
  • 网络Adaptive frequency hopping;afh
  1. 与常规的盲跳频通信相比,自适应跳频具有更好的抗干扰能力和通信效率。

    Compared with conventional FH communications , AFH has higher complicity of anti-interference and transmitting efficiency .

  2. 提出了基于此种信道质量评估方法的自适应跳频系统模型,在此模型上对该算法进行仿真。

    We put forward to the AFH model based on algorithm and simulate .

  3. 论文对基于连续相位调制(ContinuousPhaseModulation)的自适应跳频信道质量估计进行了研究。

    This paper mainly focuses on channel estimation of adaptive frequency hopping communication based on CPM ( Continuous Phase Modulation ) .

  4. 混合DS/SFHCDMA扩频通信系统中的自适应跳频

    Hybrid DS / SFH CDMA Systems with Adaptive Frequency Hopping

  5. WLAN和蓝牙共存时自适应跳频抗干扰研究

    Coexistence of Bluetooth and WLAN Using AFH Anti - interference

  6. 最新的蓝牙规范引入了自适应跳频(AFH,AdaptiveFrequencyHopping)技术,通过对通信频段进行分离来减少蓝牙对802.11b等通信网络的干扰。

    Bluetooth Specification v1.2 introduces Adaptive Frequency Hopping ( AFH ) tech - nology to reduce the interference between Bluetooth and 802.11b by separating the shared spectrum .

  7. 动态双频跳频同步(DynamicDoubleFreqencyHoppingSynchronization,DDFHS)是一种专门为分布式自适应跳频通信系统制定的跳频同步方案,具有高保密性、高抗干扰性、高稳定性以及易扩展性和易实现性。

    Dynamic Double Freqency Hopping Synchronization ( DDFHS ) is a frequency hopping synchronization program , specifically designed for Distributed Adaptive Frequency Hopping Communication System ( DAFHCS ) with high security , high interference immunity , high stability , good scalability and good operability .

  8. 首先采用有限干扰模型代替简单的双状态干扰模型,以信号-干扰比代替拥塞系数Q,再以传输DM1包为例比较采用自适应跳频技术前后的系统误码率。

    We first adopt an interference-limited model and signal interference ratio ( BER ) instead of the simple two-state model and congestion Q , and then we compare the BER performance of the Bluetooth that uses AFH with that of the Bluetooth without it .

  9. 一种自适应跳频无线数据传输平台的开发与应用

    Development and Application of an Adaptive Hopping Frequency Wireless Communication Platform

  10. 基于软件无线电的自适应跳频系统研究

    Research of adaptive frequency hopping system based on the Software Radio

  11. 共用天线结合导频的自适应跳频同址干扰抵消

    Adaptive Frequency Hopping Co-Site Interference Cancellation with Community Antenna and Pilot

  12. 基于周期无碰撞区跳频序列的自适应跳频系统研究

    Study on Adaptive Frequency Hopping System Based on Periodic NHZ Hopping Code

  13. 信道质量估计是自适应跳频系统的核心技术。

    Channel quality evaluation is the core of adaptive frequency hopping system .

  14. 自适应跳频卫星通信系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Adaptive Frequency Hopping Satellite Communication System

  15. 自适应跳频通信特性分析

    Analysis on the characteristic of self-adaptation frequency hopping communication

  16. 自适应跳频通信系统仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Adaptive Frequency Hopping Communication System

  17. 基于决策树的自适应跳频通信系统的研究

    Research on the Adaptive Frequency Hopping System Based on the Decision - making Tree

  18. 一种自适应跳频中的干扰检测算法

    An Algorithm for Detecting Interferences Applied to Adaptive Frequency Hopping ( AFH ) Systems

  19. 蓝牙自适应跳频序列的性能分析

    Property analysis of Bluetooth adaptive frequency hopping sequences

  20. 自适应跳频通信受扰信道无源确认技术

    Adaptive Passive Pre-Detection of Frequency-Hopping Interfered Channel

  21. 在分组密码跳频序列的基础上,提出了一种适合于自适应跳频通信系统的跳频序列产生方法。

    Based on block cipher FH sequences , we propose a generation method of AFH sequence .

  22. 自适应跳频技术是现代军事超短波通信的一种重要方式。

    The adaptive frequency hopping technology is the key way of modern military ultrashort electric wave communication .

  23. 蓝牙中的自适应跳频技术

    AFH Technology of Bluetooth

  24. 本文的工作就是在软件无线电的架构下实现一种适应现代军事新要求的自适应跳频电台。

    The main work of this paper is realizing a self-adaptation frequency hopping station adapting to new military requisition .

  25. 短波快速自适应跳频通信系统是军事通信领域战术抗干扰通信新的发展方向。

    The HF fast adaptive frequency hopping communication is a new developing direction in the field of military anti-jamming communication foV tactics application .

  26. 针对军事无线通信抗干扰和保密性需求,给出了自适应跳频通信系统模型。

    Considering the need of anti-jamming and secrecy in military wireless communication , model of adaptive frequency-hopping ( AFH ) system is given .

  27. 设计了自适应跳频图案发生器,利用信道质量评估结果,完成了自适应频率选择。

    The generator of adaptive FH pattern is designed . By using it and the result of the LQA , adaptive frequency selection is accomplished .

  28. 在分析无线通信网络功能的基础上阐述了系统网络构建的通信协议,并创新地提出了自组织网络协议和自适应跳频避免冲突的通信机制。

    Discusses system network communication protocol based on wireless communication and brings forward self-organization network protocol and adaptive frequency hopping communication mechanism in order to avoid conflict .

  29. 其次详细分析了跳频系统和自适应跳频系统的基础技术,包括基本原理、系统模型等内容。

    Secondly , a detailed analysis of frequency hopping and adaptive frequency hopping system is based on technology , including basic principles , system model and so on .

  30. 信道质量评估是自适应跳频通信的关键技术,其实时评估结果为自适应频率控制和自适应功率控制提供依据。

    Link quality analysis ( LQA ) is a key measurement process in adaptive frequency hopping ( AFH ) communication systems and results in adaptive frequency and power control .