
  • 网络self-cultivation;self cultivation;Self-Improvement;self-discipline
  1. 同时,家长还要加强自我修养。

    Meanwhile , the parents should strengthen self-improvement .

  2. 加强自我修养,树立良好美德;

    Strengthen self-improvement and establish excellent virtues .

  3. 根本对策在于提升素质,加强教师的自我修养。

    The fundamental countermeasure is to enhance the quality of teachers .

  4. 论新时期思想政治教育工作者自我修养的提高

    On improvement of Ideological and Political Workers ' Sulf-accomplishment in New Era

  5. 当前,大学生的道德状况令人担忧,而大学生的可塑性强,因此大学生进行道德自我修养是有必要和可能的。

    Currently , university students ' self-cultivation in ethics is imperative and possible .

  6. 大学生道德自我修养的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on University Students ' Self-Cultivation in Ethics

  7. 这个决定在我们日常的自我修养中早已形成。

    The decision is a commitment to daily self-cultivation .

  8. 谈体育教师的自我修养

    On PE Teachers ' Self - cultivation

  9. 孔子修身思想对高校师范生自我修养的启示她以阅读来修身养性。

    Inspiration of Confucius morality cultivation to students of teachers colleges ; She cultivated her mind by reading .

  10. 我们中的大部分人在自我修养的努力中失败了,因为我们的计划过于宏大。

    Most of us fail in our efforts at self - improvement because our schemes are too ambitious .

  11. 同时学校要为大学生的道德自我修养创造良好的氛围。

    In addition , the university must create a favorable environment for the students ' self-cultivation in ethics .

  12. 心理健康的标准应从敬业、乐群和自我修养三个方面来概括;

    The standards of mental health should be generalized from three aspects : conscientiousness , agreeableness and self attainment .

  13. 创新,乃山水画家发展的生命力&兼谈画家的自我修养与艺术创作

    Innovation & the Vitality of the Development of the Landscape Painting , Talking about Self-Cultivation and Artistic Creation as well

  14. 三是从人格塑造的角度阐述以自我修养为主要途径的人生价值实现之路。

    Third , he explains from personality moulding that cultivating oneself is the main way of realizing values in life .

  15. 加强性健康和恋爱道德教育,提高女生责任意识和自我修养;

    Strengthening the healthy education about sex and the moral education about love to improve responsibility and self-cultivation of the female students ;

  16. 自我修养的目标就是为了有适当的操行,文武方面都拥有较高和正统的素养。

    The spirituality of proper conduct is the subject of self-cultivation , one accomplished in the official arts of literacy and military prowess .

  17. 本文对自我修养的途径和方法进行了探讨,指出了在加强思想道德修养方面应遵循的方向和应注意的问题。

    This paper attempts to discuss various means of self-cultivation , and points out the correct way to strengthen peoples ideological and ethical standard .

  18. 作为最终目的&个体人格的完善与和谐,只有每个个体的自我修养才是最终的解决途径。

    The perfection and harmony of an individual personality , the ultimate purpose , can only be solved through every individual 's self-education and cultivation .

  19. 再次,语文教师要不断提升自我修养,这是语文教师开发利用自身课程资源的源泉和基础。

    Again , the language teachers to continuously upgrade self-cultivation , which is the development of language teachers use their own source of curriculum resources and infrastructure .

  20. 五年之后,他放奔了医学,成为《利兹时报》的编辑,此前,他已成功地发表了几篇关于自我修养的文章。

    Five years later , he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times , following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement .

  21. 从业人员要提高自我修养,讲究内圣,要正确处理义与利、伦理秩序和创新的关系。

    Businessmen striving to improve their accomplishments through self-cultivation , must correctly handle the relationship between " welfare " and " profit ", moral order and innovation .

  22. 个人道德建构既受社会道德环境这一外在因素,又受自我修养的内在因素的双重约束。

    The construction of personal morals consists of both the external factor of the whole society 's moral environment and the internal factor of one 's own accomplishment .

  23. 大学生自我修养是建立在大学生自我意识基础之上的一种自觉的活动形式,同时也是高校德育的一种重要方法。

    College students ' self-cultivation is based on college students ' self-awareness , a conscious form of activity , but it is also the important method in Moral Education .

  24. 最后,提出了大学生道德人格建构的四个主要方法:榜样示范法、社会实践法、环境熏陶法和自我修养法。

    Finally , the outlines of Moral Personality of the four main methods are an example of the Model , social practice , and environmental education and influenced by self-cultivation .

  25. 再者,孟子的社会教化、环境熏陶以及自我修养的道德实现途径为今天公务员道德建设的路径也提供了借鉴和启示。

    Moreover , Mencius ' ways of realization of morality by the social enlightenment , environment edification and self-discipline also supply a reference for our present construction of official morality .

  26. 这种阶序鼓励人们获取社会技能,这些技能包括仪式上的操行和人际行为,以及其它自我修养的艺术。

    It is a hierarchy that stimulates aspiration to acquire the social arts , including the conduct of ritual and interpersonal conduct , as well as the other arts of self-cultivation .

  27. 该文着重从人际交往、个性、环境以及自我修养等方面分析了《菜根谭》中所蕴含的心理卫生思想。

    This paper mainly analyses the mental health thought which is contained in the book of Cai gen tan from several aspects such as human communication , personality , environment , ect .

  28. 从个体自我修养的塑造上来看,儒学思想为读书人提供了个人修养的塑造途径、塑造内容以及修正方式。

    The shaping of individual self-cultivation from the point of view , Confucian scholars who thought of shaping provides a means of personal self-cultivation and shaping the content and the kinds of amendments .

  29. 本文论述思想道德修养课考核应重视大学生道德行为,引导大学生知行统一地进行自我修养。

    This article discusses that in moral cultivation course the construction of moral practice of college students should be valued to instruct students to conduct self-cultivation by the unity of knowledge and behaviour .

  30. 大学生要形成正确的价值观,其根本途径在于加强自我修养。加强自我修养是实现自我价值的前提,是适应市场经济发展的需要。

    To develop proper perception of values , college students have to intensify their cultivations for self cultivations are premise for realization of self values and the requisite to adapt to market economy .