
zhì yù
  • cure;healing;physic;recurred;mend;clear up
治愈 [zhì yù]
  • [mend] 使恢复健康

  • 在骨折完全治愈之前不要上班

治愈[zhì yù]
  1. 这种病尚没有确切的治愈方法,但可以医治。

    There is no known cure but the illness can be treated .

  2. 现在有望治愈了。

    There is now hope of a cure .

  3. 她的病还有一点点希望可以治愈。

    There is still a faint hope that she may be cured .

  4. 大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。

    Most skin cancers are completely curable .

  5. 短期内迅速治愈英国经济顽症的灵丹妙药并不存在。

    There is no easy short-term solution to Britain 's chronic economic malaise

  6. 她的癌症只能控制,无法治愈。

    Her cancer can only be controlled , not cured .

  7. 联合化疗是一种有望治愈全世界所有麻风病患者的有效治疗方法。

    MDT is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide

  8. 这两种药物都可以延缓艾滋病病情发展,但是都不能治愈这种疾病。

    Both drugs slow the progression of HIV , but neither cures the disease

  9. 在电影中伯顿对弗思进行了精神分析,想要治愈他的抑郁症。

    The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression .

  10. 如果及早发现,大多数皮肤癌都是完全可以治愈的。

    Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages .

  11. 针灸等疗法确实有效,已经治愈了很多人。

    Therapies like acupuncture do work and many people have been healed by them .

  12. 从来没有哪个医生能治愈骨折,他们只是让骨头复位。

    No doctor has ever healed a broken bone : he or she sets them

  13. 很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。

    Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna 's intercessions .

  14. 他仅仅治疗有把握治愈的病人,以使自己免于失败。

    He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure

  15. 根据去年夏天公布的一项研究,心脏病在某些情况下是可以治愈的。

    Heart disease is reversible in some cases , according to a study published last summer .

  16. 如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。

    If the cancer returns , radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases .

  17. 一位言语矫治师治愈了他的口吃。

    A speech-therapist cured his stammer .

  18. 别指望立即治愈。

    Don 't expect an instant cure

  19. 这是一种可治愈的疾病。

    This is a treatable condition

  20. 抑郁症是可以治愈的。

    Depression is treatable .

  21. 找到一种治愈方法的希望——就如同永远够不到的一桶黄金——往往让理智的人们做出不理智的事情。

    The promise of a cure — the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — often makes sensible people do irrational things .

  22. 近来的一些进展即使不能提供治愈的希望,也至少有望研制出来某种药物来阻止病毒的传播。

    A number of recent advances hold out if not the hope of a cure , then at least the possibility of some drug which could stop the spread of the virus

  23. 现在有许多种癌症可以治愈。

    A lot of cancers can now be cured .

  24. 现在没有办法治愈这种疾病。

    There is no way to cure this disease .

  25. 时光的流逝治愈了他的悲哀。

    Time cured him of his grief .

  26. 可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。

    I suffer a malady that no balm can cure !

  27. 医生不能保证治愈。

    The doctor can 't guarantee a cure .

  28. 她的病似乎是治愈了。

    Her illness appeared to be cured .

  29. 医学的发达,使很多所谓痼疾都能治愈。

    Advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called incurable diseases .

  30. 她已经服过许多不同的药,但没有一种药能治愈这种病。

    She has taken a lot of different medicines , but none has cured the disease .