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  1. 沙棘是治理黄河中游严重水土流失区的优良树种,它适生于年降雨量500mm以上的区域。

    The H.rhamnoides is one of the best plant species for controlling soil erosion in severely eroded areas , where annual precipitation is over 500 mm .

  2. 引海水冲刷河口治理黄河下游

    Diverting Seawater to Scour the Estuary and to Regulate the Lower Yellow River

  3. 治理黄河是林则徐政治生涯中极其重要的政绩。

    Governing the Huanghe River was an important activity in Lin Zexu 's political career .

  4. 治理黄河三角洲海岸蚀退的生物措施&米草生态防护工程

    An useful biological management on coastal protection in Yellow River delta : ecological engineering with Spartina

  5. 清代综合治理黄河下游水患的系统科学思想

    Thought of system science on integrated control of flood disasters in the lower Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty

  6. 长江口拦门沙航道的治理黄河河口拦门沙发育动态

    Channel Regulation at the Entrance Bar of Yangtze Estuary DYNAMIC STATE OF THE BAR AT THE YELLOW RIVER MOUTH

  7. 治理黄河本身体现了周馥重视农业的思想。

    The idea of his harnessing of the river embodied Zhou Fu 's concept of attaching great importance to agriculture .

  8. 寺坪水电枢纽溢洪道泄槽底板的修复治理黄河的关键工程&小浪底水利枢纽

    Restoration of damaged base-slab of spillway chute of Siping Hydroproject A Crucial Project for Harnessing the Yellow River : Xiaolangdi Multi-purpose Dam Project

  9. 黄河小北干流放淤是治理黄河泥沙的重要战略措施,引水口布置是自流放淤实现淤粗排细的关键措施之一。

    The layout of intakes is one of the key measures to achieve the purpose of silting the coarse and desilting the fine sediment .

  10. 同时还兴利除弊,大胆进行改革,探索治理黄河的新途径、新方法,因而取得了积极的治理成效。

    Meanwhile he carried out reforms and explored new ways and methods of governing the Huanghe River , and thus good results were achieved .

  11. 第五部分,论述清初经过种种努力,治理黄河所取得的重大成就和由于社会条件限制等原因,治理黄河的经验教训。

    The fifth part is relating the important achievements after various efforts , and the regrets and shortages because of the limiting by social conditions etc.

  12. 宽河固堤,窄河弱防治理黄河下游宽河道

    Harnessing the Wide Channel of the Lower Yellow River by a General Plan of " Consolidating Embankments at Wide Sections and Less Protection at Narrow Sections "

  13. 如何评价黄土高原自然侵蚀与人为加速侵蚀作用,恢复与重建植被的可能性和必要性等是近年来治理黄河的热点问题。

    There have been many arguments on how to evaluate the natural erosion and man_made accelerated erosion , the possibility to recover and rebuild vegetation on loess plateau .

  14. 王景治理黄河和黄河下游大量湖泊沼泽的存在大大提高了黄河下游地区的防洪能力。

    Greatly improve the prevent flood ability because of the control engineerings of Yellow River and there are lots of lake and swampy in the lower reaches of Yellow River .

  15. 第四部分,论述清初探寻河源的努力以及治理黄河方略的进一步发展。

    The fourth part is relating the effort of exploring the head of the River in KangXi period , and analyzing the further development in thought of managing the River .

  16. 过去治理黄河的首要问题是治理黄河泥沙,尤其是中游地区的来沙。

    In the past , to harness the Yellow River , the first issue should be managing the river sediment , especially the river sediment from the middle reaches should be decreased as much as possible .

  17. 对清代防汛、抢险、堵决、浚河等方面以水治水的科学治河策略与方法加以钩稽与总结,目的是为当今治理黄河提供借鉴与启迪

    Aiming at providing the enlightenment to the control of the Yellow River , the strategies and methods for controlling water by water in flood prevention , emergency service , blocking-up or dredging river in a scientific way in the Qing dynasty are summarized

  18. 进而根据多年的科学研究,提出了21世纪治理开发黄河的战略措施;

    Considering researches of many years , strategic measures for improving and developing the Yellow River in 21 century are proposed .

  19. 黄河中游多沙粗沙区治理对黄河水资源的影响

    Influence of Control of Major Source Area of the Coarse Sediment in the Middle Yellow River to Water Resources of the Yellow River

  20. 沙漠化治理是黄河综合整治、高原湿地保护和牧区可持续发展的需要。

    Control of desertification is a must for the comprehensive control of river and plateau wetland and the sustainable development of pasturing area .

  21. 渭河流域近期重点治理规划是黄河水利委员会针对渭河流域现状存在问题提出的近期(2010年)综合规划。

    Considering certain existing problems in the Weihe River drainage area , a short-period programme has been lunched by the Water Conservancy Committee of Shanxi Province as a general plan for recent years ( till 2010 ) .

  22. 冲积扇-三角洲系统自组织行为与治理对策&以黄河下游及其河口地区为例

    Self-organizing behaviours of alluvial fan-delta system and management countermeasure , with examples from the lower Yellow River and its estuary

  23. 三峡工程建成后上荆江河道演变趋势及治理绍兴城防、黄河大堤、荆江大堤建管经验的考察报告

    Preliminary research on river channel evolution and comprehensive regulation of the upper reach of the Jingjiang River after completion of TGP Inspection report of the experience of construction and management on Shaoxing Urban Flood Control Project , Huanghe Grand Dyke and Jingjiang Grand Dyke

  24. 分析了黄河下游治理存在的问题、需求和主要治理目标,提出黄河下游近期的治理对策为:①宽堤固河、高滩深槽;

    The paper analyzes the existing problems , demands and main objectives of the management of the lower Yellow River and puts forward the following countermeasures for short-term management of the lower Yellow River : ① Stabilizing river by wide embankments and high floodplain and deep channel ;