
  • 网络governance mechanism;mechanisms of governance
  1. COE可以在建立和监督治理机制方面发挥重要作用。

    A COE can play an important role in setting up and overseeing governance mechanisms .

  2. 最后针对上述研究结果,提出了加强ST上市公司治理机制、监管机制、规范摘帽机制和加强审计风险识别等建议。

    Finally , the above findings , the ST listed companies to strengthen governance mechanisms , regulatory mechanisms that regulate uncap mechanism and the strengthening of audit risk identification and so on .

  3. 中国全面参与联合国框架内海洋治理机制和相关规则制定与实施,落实海洋可持续发展目标。

    China has fully the goal of sustainable marine development .

  4. 主要的排放污染物有:一氧化碳(CO)、碳氢化合物(HC)及氮氧化合物(NOx);利益相关者共同治理机制研究

    Research of the Stakeholder Co - Governance Mechanism

  5. 本文通过设计一个发股收益与控制权收益不可兼得的治理机制,可以把IPO盈余过度包装的融资行为内生化。

    As a result , the design makes the behavior of excessive earnings management endogenous .

  6. 第二章作为全球治理机制的国际货币基金组织。是从全球治理的角度探讨经济全球化与IMF的关系,即IMF对于全球化进程具有的促进作用。

    The second chapter is named by IMF As a Global Regime , explores the globalization and IMF from the angle of global regime .

  7. CEO更替是董事会做出的最重要决策之一,目前是公司治理机制与治理结构研究的核心课题。

    CEO turnover is one of the most important decisions by board of directors . It is also a core issue in the field of corporate governance .

  8. 以Schmidt对金融体系的定义将金融体系分为金融机构权重、融资结构和公司治理机制三个组成部分,并对欧盟14国的金融体系进行量化,最终以分类指标表示。

    According to Schmidt 's definition , financial system is composed of Financial Sector , Financial Pattern and Corporate Governance . After the numeralization of the national financial systems of 14 EU countries , Category Index is defined as the indicator of national financial systems .

  9. 资本市场是公司外部治理机制的主导力量。

    Capital market is the exterior leading force in corporate governance .

  10. 管理机制由教育管理的统治机制向教育管理的治理机制转变。

    And lastly , of management mechanism from government to governance .

  11. 高科技产业发展与风险投资的治理机制

    High - tech Industry Development and Governance Mechanism of Venture Capital

  12. 第四,加强风险预警,完善风险治理机制。

    Fourth , to strengthen risk pre-warning , integrate government mechanism .

  13. 转型时期中央与地方税权治理机制的国际借鉴研究

    Governance Mechanism of Central and Local Tax Power in Transitional Period

  14. 生态工业园工业共生网络稳定性与政府治理机制

    Biological industry park industry secrete network 's stability and government governance mechanism

  15. 现代企业治理机制下的内部控制制度

    The inside controlling system under the modern enterprise management mechanism

  16. 政治领导与机制设计:导弹扩散治理机制的成长

    Political Leadership and Regime Formation : Outlet of Missile Proliferation Governance Regime

  17. 会计诚信危机治理机制研究

    Study on the Governance Mechanism of the Account in g Credit Crisis

  18. 银行介入公司治理机制研究

    A Research on Mechanism of Banks Involving in Corporate Governance

  19. 利益冲突与企业治理机制的整合&与宋胜洲、傅彬商榷

    The Conflicts of Interest and Integration of Corporate Governance Mechanism

  20. 可转换债券在风险投资企业中的治理机制分析

    The Analysis of Convertible Bond 's Management Mechanism in Venture Investment Enterprise

  21. 论我国行政垄断的本质、形成原因和治理机制

    On Nature , Origin and Regulating System of China 's Administrative Monopoly

  22. 公司治理机制选择的权变性分析

    The Selection of Corporate Governance Mechanism : A Contingency Analysis

  23. 中国上市公司各种治理机制的相关性和有效性研究

    Study on Relativity and Effectiveness of Governance Mechanism on Chinese Listed Companies

  24. 论债权治理机制及其在我国的实践

    Analysis of Creditor Governance and Its ′ Practice in China

  25. 公司治理机制与效率分析

    An Analysis on the Mechanism and Efficiency of Corporate Governance

  26. 能力论视角的组织一体化及其治理机制

    Organizational Integration and Its Governance Mechanism from the Competence - based Perspective

  27. 论国有商业银行治理机制的改革:以中间业务为例

    The Governance Mechanism Reform of State - owned Commercial Banks

  28. 那么我国国有上市公司的公司治理机制又是什么样呢?

    Then what are the corporate governance mechanisms of China state-owned listed company ?

  29. 国外商业银行治理机制研究

    Research on the Administer Mechanism of Foreign Commerial Bank

  30. 经济转轨中的市场治理机制建立与市场秩序完善

    Establishment of Market Governance Mechanism and Improvement of Market Order in Economic Transition