
  • 网络Free length
  1. 体外预应力结构中体外束的合理自由长度的初步研究

    Tentative Research on Rational Free Length of External Beam in Externally Prestressed Structures

  2. 有自由长度桩横向振动的固有频率与地基抗力系数的关系

    The Relationship Between the Natural Frequency of the Transverse Vibration of the Pile with Free Length and the Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction

  3. 钢桁桥主桁架压杆自由长度研究

    The effective length for compressing bars of truss bridge girders

  4. 锚杆自由长度在三峡船闸锚杆设计分析中的应用

    Application on Free Anchorage Length to Rod Design of Three Gorges Ship Lock

  5. 桩自由长度对高桩承台桥墩地震反应的影响

    Seismic Response Influence of Pier with Elevated Pile Foundation Due to the Unconstrained Length

  6. 本文例举了一座钢斜拉桥塔柱、主梁自由长度及其稳定性的计算。

    Finally , the calculation of the effective length of the tower and main girder for a certain steel cable-stayed bridge is illustrated .

  7. 结合三峡船闸衬砌式闸墙的设计研究工作,提出了采用具有自由长度的锚固新方案。

    On the research and design of the large liner-type lock wall of Three Gorges Project , a new anchorage scheme is proposed .

  8. 结果表明,初始后屈曲过程中的桩身平衡分枝点具有对称性,但是否稳定则取决于桩土刚度比、桩顶自由长度等系统参数。

    The result shows that , the bifurcation points are symmetric and stable or unstable depending on the stiffness ratios of pile to soil , free length at the top and other pile-soil system parameters .

  9. 群锚约束岩体向临空面变形,具有增韧止裂的根状效应,受埋深(自由长度)、间距、初始预应力、加载历史等影响。

    Due to enhanced toughness and anti-crack of root effect , which were affected by embedded depth ( free length ), spacing , initial prestress , load history , etc. , anchor cables restrained the rock mass deforming toward surface .

  10. 本篇论文介绍了结合欧洲规范总结出来的一种计算可以忽略二次效应的最大体外束自由长度的公式,对国内的体外预应力研究具有一定的借鉴作用。

    The paper introduces a formula of calculation obtained around European Specification , which could neglect the quadratic effect and computes the free length of maximum external beam , that has a definite use for referance to external prestress research at home .

  11. 通过对锚索进行循环加、卸载试验,观察锚索的荷载&位移变化关系,根据荷载位移数据分析锚索在不同荷载级别条件下的位移特性,对其评价指标表观自由长度进行了计算。

    In the on-site test , with loading and unloading in several cycles , load-displacement data is monitored with which the load-displacement behavior and reproducibility are investigated , and according to related specifications , apparent free tendon length of anchor is calculated for assessment of anchorage .

  12. 锚固状态是指锚杆施工后的锚固段长度、自由段长度、密实度和施工缺陷等;

    The anchorage state refers to the anchoring length , free length , compactness , and defects during construction etc.

  13. 锚索自由段长度对锚索桩内力的影响

    Analysis of Influence of Length of Free Section of Anchor Cable on Internal Force of Anti-slide Pile with Prestressed Anchor Cable

  14. 岩锚初始预应力、自由段长度、外部荷载量值控制着锚索及锚碇在锚碇系统中参与的荷载贡献值和作用时机。

    Initial prestress , length of free-segment of anchor cable and the load value determine contribution value and action occasion of the anchor cable and tunnel anchorage .

  15. 改进了锚杆自由段长度的计算方法,推导了结构的基础埋深和稳定性极限平衡分析的计算公式。

    The calculation method for freedom length of the anchor bar is improved , and the calculation formulae of structural foundation embedded depth and stability limit equilibrium analyses were derived .

  16. 岩土体参数中容重、内摩擦角、粘聚力三个传统参数的选择和锚杆参数中锚杆预应力、自由段长度、锚杆倾角三个设计参数的选择对基坑稳定与变形至关重要。

    The soil mass gravity , internal friction angle and cohesive , and the parameter of anchor bar , prestress , free sector length and inclination angle are of great significance for stability and deformation of the foundation pit .

  17. 本文参考Prandtl关于不可压自由湍流的混合长度理论,研究了轴流压气机叶片尾迹沿轴向的变化规律。

    According to the Prandtl 's theory of Mixing-Length in reference to the incompressible free-turbulence , the law of axially attenuation of wake for axial compressor blade was studied in this paper .

  18. 自由临界水跃长度的探讨

    Study on the Length of Free and Critical Hydraulic Jump

  19. 为便于工程应用,本文还给出了桩的简化分析模型,简化分析模型将桩划分为埋入土中段和自由悬臂段两部分,通过改变自由悬臂段长度考虑桩的非线性特性。

    In order to facility engineering application , a simplified pile model is proposed . The simplified model divides the pile into embedded and free cantilever segments and the non-linear properties of pile are taken into account by modifying the length of free cantilever segment .