
bà chù
  • to oust;dismiss from office;reject;ban
罢黜 [bà chù]
  • (1) [belittle and reject]∶贬低并排斥

  • 孝武初立,卓然罢黜百家,表章六经。--《汉书.武帝纪赞》

  • (2) 即汉武帝建元元年(公元前140年)儒学大师董仲舒在上汉武帝的天人三策中,提出凡诸不在六艺之科,孔子之术者,皆绝其道,勿使并进,建议以儒家思想作封建国家的统治思想,这就历史上所指的罢黜百家,独尊儒术。这个建议得到汉武帝的采纳,开始在长安设太学,专讲儒家经典《诗》、《书》、《易》、《礼》、《春秋》等,起用大批儒生作官,从此儒家思想逐渐成为封建社会的正统思想

  • (3) [dismiss from office]∶免除[官职]

罢黜[bà chù]
  1. 国会有权罢黜总统。

    Congress has the right to remove the President from office .

  2. 最近,罢黜首席执行官在通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)已成为一桩司空见惯的事。过去两年间,已有两位在任者被替换下台。

    Pushing out CEOs at General Motors has become routine lately , with two incumbents having been displaced in the past two ears .

  3. 菲利普爵士和霍林格国际(HollingerInternational)董事长布莱克勋爵(LordBlack)已被赶下台,被罢黜的速度比任何政客都要快。

    Sir Philip and Lord Black , the head of Hollinger International , have been thrown out more quickly than any politician would have been .

  4. 7月初埃及军方罢黜总统穆罕默德穆尔西(MohamedMorsi)后,油价强劲上扬。

    Oil prices rallied strongly in early July when the military ousted Mohamed Morsi as president .

  5. Twitter上的一幅漫画嘲讽天然气储量丰富的卡塔尔,漫画中,被罢黜的穆尔西在众人向他扔鞋之际,狼狈跑向卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)航班。

    The gas-rich emirate is pilloried on Twitter in a caricature showing the deposed Mr Morsi scurrying towards a Qatar Airways flight under a fusillade of shoes .

  6. 去年12月,古驰(Gucci)创意总监弗里达贾娜妮(FridaGiannini)遭罢黜,从而引发开云集团旗下这家知名大品牌的大换血。

    In December , it was all change at Kering 's flagship Gucci when creative director Frida Giannini was ousted .

  7. 洪都拉斯被罢黜总统ManuelZelaya昨日设法回国,被临时政府勒令不准其在首都机场着陆。

    In Honduras , the ousted President Manuel Zelaya is vowing to try to return home after the interim government refused to let his plane land in Tegucigalpa yesterday .

  8. 愤怒的人民想要罢黜国王。

    The angry citizens wanted the king to be deposed .

  9. 被罢黜的领导人目前流亡邻国。

    The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country .

  10. 现在一位联盟领导人正试图鼓动大家罢黜这项法律。

    One union leader has now proposed a general strike to stop it .

  11. 埃及被罢黜的伊斯兰总统穆哈默德·穆尔西面临第三起审判。

    Egypt 's ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi is facing a third criminal trial .

  12. 你说过,有四分之一人,曾经要想罢黜我吗?

    One in four , you said , wanted to get rid of me ?

  13. 前任总统已于10月被罢黜。

    The previous president was ousted in October .

  14. 被罢黜总统阿尔法·孔戴的政党代表团出席了在科纳克里举行的会议。

    A delegation from the party of ousted President Alpha Conde attended the meeting in Conakry .

  15. 今天,开罗重审被罢黜的埃及前总统穆巴拉克,庭审开始不久后便马上结束。

    In Cairo the retrial of the deposed Egyptian President Mubarak ended shortly after it began today .

  16. 自从登上权力顶峰,她小心地罢黜了每一个潜在的挑战者。

    Since she got to the top , she has carefully removed every potential challenger from office .

  17. 该组织说目前正在考虑采取军事行动罢黜巴博,如果他不放弃权力的话。

    That group says it is considering military action to remove Gbagbo if he does not yield power .

  18. 上个世纪末,他们曾是一个国家,后来酋长被族人罢黜了。

    At the end of last century , there was a nation whose chieftain was deposed by his people .

  19. 洪都拉斯被罢黜的总统梅内尔·塞拉亚敦促奥巴马采取更多的行动帮助他复位。

    Manuel Zelaya , Honduras 's ousted president , urged Mr Obama to do more to restore him to power .

  20. 利比亚出现了相互矛盾的报告,是关于被罢黜领导人卡扎菲其中一个儿子的命运。

    There are conflicting reports in Libya about the fate of one of ousted leader Col Muammar Gaddafi 's sons .

  21. 非洲联盟最终承认了全国过渡委员会为利比亚的合法政权,这是被罢黜的领导人卡扎菲受到的又一打击。

    The African Union has finally recognized Libya 's National Transitional Council , dealing another blow to ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi .

  22. 试图罢黜卡扎菲,结束其40年执政的利比亚反对派武装,即将前往中国寻求支持。

    Libyan opposition forces trying to oust Moammar Gadhafi from his four decades in power are heading to China to seek support .

  23. 利比亚过渡当局的部队表示,他们包围了仍然效忠被罢黜的领导人卡扎菲的部队所控制的关键地区。

    Fighters for Libya 's provisional authorities say they have surrounded key areas still held by forces loyal to ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi .

  24. 波罗申科表示,大多数现议员都是被罢黜的总统维克多·亚努科维奇和乌克兰东部分离势力的支持者。

    Poroshenko says many of the current MPs are backers of both ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and the separatists in the east of the country .

  25. 她先是罢黜她然后又将其斩首,就像她害怕埃塞克斯伯爵,会以同样的方式罢免,她自己女王的封号并将自己斩首一样。

    She has deposed and beheaded her , ultimately , in just the way that she fears the Earl of Essex will depose and behead her .

  26. 对公司收到的应收款项及索偿与要求款项出具收据,并予以罢黜及进行其他解除。

    To make and give receipts , releases and other discharges for moneys payable to the Company , and for claims and demands of the Company .

  27. 这是的黎波里的一个晚上,全新重开的沙巴比亚电台正在播出一个关于最近罢黜了利比亚领导人卡扎菲的反对派的节目。

    It is evening in Tripoli and newly re-opened Radio Shababiya is broadcasting a show about the rebels who recently ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi from power .

  28. 1994年在担任美国总统时,他派兵帮助被军事政变罢黜的海地民选总统阿里斯蒂德恢复总统职位。克林顿说:

    And as president in 1994 , he sent U.S. troops there to restore democratically elected president Jean-Bertrand Aristide , who had been ousted in a military coup .

  29. 然而,在当前的孔子热中,并不包含那些不合时宜的儒家学说,如鼓励为政直言,主张士大夫有责任批评甚至罢黜昏君等。

    Absent in the current craze , however , are the more inconvenient Confucian teachings that sanction political dissent and the duty of intellectuals to criticise or even oust bad rulers .

  30. 效忠利比亚被罢黜领导人卡扎菲的战斗人员星期天继续保卫他们在班尼瓦里和苏尔特的据点,而他们的前反叛对手还在努力取得进展。

    Fighters loyal to Libya 's ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi continued Sunday to defend their strongholds of Bani Walid and Sirte , as their former rebel opponents struggle to gain ground .