the Xinjiang border defense .

  17. 这为建省后清政府该地区全面实行郡县制创造了良好的基础。

    This province after the full implementation of the Qing government of prefectures and counties in the region to create a good foundation .

  18. 周三的腿的奥运会火炬接力在东区建省开始,一分钟的默哀之前,亚军一套小康。

    Wednesday 's leg of the Olympic torch relay in eastern Jianxi province began with a minute 's silence before the runners set off .

  19. 同时,以建省为界的两个阶段,经济发展形式、经过、结果产生巨大差异。

    Meanwhile , the province is bounded by the two stages , the form of economic development , through , resulting in a huge difference .

  20. 新疆建省后,又恢复其驻防军功能,直至辛亥革命解甲。

    After Xinjiang was established as province , this battalion resumed its function as defense army and the soldiers were not demobilized till the 1911 Revolution .

  21. 建省后以红钱统一新疆币制,则是全省行政制度统一的必然结果。

    After its establishment , red coins were adopted to unify Xinjiang 's monetary system as an inevitable result of unification in the province-wide executive system .

  22. 1884年,清政府正式在新疆建省,并取故土新归之意改称西域为新疆。

    In 1884 , it formally established a province in the Western Regions and renamed the area as Xinjiang ( meaning old territory returned to the motherland ) .

  23. 赵上任后,从军事、政治、经济、文教等方面进行了大力改革整顿,使川边地区得到了初步治理,为日后西康正式建省奠定了基础。

    Zhao executed vigorous reforms on military affairs , politics , economy , culture and education , etc , thus constitute a solid foundation for the later establishment of Xikang province .

  24. 始于清末成于1939年1月1日的西康建省是我国近代边疆民族地区行政建制史上的重大事件,历经三十余年,经过了中央数次决议,建省过程一波三折,时废时兴。

    The establishment of Xikang Province is regarded as a significant event in the modern history of the administrative system in the border area of China where the ethnic minorities live .

  25. 第一章,主要论述建省前清廷治新政策的形成背景、运作模式及其基本形态。

    The first chapter mainly discussed the background of the reformation , the pattern how the policy was operated and the basic form of the governing policy around Xinjiang province was founded .

  26. 但是,对海南省的环境也不应当过高估计,建省前后的开发过程出现了许多生态和环境问题,例如林业砍伐、橡胶垦殖等。

    However , the environment of the Hainan Island should not be overestimated , because many ecologic and environmental problems have risen from the development processes such as wood felling and rubber planting .

  27. 建省后板块式的多元格局逐步被打破,法律一体化进程有所推进,文化意义上的一体化构建逐渐起步。

    The plate multi-style was broken step by step , the process of integration of multiple law was promoted , the Integration of building on the multiple law from the angle of culture start gradually . 5 .

  28. 作为一部重要的地方性民族法规,《回疆则例》是新疆建省前清朝处理新疆南部民族事务的主要法律依据。

    As an importantly local statute of ethnical groups , The Rules and Regulations of Southern Xinjiang was the main grounds of law for Qing government to deal with ethnical affairs of the southern Xinjiang during the period before Xinjiang province was established .

  29. 本文介绍了判断经济增长方式的一种常用的量化标准,应用索洛增长速度方程,对海南建省以来的农业科技进步贡献率进行了计量分析。

    An ordinary measuring standard how to deduce the economic growth mode is introduced in this thesis firstly , then Solow Increasing Rate Equation is applied to measure and analyze the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress since Hainan province was founded .

  30. 海南建设新兴工业省是有条件的:具有区位和自然资源优势、建省以来基础设施建设超前发展和工业发展加快及体制优势。

    There are favorable conditions to set up Hainan as new developing industry province , such as the regional resource superiority , the supernormal development of the construction for elementary facilities since the founding of the province , the increase in industry development and the well-organized system as well .