
  • 网络Dick Tracy
  1. 最后的两个款式,均由透纱制成,被饰以《至尊神探》漫画中抽象的点点图案。

    The final two looks , made of gazar , were adorned with abstracted and pixilated prints of the Dick Tracy comic .

  2. 说到作为双向通讯工具的智能手表就不能不提到《至尊神探》(DickTracy),但Gear确实就是像那样的。

    It 's almost impossible to talk about a smartwatch as a two-way communicator without mentioning Dick Tracy , but the Gear is just that .

  3. 维多利亚表示,这个系列的灵感来自于连环漫画《至尊神探》(DickTracy),它运用了明亮的色彩,比如该系列中的宝蓝色绉纱露肩拖地长裙以及翡翠色弹力修身褶底连衣裙。

    The collection , she said , drew inspiration from'Dick Tracy'comic strips , and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress , and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock .

  4. 那个时期产生的著名角色包括科幻英雄飞侠哥顿,至尊神探。

    Famous characters created during that time include the science fiction hero Flash Gordon and the detective Dick Tracy .

  5. 与无线电智能手表一直以来在至尊神探漫画于1946年出现的心理空间的一部分。

    Smart watches with radios have been part of our mental space since their appearance in the Dick Tracy comic strip in1946 .

  6. 据英国《每日邮报》11月29日报道,自从上世纪50年代,电影《至尊神探》中的男主人公迪克-崔西将无线对讲机装在手表中之后,手表电话就成为了一种令人生厌的发明。

    Ever since Fifties detective Dick Tracy had a two-way radio built into his watch , the watch-phone has been the stuff of geeky dreams .