
  1. FSE能明显延缓小鼠游泳至力竭的时间,延缓率为22.3%。

    FSE can obviously prolong the time of swimming and the ratio is 22.3 % .

  2. 长期有氧训练大鼠做一次性力游泳运动至力竭时,TNF一a、NO、iNOS含量/活性水平呈下降趋势,这可能与机体长时间运动导致疲劳有关。

    However , the level of NO , iNOS and TNF-a in serum of Long time resistance training rats descended , which might be related to fatigue .

  3. 本实验研究重点观察了,补充FDP对递增运动负荷至力竭后的运动性疲劳大鼠,在恢复期的不同时相中心肌与血清中CK、LDH和SOD与MDA的变化规律。

    This study emphasized on the regularities of myocardial and serous CK , LDH , SOD and MDA in different recovery phases of incremental exercise-induced rats when recruited FDP .

  4. 运动对照组(TC)和给药运动组(TT)进行递增负荷强度的跑台运动,训练时间共为7周,最后一次训练至力竭。

    TC and TT groups were trained with increasing load of treadmill running for 7 weeks till exhausted in the last training . TT groups received intrapearitioneal ( i. p. )

  5. 结果表明,在一组斜蹲至力竭过程中,IEMG(积分肌电)随起蹲次数的增加面增加,MPF(平均功率频率)则没有明显的变化;

    The results indicated that the IEMG increased with the number of squatting but the MPF did not show obvious change ;

  6. 以80%Vo(2max)运动至力竭后,女子血浆雌二醇、醛固酮和促甲状腺素的变化

    Changes in Plasma Estradiol , Aldosterone and Thyrotropic Hormone in Females After Exhausting Exercise

  7. FLF能明显延长小鼠游泳至力竭的时间,尤其是大剂量给药组和中剂量给药组,其延长率分别为32.4%和29.8%;

    FLF can obviously prolong the time of swimming , especially MaxG and MidQtheir rations are32.4 % and29.8 % respectively .

  8. 采用128只、7周龄雌性SD大鼠为实验对象,一次性跑台离心运动至力竭的损伤模型,跑台坡度为-16°,速度16米/分。

    128 female SD rats of 7-week old were adopted as the objects of this study and the model of injury for a bout of exhaustive eccentric exercise on a treadmill . The gradient of the treadmill was - 16 ° and the speed was 16m / min.

  9. 目的:建立WKY大鼠心气虚证动物模型。方法:造模组实验全过程控食,按5%体重负重强迫游泳至力竭,持续16天。

    Objecive : To establish heart-qi deficiency syndrome model in WKY rat . Methods : Every animal in experiment group was forced to load-carrying swim under 5 % body weight with slimming until exhausted every day for 16 days .

  10. 运动1h、2h组大鼠的肝细胞结构逐渐变化,至力竭后可见大鼠肝细胞明显肿胀,间隙明显增大,核变小,不规则,可见肝小叶轮廓改变等变化。

    In the groups of OHE and THE , liver cell structure of rats changed gradually , and the liver cell of the EE group began to be obviously swelling , the liver cell gap was obviously enlarged , the core became small and irregular and hepatic lobe outline changed .

  11. 在多组斜蹲至力竭过程中,等长段、克制段的MPF与工作能力达到70%~50%最大工作能力时,形成峰值,退让段则没有此变化;

    During the process of exhaustion with multiple sets of squatting , the MPF reached its peak value while the working ability was 50 to 70 percent of the maximum in isometric work and concentric work , however , no such change appeared in eccentric work ;

  12. 递增负荷至力竭运动后吸入高浓度氧对血液流变性影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study about Effects of Breathing 70 % Oxygen on Hemorheology after Incremental Exercise to Exhaustion

  13. 观察古汉养生精对运动至力竭小鼠红细胞形态和自由基代谢的影响,探讨其对运动致红细胞畸变及脂质过氧化的保护作用。

    The effect of Ancient Han Health Essence on red cell morphology and free radical metabolism has been studied in the exercise mice .

  14. 力竭运动方法以35m/min的速度,跑台坡度为15°运动至力竭。

    The exhaustive exercise was conducted at the rate of 35 m / minute on run platform with the slope of 15 ° .

  15. 他至力于发明一种超级维他命只有在膳食中摄取维他命不充分的时候,维他命才能发挥作用。

    He dedicated his time to developing a kind of super vitamin formula . Vitamins can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate .

  16. 本公司至力于长远的发展方向,不断地推出高品质、低价位的高科技含量产品使您的产品如虎添翼更胜一筹!

    The Company to focus on long-term development direction , and constantly introduce high quality , low-cost high-tech content products to make your product better than a menace !

  17. 结果表明:太白参冷提物可以显著延长小鼠游泳至力竭的时间(P<005),清除自由基,减轻极量运动应激所致的氧化胁迫,促进力竭运动后小鼠物质与能量的恢复。

    The result show : the extract of P.decora can prolong significantly mice swimming time , clear free radical , mollify oxidation threat , and promote energy restoration .

  18. 体重增长幅度明显加快(P<0.05),负重游泳至力竭时间明显延长(P<0.05);

    The natural growth rate of body weight went up quickly and the duration of loaded swimming to exhaust remarkably prolonged in MG ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  19. 充分体现高尔夫是绿色、氧气、阳光、运动的综合概念,至力发展全民高尔夫运动。

    The increase of golf in the national limelight will help increase comprehensive concept of golf in this full glory of : being green , the oxygen factor , and sunlight .

  20. 运动组大鼠动物在跑台上以16米/分的速度进行持续性下坡跑至力竭(跑台坡度为-16°)。

    The rats of the exercise group carried out continuous downhill running with the speed of 16m / min for about 4 hours until exhaustion on the animal treadmill ( degree - 16 ?) .

  21. 今天,为您提供优质、健康的眨眼是我们至力追求的目标,关注健康每一天是我们优质产品的承诺。

    Today , it is the goal that we pursue to force for the sleep that you offer excellent quality and health , it is the promise of our hight quality product to pay attention to healthy each day .

  22. 三是在减持数额上,确立改变国有股‘一股独大’格局的原则,一次性将国有股减持至控制力之下或全数减持;

    Third , as for the reducing amount , determine principle of changing pattern of state-owned share as the solely big shareholder and reducing state 's stake to below control force or reduce by the gross at one go ;

  23. 加载至水平力为附加重量的2倍以上、顶点位移角为1/50左右,承载力尚未下降,水平位移仍能增大。

    The lateral load is 2 times that of the representative gravity load and the top drift ratio is about 1 / 50 , whereas the strength of the model is less than the maximum strength while the lateral displacement may increase further .

  24. 考虑到天然黏土不等向固结历史的影响,试验土样在循环剪切前均先K0固结至原位应力状态。

    Taking the stress-induced anisotropy into account , all the specimens are initially restored to the in-situ stress state under K0 consolidation .

  25. 基于此,本文将经典的SIMP模型推广至偶应力介质,研究了偶应力介质的拓扑优化问题,考察了其数值不稳定现象并且建议了相应的解决方案。

    For this reason , we proposed the topology optimization formulation of couple-stress continuum and generalized the classic SIMP scheme to the couple-stress continuum . Moreover , we discussed the numerical instabilities and recommended the corresponding prevention schemes .

  26. 经分析估算火炬松家系、单株各性状的广义遗传力,分别变化在0.42~0.71和0.43~0.97之间,属中等至强度遗传力。

    The broad sense heritability was estimated to 0.42 ~ 0.71 for family , and 0.43 ?

  27. 当退化至平面应力状态时,此应力场也满足协调方程。

    In the limiting case of plane stress conditions the assuned stresses also satisfy the compatibility conditions .

  28. 该方法可用于预测钢筋混凝土剪力墙、深梁等构件从开始加载至最大承载力的非线性性能。

    This method can be used to predict the nonlinear behavior of shear wall , deep beams and other components up to the maximum shear strength .

  29. 某港散货码头接长工程部分桩基采用半封闭钢管桩,桩尖打至砂持力层后,由于砂层液化引起管涌发生。

    Part of pile foundation of a bulk cargo wharf extension project adopted semi-closed steel pipe piles . When pile toes were driven to the sand bearing course , piping occurred due to liquefaction .

  30. 氧化至65h,应力达到4MPa时出现了晶界滑动形式的塑性变形,同时观察到了氧化膜的裂纹愈合行为。

    Up to 65 h , however , plastic deformation in the form of grain boundary slide occurred when the applied stress was 4 MPa , and the healing cracks were observed .