
zhì chéng
  • complete sincerity
至诚 [zhì chéng]
  • [complete sincerity] 极为诚恳;诚心诚意

  • 至诚待人

  • 其言多痛切,发于至诚。--《汉书.楚元王传》

至诚[zhì chéng]
至诚[zhì cheng]
  1. 太虚主要的价值品性是:至诚、至善、太和与神化。

    The chief moral characters of value for " emptiness " are complete sincerity , complete benevolence , perfect harmony and deification .

  2. 结果使用至诚板、笔教具上课后闪光融合频率减少值明显低于黑板、粉笔教具,差异有显著性(P0.05);

    Results The decrease in flicker fusion frequency was smaller due to the use of Zhicheng blackboard-chalk teaching aid when compared with traditional blackboard-chalk teaching aid ( P 0.05 ) .

  3. 赌场是由菲律宾首富施至诚,澳大利亚亿万富翁JamesPacker和何猷龙,澳门赌王何鸿燊的儿子。

    The casino is a joint venture between thecountry 's richest man Henry Sy , Australian billionaire James Packer and Lawrence Ho , son of Macau casino mogul Stanley Ho .

  4. 以人为本至诚服务构建和谐消费环境&民航总局举办3.15消费者权益日主题活动

    CAAC Holds " March 15 " Consumer Rights Day Theme Event

  5. 在他冷酷的外表下有一颗至诚的心。

    Underneath his cool appearance , here exists a hot Listent .

  6. 至至诚欢迎浏览黄尧网站,感谢您的扣应。

    Welcome to this website and thank you for dropping in .

  7. 但唯有一人爱你灵魂的至诚,

    But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you ,

  8. 我们的管理理念是:至诚至信、以人为本;

    Our management principal : To be most honest & people oriented .

  9. 她们所说所做的一切的确出于至诚。

    They really meant everything they said and did .

  10. 巴塞尼奥至诚地恳求年轻法官道。

    Bassanio begged the young judge in all sincerity .

  11. 至真至诚的少年情结&解读《围城》创作主体的情感动因

    Sincere Juvenile Feelings & Analysis to Emotional Motive of Author of Besieged City

  12. 以往的亲密和至诚正在褪色。

    The old nearness and cordiality were waning .

  13. 她的散文美,主要体现在内质上,即以至真至诚至纯的感情,叩响读者的心弦。

    Her prose touches the readers'hearts by her true , sincere and pure feelings .

  14. 儒家中庸思想的至诚主张及现代意蕴

    The " Sincerity " Proposition of Confucian Mean Theory and it 's Contemporary Meaning

  15. 你所命定的法度,是凭公义和至诚。

    You have given your unchanging word in righteousness , and it is for ever .

  16. 他心地至诚而严守纪律,瞧不起空头政治家。

    In his rigorously honest and orderly mind he probably had contempt for mere politicians .

  17. “双喜临门,福航至诚”,本标识典雅美观,意味深长。

    " Double Happiness , Fu Hang sincerity ", the logo and elegant beauty , meaning .

  18. 巴迈隆集团追求“至诚、至善、至美”的三至原则。

    It pursues three principles of " high sincerity , high quality , high beauty " .

  19. 我至诚地祝贺你与约翰生了个儿子。

    Accept my sincere congratulations to you and dear John upon the arrival of a son .

  20. 请您填写以下信息,以便我们为您提供至诚的服务!

    Plese fill in the following information ," Serving you sincerely " is our ever target !

  21. 服务宗旨:至诚服务、追求完美、用心服务、共创价值;

    Service tenet : sincere service , the pursuit of perfect , whole-hearted service and create value ;

  22. 企业坚持以市场为导向,以品牌立足,以质量取胜,以“至诚至信”的经营理念赢得了广大客户的青睐。

    Our company attaches importance to market orientation on the basis of our brand and quality products .

  23. 他是个老老实实的人,以友爱和至诚对待每个人?

    He has been a simple honest person who has always treated everyone with friendliness and sincerity .

  24. 她的至诚,感动了佛心,于是现身遂其所愿。

    Her fervent prayers touched the heart of Buddha and so he appeared to grant her wish .

  25. “以质取胜,服务至诚”是本公司宗旨,不断完善,不断创新,力求为您提供更好更专业的服务。

    With continuous improvement and innovation , we endeavor to provide better and professional service to you .

  26. 只有通过“致诚”的功夫运用,方可达到“至诚”的道德境界,从而最终实现“天人合一”。

    Only by " To sincerity " someone can arrives at the realm of " Highest sincerity " .

  27. 我们愿以高新技术、完美的设计、至诚至周的服务与您共创美好的环境。

    You and We would like to create a better environment with high-tech , perfect design , sincere service .

  28. 我们深信我们的优质产品和至诚的服务一定会给模具制造再创高峰。

    We are confident that our quality products and our sincere services will give our mould manufacturing to new heights .

  29. 基于教育工作合格评估的独立学院图书馆建设&以福州大学至诚学院为例

    Construction of Independent College Library Based on Education qualification Assessment & A Case Study on Zhicheng College , Fuzhou University

  30. 我以至诚郑重声明此论坛上提供的信息和附件里的内容均真实且正确。

    I solemnly and sincerely declare that the information supplied on this form and in the attachments is true and correct .