
  1. 众议院新的多数派领袖坎特在这个星期的共和党讲话中说,他的党认为真正健保改革的关键是降低费用以及使更多的人能得到医疗服务。

    New House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said in this week 's Republican address that his party believes the key to real health care reform is to lower costs and improve access .

  2. 这是编制计划工作的一部分,将使新的共和党多数派具有初期方向感和团结意识。

    It was part of a planning effort that would give the new Republican majority a sense of early direction and cohesion .

  3. 当投票受到限制时,新掌权的多数派已经决定按照他们前任曾使用的合法掠夺的同一原理制定法律体系。

    The newly enfranchised majority has decided to formulate law on the same principle of legal plunder that was used by their predecessors when the vote was limited .

  4. 通过接触德克萨斯大学这个案子,法院似乎是在发出信号信号,精力充沛的新保守主义多数派准备逆转或削减了可以追溯到1978年的决定,在大学录取时,允许国家学院和大学考虑众多因素之一的种族因素。

    And by reaching out to take this case from the University of Texas , the court would seem to be signaling that a new energized conservative majority is prepared to reverse or cut back previous decisions dating back to 1978 , decisions that allowed state colleges and universities to consider race as one of many factors in college admission .