首页 / 词典 / good

  • rule;administer;govern;manage
  • stable and peaceful
  • seat of a formerly local government
  • 管理,处理:~理。~家。~丧。~标。~本。~国安邦。自~。统~(a.管理;b.分配)。

  • 整理:~河。~水。

  • 惩办:~罪。处(chǔ)~。

  • 医疗:~病。~疗。医~。

  • 消灭农作物的病虫害:~蝗。~蚜虫。

  • 从事研究:~学。~史。

  • 安定:~世。~安(社会的秩序)。天下大~。

  • 旧称地方政府所在地:府~。~所。

  • 姓。


(治理) rule; administer; govern; manage:

  • 统治

    rule; govern;

  • 治校

    run a school; manage a school;

  • 治国

    administer a country


(医治) treat (a disease); cure; heal:

  • 治好创伤

    heal the wound;

  • 蜂皇精治神经衰弱很有效。

    Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion.

  • 青霉素治好了他的肺炎。

    Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.

  • 医生治好了她的病。

    The doctor straightened out her trouble.


(消灭害虫) wipe out; eliminate:

  • 治蝗

    eliminate locusts;

  • 治蚜虫

    exterminate aphis


(整治) harness (a river); regulate; control:

  • 治淮

    harness the Huai River; tame the Huai River;

  • 治水土流失

    control soil erosion


(惩办) punish:

  • 处治


  • 治死

    punish to death;

  • 大家决定治治他。

    We've decided to teach him a lesson.


(研究) study; research:

  • 治经

    study classics;

  • 专治宋史

    specialize in the history of the Song Dynasty


(安定或太平) stable and peaceful:

  • 治世

    peaceful and prosperous times


(旧称地方政府所在地) seat of a formerly local government:

  • 省治

    provincial capital;

  • 县治

    county seat;

  • 府治

    seat of government


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 治国器

    Zhi Guoqi

  1. 用法治保障人民安居乐业。

    People 's happy life must be guaranteed by the rule of law .

  2. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事

    The Queen of Britain reigns , but she does not rule or govern .

  3. 你最好上床睡觉,把感冒治好。

    You 'd better go to bed and nurse that cold .

  4. 这个会有助于治好割伤和擦伤。

    This will help to heal your cuts and scratches .

  5. 医生,你能把他治好吗?

    Will you be able to cure him , Doctor ?

  6. 医生已给我开了治咳嗽的药吃。

    The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough .

  7. 这顿饭简直是没治了。

    The meal was out of this world .

  8. 那时,希律王统治巴勒斯坦。

    Herod reigned over Palestine at that time .

  9. 柯尔律治在之后的30年里一直抨击理性主义。

    Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism .

  10. 我会以其人之道还治其人之身。

    I will do unto others what they did to me .

  11. 现在医生们确信已经治好了他的病。

    Now doctors believe they have cured him of the disease .

  12. 柯尔律治从孩提时期便养成了广泛阅读的习惯。

    As a child , Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits .

  13. 他需要做手术来治好烦人的背伤。

    He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury

  14. 马上去看病,把花粉过敏引起的打喷嚏治好。

    See your doctor now to beat summer sneezing .

  15. 阿特金森被告知休息是唯一能治好他脚踝伤的办法。

    Atkinson has been told rest is the only cure for his ankle injury .

  16. 手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。

    An operation finally cured his shin injury

  17. 他扭伤的脖子治好了。

    He recovered from a ricked neck .

  18. 那匹马背部受伤后,哈维用他内行的双手把它治好了。

    When the horse suffered a back injury Harvey cured it with his own expert hands

  19. 柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。

    The fullest exposition of Coleridge 's thought can be found in the States-man 's Manual .

  20. 他必须预见到其他律师的策略,并以其人之道还治其人之身,从而打败他们。

    He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game

  21. 几乎是一夜间我就被治好了。

    Almost overnight I was cured

  22. 患者接受了一些针刺疗法,似乎把他的病给治好了。

    The patient had some acupuncture treatment which seems to have cured him .

  23. 据说那种植物可用来治肝炎。

    It is said that the plant can be used to treat hepatitis .

  24. 医生治不好他的咳嗽。

    The doctor failed to cure his cough .

  25. 有病要及早治。

    When you are ill , see the doctor as soon as possible .

  26. 必知乱之所自起,焉能治之。

    You have to know how the trouble arose before you can deal with it .

  27. 医生治好了她的病。

    The doctor straightened out her trouble .

  28. 青霉素治好了他的肺炎。

    Penicillin cured him of pneumonia .

  29. 那次严重的打击把他爱管闲事的毛病彻底治好了。

    That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever .

  30. 他给我开了一剂治感冒的药。

    He gave me a dose of medicine for my cold .