
  • 网络Pompidou;Georges Pompidou
  1. 蓬皮杜中心,巴黎。

    Centre Georges Pompidou , Paris .

  2. 有个总统是大家都知道的蓬皮杜。

    A President is everybody know georges pompidou .

  3. 巴黎的蓬皮杜艺术中心(PompidouCentre)正在展出200多幅绘画、雕塑、绘画等作品,以表达对这位艺术家及其强大个性的尊重和钦佩。

    The Pompidou Centre in Paris is showing its respect and admiration for the artist and his powerful personality with an exhibition bringing together over 200 paintings , sculptures , drawings and more .

  4. 蓬皮杜中心解释道:“从无限小到无限大,收缩和膨胀在焦点之间反复游走着:有弗拉芒画派的精细,还有他用于菲格拉斯博物馆剧院那幅旧画的艳丽巴洛克风格。”

    " From the infinity small to the infinity large , contraction and expansion coming in and out of focus : amazing Flemish accuracy and the showy Baroque of old painting that he used in his museum-theatre in Figueras , " explains the Pompidou Centre .

  5. 这场展览是巴黎的蓬皮杜中心(PompidouCenter)和洛杉矶艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt)联手举办,探索加拿大出生的明星建筑师弗兰克·格里的事业。1962年,他在洛杉矶创办自己的建筑事务所。

    Co-organized by the Pompidou Center in Paris and LACMA , the exhibition looks at the career of Canadian-born starchitect Frank Gehry , who set up shop in Los Angeles in 1962 .

  6. 1910年,他绘制了《埃斯塔克的力拓工厂》(RioTintoFactoriesatL'Estaque),这幅用灰色与棕色线条构成的立体主义杰作如今是蓬皮杜艺术中心的珍藏。

    In 1910 , he painted " Rio Tinto Factories at L'Estaque , " a Cubist study in grays and browns that is now in the collection of the Pompidou Center .

  7. 此次的全面回顾展由蓬皮杜的副馆长弗雷德里克·米盖鲁(FrédéricMigayrou)策展,此外他还在基金会大楼组织了一个规模小一些的精品展,展出盖里先生的展开图。

    Fr é d é ric Migayrou , the deputy director of the Pompidou , organized the full retrospective and a smaller boutique show of Mr. Gehry 's development drawings that will be on view at the Foundation .

  8. 蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辩的外交部长莫里斯·舒曼。

    Pompiou replaced the voluble Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann .

  9. 他表示,他谈的是蓬皮杜的意见,而他自己的意见则是宽宏大度的。

    He indicated that he was putting forward pompidou 's ideas , while his own were more benign .

  10. 基于对戴高乐的仰慕,他对蓬皮杜处事的的戴高乐气质一点不感到别扭。

    Having admired de gaulle , he had little difficult with the Gaullist strain in pompidou 's approach .

  11. 至于蓬皮杜,他从来没有辜负过我们的信任,没有因为了解我们的秘密而试图得到任何特殊好处。

    As for pompikou , he never violated our confidence or sought to derive any special benefit from his knowledge .

  12. 这如同法国蓬皮杜艺术中心一样,跨越时空,跨越潮流,跨越传统的审美。

    This as France Pompidou arts centre , across time and space , beyond the trend , beyond the traditional aesthetic .

  13. 尼克松感激蓬皮杜为我在巴黎与北越人秘密会谈所作的周密安排和提供的各种具体帮助。

    Nixon was grateful for pompidou 's discreet and practical help in arranging my secret talks with the North Vietnamese in paris .

  14. 1977年落成的巴黎蓬皮杜文化艺术中心向全世界宣告了高技派的诞生。

    In1977 , the founding of the Culture Center of Ponpieer in Paris announced the birth of a new school-the school of high-tech.

  15. 在法国东部城市梅斯亮相的新的蓬皮杜中心美术馆在建筑界引起了极大的轰动,主要是它复杂的自由落体一样的屋顶,本周将对公众开放。

    The new Pompidou Center art museum in the eastern French city of Metz has generated a big buzz in the architecture world , largely for its complex free-form roof .

  16. 在蓬皮杜的回顾展上,米盖鲁还收录了盖里不太有名的住宅区项目及城市设计规划。他说,对于城市规划的了解,构成了盖里所有建筑设计工作的基础。

    In the Pompidou retrospective , Mr. Migayrou includes little-known urban designs for housing projects and town plans , evidence of an urban-planning expertise that he said had informed the organization of all of Mr. Gehry 's architectural work .

  17. 巴黎的蓬皮杜艺术中心将在明年春天借出100幅左右的作品,举办联展。英国泰特美术馆的“艺术与帝国”英国殖民艺术回顾展将在明年10月移师新加坡。

    The Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris will lend about 100 works to a joint exhibition next spring , and " Arts and Empire , " a retrospective of British colonialism at Tate Britain , will move to Singapore next October .

  18. 我想亲眼见识这埃斯塔克的风景。多年来,我在许多绘画中见过。去年搬家到巴黎,在奥赛美术馆和蓬皮杜艺术中心再次得见。

    I wanted to see it for myself , this landscape of L'Estaque that I had known from so many paintings over the years , and that I had rediscovered in the Mus é e d'Orsay and the Pompidou Center since moving to Paris last year .

  19. 这些年来,巴黎人在建筑上开始接受一些更为大胆的尝试,比如卢浮宫庭院里的玻璃金字塔或蓬皮杜中心——这个建筑的外侧布满五颜六色的水管和空调管道网。

    Over the years , Parisians have come to embrace some of the city 's bolder architectural adventures , such as the glass pyramids inside of the Louvre courtyard or the Pompidou Center , built with its network of colorfully painted water pipes and air-conditioning ducts on the outside .