
  1. 该法用等效磁场的概念来近似处理网前径向电场,本文指出这一概念不适用于具有强准直透镜的现代摄象管,提出用Runge&Kutta法解复合场中电子轨迹的方法来代替。

    However , the concept of equivalent magnetic field as introduced in that method is not applicable to the modern camera tube which contains strong collimating lens . It is suggested to use Runge-Kutta methods for electron-ray tracing in the combined fields .

  2. BOT及BT水处理厂网特许共建价格模型研究

    BOT model with BT build a water treatment plant network license pricing model

  3. 第三章是本文的重点,分别从GIS技术的数据管理、信息可视化能力、空间分析方面来处理公路网交通系统评价问题。

    Chapter III is the focus of this paper , from GIS technology data management , information visualization capabilities , analysis of space transportation systems to deal with road network evaluation .

  4. 那家商店降价处理一些网球拍。

    The store has some tennis rackets going cheap .

  5. 同时引进世界先进多功位成型机,大型热处理连续网带炉。

    Meanwhile , we have introduced world-class advanced molding machine , large-sized heat treatment continuous mesh belt furnace .

  6. 为了处理配电网辐射性结构的约束条件,引入了图论中的最小生成树问题。

    Distribution network is subjected to radiation structure , and in order to deal with this constraint , the theory of minimum spanning tree is introduced .

  7. 对于政务网络信息安全的研究,目前的重点主要放在设防上面,许多安全产品、安全技术多以安全防御为主,但仅仅从这个角度去处理政务网的安全问题还有一定的局限性。

    Currently , researches on security of e-government network mainly focus on the defense work with the security equipments and techniques aiming at security defense , which is not effective enough .

  8. 杀菌机网带特点:此网带由金属丝弯钩穿进Φ5-10串轴及钢板组合制成,制作材料都经过热处理,网面平整结构牢固,不易变形。

    Features : This belt by a wire hook to wear into the shaft and Φ 5-10 strings made of steel combined production of materials are heat-treated , flat surface structure of solid , not easily deformed .

  9. 基于图像处理的接触网检测系统研究与改进

    Study and Improvement on the OCS Inspection System Based on Image Processing

  10. 语义信息处理及神经网模型

    Semantic Information Processing and Model of Neural Network

  11. 并行处理在通信网仿真中的应用

    Parallel processing in the simulation of communication networks

  12. 粉喷桩处理滨湖水网地区软基技术应用

    The application research of cement powder spray pile technique deal with softground in lakeside region

  13. 处理水准自由网平差基准变化的新方法

    A New Method of Dealing with the Reference Change of the Free Level Net Adjustment

  14. 这是中国水处理二氧化氯专业网,我们欢迎您的到来。

    This is China water treatment chlorine dioxide website , welcome you to come here .

  15. 探讨了经过化学镀处理的伪装网基体表面的吸波机理;

    This Paper discusses the principle of microwave absorption for the surface of camouflage web using electroless plating .

  16. 另外,改进了前代后代法潮流算法使之能处理弱环网和变压器支路。

    Moreover , the forward / backward sweep method is improved to deal with the weekly looped system and transformer branch .

  17. 对镉处理后内质网形态改变的机理,及其可能的细胞效应,进行了讨论。

    The mechanism responsible for the morphological change of the endoplasmic reticulum after cadmium treatment and the possible toxicologic effect were discussed .

  18. 本文在分析国内外接触网动态检测技术发展现状的基础上,充分考虑接触网检测工程应用实际,对基于图像处理的接触网实时动态检测技术做了一定研究。

    This paper analyzes the development status and practical engineering applications of catenary dynamic detection technologies , and then studies real-time status detection technique based on image process .

  19. 网隔处理中尼龙网减缓了玉米根系对线辣椒根系营养的直接竞争,同时玉米根系根际效应使其根际、非根际土壤养分含量在所有处理中最高。

    The soil nutrient content in MCRM was highest one as a result of nylon mesh slowed down the nutrient directly competition of maize root to capsicum root and maize root exudate and rhizospheric effects at the same time .

  20. 介绍了桩网复合地基新技术在软土路基中的实践,详细分析了针对深厚软粘土地基处理的桩网复合地基技术的施工方案,施工工艺及其在施工中的注意事项。

    In this article , authors introduce application of the new pile-network compound foundation technology , and analyze construction plan , construction method and matters need attention in construction of the pile-network compound foundation technology for deep and thick soft clay foundation treatment .

  21. 叙述了用卡尔曼滤波方法处理GPS变形监测网的方法。

    The Kalman Filter for GPS deformation monitoring network has been discussed .

  22. 根据GPS实验网的观测及数据处理,对GPS网中的短基线边观测时间提出了结论及注意事项。

    According to the observation and data processing of GPS test network , the observation time and some attentions of short baseline is developed in GPS network .

  23. 在可能跨越多个IP子网的网络中,您可能希望限制哪些服务器负责处理针对特定子网的查询,以允许在多个服务器之间分配负载。

    In a network that may span multiple IP subnets , you may want to limit which servers are responsible for handling queries to a specific subnet to allow for the load to be spread among multiple servers .

  24. 统一处理了福建GPS网1995~2003年期间5期的观测资料,采用两个平差方案获得了两组站速度结果,两组结果具有很好的一致性。

    We have uniformly processed 5 periods of observed data ( 1995-2003 ) from Fujian GPS network . Two sets of site velocities are obtained by two adjustment schemes and both sets are well consistent with each other .

  25. 在GPS数据处理、工程控制网平差、形变观测分析、大地测量反演等测量数据处理领域,系统的病态性问题是常见的,并且病态性的危害作用非常严重。

    Generally , the ill-conditioning problem not only exists in global positioning system ( GPS ) data processing , surveying adjustment , observation deformation analysis and Geodesy inversion , etc , but also its ill effects are very serious .

  26. 本文主要研究基于星上处理的卫星ATM网的ABR流量控制,它通过对流量的长时预测来达到控制目的。

    This paper focuses on the ABR ( Available bit rate ) congestion control algorithm in the satellite ATM network based on onboard processing , which is implemented by using the traffic prediction .

  27. 本文讨论了GPS数据库的结构、数据流程和数据库管理信息系统的设计功能。给出了管理信息系统的结构图,数据库与预数据处理软件和基线网平差软件的数据接口。

    The paper presents an introduction of the system 's GPS database structure , data flowchart , design function , structure diagram and database , as well as the data preprocessing software , and the data interface for the baseline adjustment network software .

  28. 我们以处理后的铜网为基底,成功地制备了致密的Cu-BTC膜。

    We have successfully prepared a dense Cu-BTC membrane using a copper mesh after treatment as the base .

  29. 氧化处理后的铜网不仅对表面进行了修饰,又提供了二价金属铜,为Cu-BTC晶体的生长提供了一个双铜源的环境。

    The copper mesh treated with oxidation is not only a modification both on the surface , but also provides a divalent copper , leading to a double copper source environment for the growth of Cu-BTC crystals .

  30. 谈话内容经过加密处理,而且在网内是免费的。

    The conversation is encrypted and , while in the network , free of charge .