
  • 网络handling;treatability;Disposal;disposability
  1. 基于废水可处理性的典型制革工艺的环境影响评价

    Environmental Impact Evaluation of Typical Processes in Leather Manufacture Based on Wastewater Treatability

  2. 该模型特别适用于处理突发性高速数据流,也适用于Reactive系统设计。

    ECDF model is also suited for the Reactive systems design , and high-speed burst-data flow processing especially .

  3. 为了确定MMT上的相互作用位点,实验将MMT进行了热处理改性,制备了脱羟基MMT。

    The modified MMT ( dehydroxylated MMT ) was prepared to ascertain the interactive sites on MMT .

  4. 模糊推理能有效地处理模糊性和不确定性问题,而专家系统具有很强的逻辑推理和问题综合的能力,两者结合能有效解决AUV的自救问题。

    Fuzzy inference can solve the uncertainty and fuzzy problem effectively . Expert system has the logical inference and synthesizes problems capability .

  5. 碱处理改性PVDF-HFP聚合物电解质膜

    Preparation of Modified PVDF-HFP Polymer Electrolyte Membrane with Alkaline Treatment

  6. 本文的实验研究结果验证了本文中关于超声处理改性PDMS材料机理的讨论结果,表明超声作用可以提高PDMS材料的浸润性,为PDMS改性提出了一种新的思路和方法。

    The results show that ultrasonic treatment can significantly improve the PDMS ' surface wettability . This paper provides a promising new method to the surface modification of PDMS material .

  7. 在Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金中加入0.2%的混合稀土可提高强度和塑性,提高时效强化效果,改善热处理工艺性和耐蚀性。

    Adding 0.2 % mixed rare earths to Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy can enhance strength and plasticity , increase the ageing strengthening effect , and improve corrosion resistance and heat treatable performance of the alloy .

  8. 在粗糙集理论与其它处理模糊性或不确定性方法之间关系的研究中,主要讨论它与模糊集理论、Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据理论、概率论和信息论等的关系和互补。

    In the study of relations between rough set theory and other methods to proceed ambiguity and uncertainty , we mainly discuss the relation and complementarity with fuzzy theory , Dempster-Shafer theory , probability theory and information theory .

  9. 将其应用于实现归属位置寄存器(HLR)移动应用部分时,该方案在有效地保证事务处理完整性的基础上,使用户数据的一致性和完整性得到保证。

    When the mobile application part of a home location register ( MAP HLR ) is realized , the scheme effectively guarantees the transaction integrity , the consistence and integrity of the subscriber 's data .

  10. 白口铸铁磨球的热处理改性研究

    Study on Heat Treatment Modification for Grinding Balls of white cast Iron

  11. 结论喉外伤临床处理专业性较强;

    Conclusion Clinical treatment of laryngeal trauma is professional .

  12. 主要工作是处理日常性事务工作。

    The main task is to handle routine business .

  13. SA335/P91钢管的焊接和热处理工艺性分析

    Analysis of Welding and Heat Treatment Process of SA335 / P91 Steel Pipe

  14. 织物处理用水性聚氨酯涂层的研制

    Preparation of Aqueous Polyurethane Coating for Fabric Treatment

  15. 湿热处理改性淀粉的研究进展

    Research Progress in Starch Modification by Heat-Moisture Treatment

  16. 碎石桩处理砂性土和粘性土的机理探讨

    The Ground Treatment Mechanism of Gravel Piles Acting on Sandy Soil and Clayey Soil

  17. 它执行一种消息传递规程并提供方便的语法来处理并发性问题。

    It enforces a message-passing discipline and provides convenient syntax for handling concurrency problems .

  18. 房屋建筑材(木窗)防腐处理应用性试验(初报)&药剂和处理方法

    Applied test of building timber ( window ) treated with preservatives & preservatives and methods

  19. 上流式渣油加氢处理保护性催化剂的预硫化

    Pre-sulfurization of Up-flow Residue Hydrotreating Guard Catalyst

  20. 处理一致性是设计服务接口面临的巨大挑战之一。

    Dealing with the inconsistencies is one of the great challenges of designing service interfaces .

  21. 等离子体处理改性玻璃纤维表面

    The plasma treatment of the glass fibres

  22. 核废料深埋处理安全性分析的热-水-力耦合模型新进展

    New advance in mathematical models of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes for safety analysis of radioactive waste repositories

  23. 庆阳城市污水的高负荷生物吸附再生法处理生产性试验

    Full scale test on treatment of municipal wastewater by high-loading biosorption regeneration process in Qingyang City

  24. 该模型能综合考虑诸多因素,有效处理安全性分析中的不确定知识。

    This model takes into account many related elements comprehensively , and processes uncertain knowledge in uncertainty reasoning effectively .

  25. 这个模型用于构造处理模糊性和不确定性决策问题的单目标决策专家系统。

    The model is suitable for establishing the expert systems that dispose the single-target decision problems with uncertainty and fuzziness .

  26. 结果表明,此方法具有足够的工程精度,可以用来更精确地处理塑性加工问题。

    It is shown that this method is available with engineering accuracy and can be used to solve plastic forming problems more accurately .

  27. 为了节省机时和减少数据输入,文中还提出了一种能更简便、直观地处理周期性对称约束的直接伪单元,并采用了自动网格划分等技术。

    A direct pseudo-element capable of conveniently handling the periodical symmetrical constraint is proposed , and the method of mesh generation is adopted .

  28. 目的:探讨如何处理持续性枕后位,以尽可能减少母儿并发症。

    Objective To study the treatment of persistent occipito posterior position ( POPP ) and to reduce the complication of mothers and fetuses .

  29. 为了维护这种持久性,应用程序组件必须能够处理并发性、连接管理、数据完整性和同步。

    To maintain this type of persistence , application components must be capable of handling concurrency , connection management , data integrity , and synchronization .

  30. 项目子工作区会像沙箱区域那样使用,以支持团队处理原始性的结果,而不用影响发布的版本。

    The project child Workspaces are used like sandbox areas , to enable teams to work against the original architecture without affecting the released version .