
  • 网络ars nova;new art;jugendstil;The Art Nouveau
  1. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  2. 看来,还是买那种新艺术风格的衣帽架更保险些。

    You 're safer with Art Nouveau coatracks .

  3. 就在他穿梭于19世纪贵族家庭的过程中,卡菜姆开创了法国美食的新艺术。

    As he traveled through the homes of early 19th century nobility , Car ê me forged the new art of French gourmet food .

  4. 大多数私人收藏家专注于新艺术,没有历史的艺术。

    Most are devoted to new art , art without a past .

  5. 新艺术运动与现代主义设计之间相关性的探索

    Probe into the Relativity between Art Nouveau and Modernism Design

  6. 丹麦新艺术的代表作,长腿叔叔!

    The representive work of Danish modern art , long legs uncle .

  7. 为21世纪创造一个新艺术门类:杂技歌剧。

    Invent a new genre for the 21st century : Circus opera .

  8. 新艺术运动海报风格在现代设计中的演变

    The Poster Style of Art Nouveau in the Evolution of Modern Design

  9. 从新艺术运动谈设计的人文精神

    Humanistic Spirit of Art Design in Art Nouveau and Nowadays

  10. 西方新艺术运动与S形女装

    Study of Western S-Shaped Suit-dress during Art Nouveau Movement

  11. 新艺术派的代表人物是捷克人阿尔方斯。

    Art Nouveau is the representative of the people of the Czech Alphonse .

  12. 抽象画,属于丹麦的新艺术了,颜色十分漂亮。

    The new art-abstract art in the new gallery , which has beautiful colors .

  13. 哈尔滨新艺术建筑及其启示

    The Art-nouveau Architecture in Harbin and its Suggestion

  14. 新艺术时代:素描教学与传统架上绘画存在的价值

    On the Importance of Sketch and Traditional Board Painting Teaching in an Age of New-art

  15. 然而关于青岛近代新艺术运动建筑的专门性研究还接近与空白。

    But on the Qingdao Modern Art Nouveau building of specialized study and close gaps .

  16. 新艺术世界的探访者&上海多媒体艺术事件簿

    Explorers of a New Art World

  17. 数码插图是基于数码视觉技术基础上的新艺术形式之一。

    Digital Illustration is one of new art form , which bases on digital visual technology .

  18. 新艺术运动之新

    The Freshness of Art Nouveau

  19. 里加被看作是欧洲最精美的“新艺术”建筑风格的中心。

    It is generally recognized that Riga has the finest collection of art nouveau buildings in Europe .

  20. 浅析影响新艺术运动的因素

    On Factors Influencing Art Nouveau

  21. 古斯塔夫克里姆特是欧洲新艺术运动的代表,奥地利维也纳分离派的重要人物。

    Gustav Klimt is representative of European Art Nouveau and one of the important figures in Vienna secession , austria .

  22. 网络艺术越来越成为一门合作的艺术,艺术家需要与计算机网络领域的专业人员交流合作,成为新艺术的共同创造者。

    As an open and cooperative art , the network art enables artists to cooperate and intercommunicate with the IT experts .

  23. 闻一多与唐诗文献研究纪念闻一多先生诞辰一百周年鲁迅的新艺术思想与新文化运动鲁迅先生诞辰一百二十周年纪念

    Wen Yi-duo & His Research of Poetry in Tang Dynasty LUXUN 'S NEW VIEWS ON LITERATURE AND THE NEW CULTURAL MOVEMENT

  24. 要不是这家餐馆始创于1902年,我会觉得这里的新艺术装潢太多了。

    If it hadn 't been around since 1902 , I 'd say the Art Nouveau d é cor was overdone .

  25. 中国当代新艺术所具有的特殊文化意义和美学价值,预示着它必将出现的广阔而可观的发展前景。

    Chinese modern new art has especial culture meaning and aesthetic merit , this reveals that it can get a promising development .

  26. 但是,艺术不等于社会,试图用新艺术来拯救社会只是阿多诺的幻想。

    However , art cannot replace society . Therefore the attempt to rescue the present society with new art is Adornos sheer illusion .

  27. 材料是中国传统文化的切入点,是产生新艺术思想的基础。

    This paper talks elaborately about material from the perspectives of Chinese traditional culture and the idealistic foundation that produces new artistic thought .

  28. 这种以数字科技和现代传媒为基础,将人的感性思维与理性思维融为一体的新艺术形式,在诞生之始就展示出非同寻常的文化魅力和艺术张力。

    This new art form based on the digital technology and modern media united the human perceptual integration of thinking and rational thinking .

  29. 然后,以青岛城市形成与发展为背景,针对青岛近代新艺术运动建筑进行系统的研究与分析。

    Then , to Qingdao city formation and development as the background against Qingdao Modern Art Nouveau building a systematic study and analysis .

  30. 它是不同于文艺复兴古典主义的新艺术风格,是人们摆脱精神束缚后对世俗快乐的尽情享受。

    The style reflects the enjoyment of vulgar happiness after people break away from the bondage of spirit , very different from the Renaissance .