
  • 网络treatment;intervention
  1. 应当将少年教养人员实施分类处遇。

    It shall carry out classification treatment of juvenile offenders .

  2. 日本受刑人处遇理念的变迁及今后的展望

    Transition of the Notion of Prisoners ' Treatment in Japan and Future Prospects

  3. 其次主要介绍了行刑处遇制度在实践中的执行情况。

    Secondly , this paper mainly introduces its implementation in practice .

  4. 社区矫正中适用累进处遇制的构想

    On Applying the System of Progressive Treatment in Community Service

  5. 逮捕与羁押分离,改善被羁押者处遇;

    Separate arrest from detain and improve treatment of the detain ees ;

  6. 累进处遇居于行刑社会化中心地位。

    Progressive treatment is the core of execution socialization .

  7. 在司法方面,我国未成年人犯罪非刑罚处遇机制也同样存在一些问题。

    In judicature , the non-penalization punishment also has a lot of problems .

  8. 少年犯处遇非监禁化研究

    Research on the Deinstitutionalization of Treatments on Juvenile Offenders

  9. 我国违法少年的处遇方式及其反思

    China 's treatment of juvenile offenders and its reflection

  10. 累犯制度由两部分构成:一是累犯构成条件,二是累犯处遇原则。本部分从微观入手,具体分析了普通累犯和特殊累犯的构成条件。

    Part two , entitled by Research on the Constitution of Recidivism Provisions .

  11. 试论劳动教养的开放式处遇制度

    Tentative Discussion on the Open Treatment System of Reeducation-through-labour

  12. 然后,论述我国犯罪未成年人处遇制度中的现状。

    Then , it describes the current situation of treatment system in our country .

  13. 我国监狱实行开放式处遇制度的理性思考

    On rational consideration of the prison carrying out the opening management system in our country

  14. 无刑事责任能力精神病人的司法处遇预防犯罪和刑事司法司

    Judicial Penalties to the Criminal Incapacity of Psychosis ; Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Division

  15. 保护处分属于帮助受处分人的受益性强制措施,是一种对于少年有利的处遇,其主要功能在于避免和替代传统刑罚。

    Protective treatment is beneficial coercive measures whose main function is to avoid and replace traditional penalties .

  16. 因而,假释是理想的联接监狱、罪犯和社会的阶段性处遇制度。

    Thus , the parole is an ideal link prison , offenders and community stage treatment system .

  17. 在复归阶段处遇制度中,介绍了我国对服刑完毕犯罪未成年人的安置帮教工作及现实中存在着的对有犯罪前科记录的未成年人保护不够的问题。

    In the reverting of treatment system , from the system of assistance and criminal record of our country .

  18. 社区矫正是一种人道、高效、经济的罪犯处遇制度,被各国学者普遍认为代表着犯罪矫正的未来走向。

    Community correction is a kind of target-oriented management and has become an international developing trend of criminal system .

  19. 罪犯计分考核是监狱对服刑罪犯进行管理、教育的一项重要制度和措施,考核分是罪犯奖惩、处遇、减刑、假释的重要依据。

    Checking the prisoners with scores is an important measure and system which the prisons manage and educate the prisoners .

  20. 各国和各地区经过长期的实践和发展,形成了各具特色的少年非刑罚处遇制度。

    Through long-term practice and development , countries have formed various non-penalty system for juvenile offenders with their own features .

  21. 本文从客观环境、犯罪主体和犯罪处遇三个层面进行反复比较。

    In this paper , the objective environment , crime and crime at the event three main levels of repeated comparisons .

  22. 社区矫正制度代表着罪犯处遇的未来方向,已被世界各国广泛使用。

    The point of community correction system which stands for the future of criminal treatment has been used widely in the world .

  23. 相应地少年非刑罚处遇制度的适用范围,既包括少年触犯刑法的行为,也包括少年的严重不良行为。

    Correspondingly , the applicable scope of the youth non-penalty system shall include the behaviors of offending the criminal law and serious misdeeds .

  24. 少年非刑罚处遇制度作为一种针对少年违法犯罪进行特殊处理的制度,早已在世界上广泛适用。

    As a special system handling juvenile delinquency , the non-penalty system for juvenile offenders has been widely used all over the world .

  25. 而且在一批法律专家的努力下对行刑处遇制度加以吸收改造使其具有了自己的特色。

    And in the period many legal experts effort to absorb and change the treatment of jail system and make its own characteristics .

  26. 在非监禁化处遇方面,越轨少年以非监禁的状态参与正规刑事程序。

    In the case of the treatment of the non-imprisonment , the delinquent juvenile participate in the formal criminal proceedings with the non-custodial status .

  27. 刑事政策是国家和社会针对一切已经发生的危害社会的行为所组织的一系列的被动的人道处遇措施。

    Criminal policy is the passive and humane treatment to the all acts that harms the society , which is organized by state and society .

  28. 论中国社区服刑人员的处遇措施及其完善若你自己不动手,没有人会改善你的际遇。

    On Treatment Measures of Offenders in the Community in China and Their Improvement ; None will improve your lot , if you yourselves do not .

  29. 改革违法少年的处遇方式,将其纳入少年司法的范畴,成为今后我国完善少年法的重大课题之一。

    Reforming the treatment of juvenile offenders and adopting them into the areas of juvenile justice become a major issue for China to perfect juvenile law .

  30. 我国历来重视对犯罪未成年人的保护,但是离我国所签署的有关犯罪未成年人处遇的国际条约的要求,还有不小的差距。

    Our country historically pays attention to the protection of criminal minor , but still far from the requirement of the International treaty which our country signs .