
  • 网络Ring stiffness;loop stiffness
  1. 加强钢带的厚度与宽度根据管材直径、环刚度要求不同而分别设计确定。

    The thickness and breadth of the steel strip is determined according to different pipe diameter and ring stiffness class requirements .

  2. 论文又以管道的竖向变形量公式为依据,论述了如果铺设情况比较好,对于环刚度的要求就可以减低的观点,并着重阐述了铺设的重要性。

    According to piping vertical transmogrification formula , it showed that requirement of ring stiffness could be reduced if well laying , and emphasized the importance of pipe laying .

  3. 通过研究影响管材环刚度的主要因素和提高管材环刚度的方法,确定了制备高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)/硅钙镁(SCM)晶须复合材料双壁波纹管的最佳配方;

    The optimal formula for manufacturing double-wall corrugated pipes of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) / calcium-magnesium silicate whisker composites was determined by analyzing the main influencing factor of ring-stiffness of pipe and the way to improve ring-stiffness .

  4. 介绍了HDPE波纹管料QHE16A/B的开发过程、产品性能指标、性能测试结果及用户使用情况。试验结果表明,QHE16A/B产品环刚度高,具有优良的在线双壁扩口性能和加工性能。

    Presents the developing process , performance indexes , performance testing result and the application of HDPE corrugated pipe feedstock QHE16A / B. It is shown by the test that the product has high circular rigidity , with excellent on-line double-wall flared performance and processibility .

  5. 塑料管材环刚度计算图

    Calculating Chart of Loop Stiffness for Plastic Piping

  6. 透平喷咀环刚度的可靠性设计

    Stiffness reliability design of turbine nozzle diaphragms

  7. 根据塑料管材环刚度计算公式绘编成计算图,该图显示出塑料管材的固有特性。

    A working chart was constructed for calculating the loop stiffness of plastics pipes , which reflected the inherent characteristics of plastics pipe .

  8. 实验结果表明,所采用的控制算法简单实用,控制效果良好,且无需测量机械手的开环刚度。

    The results show that the control algorithm used is simple and effective and it is not necessary to measure the open loop stiffness of the manipulator .

  9. 文章重点介绍了测力平台在力学建模过程中对弹性环刚度的定义,准确得出弹性环结构的优化边界条件。

    This paper mainly introduces the definition of rigidity of elastic ring during the course of establishing a mechanical model for a force-measuring platform , and then acquired precisely the optimization boundary conditions of the structure of the elastic ring .

  10. 采用解析法和有限元法计算了弹性环刚度,用理论计算验证有限元方法的正确性,并通过实验验证了这两种方法的计算结果。

    The stiffness of the elastic ring of thrust-measuring platform is calculated with analytical method and finite element method . The validity of the finite element method is justified by theoretical calculation . The calculational results of the two methods are testified by experiment .

  11. 论文通过生产成本的比较,发现对于大口径城市排水管,使用实壁管不及使用结构壁管经济,同样的材质达到同样的环刚度可以比实壁管节约材料50~70%。

    On comparing the product cost , the paper puts forward in practicing the large diameter city drainpipe , the soild wall pipe is less economical than the structure wall pipe which can save 50 ~ 70 % material of the same quality and achieving the same ring stiffness .

  12. 波纹环静刚度分析

    Analysis on Stiffness of Corrugated Ring in a Rotor-bearing Support

  13. 橡胶金属环静刚度特性研究

    Study on the Static Stiffness Characteristics of rubber-mental ring

  14. 塑料管环向刚度的定义、标准、选择和实现

    Definitions , Standards , Selections and Realization of Ring Stiffness for Plastics Pipes

  15. 修正惯用法管片环弯曲刚度有效率η和弯矩提高率ξ的研究

    Study on effective bending rigidity ratios and moment increasing rates in modified routine method

  16. 管子压扁线载荷和环向刚度变化很大。

    Then , their compression flat linear load and hoop rigidity also have a large scope .

  17. 在计算夹紧环的刚度时,将夹紧环简化成等截面圆环,应用了卡氏定理。

    When stiffness of ring is calculated by using Castigliano theorem , the ring is simplified to be a circular ring with constant cross section .

  18. 有限元应力分析和位移测量试验表明,方形万向环的刚度和强度高于圆形万向环,方形结构更合理。

    FEM stress analysis and displacement measure experiment indicate that the stiffness and strength of square gimbal ring exceed that of circular gimbal ring , and that the square structure is more reasonable .

  19. 本文利用半解析环元刚度矩阵的显式结果,采用刚度等效的工程方法,直接将柱支撑等效为一个旋转薄壳环元,给出了该环元的等效厚度计算公式。

    Based on the explicit expressions a equivalent thin shell finite ring element of supporting columns of hyperbolic cooling towers is proposed by using equivalent stiffness method . The formula of the thickness of equivalent finite ring element and formulas of internal forces of supporting columns are given .

  20. 两种计算环法兰联接刚度的方法

    Two calculation methods of the flexural rigidity of the annular flange connection

  21. 发电机复合材料护环的强度刚度分析和铺层设计

    Stiffness and strength analysis and ply design of composite retaining rings for larg generators

  22. 轧环机整体刚度分析

    Rigidity Analysis of Ring Rolling Mill

  23. 对弹性环进行了刚度固有频率分析,合理选择了弹性环参数,提高了测力平台的输出灵敏度。

    In order to raise the sensitivity of thrust-measuring platform , the parameters of the elastic ring are chosen by analyzing its stiffness and natural frequency .

  24. 波形环式弹性支座刚度的测试与数值模拟

    Numerical simulation for stiffness of flexible wavy ring support

  25. 提出了考虑管片接头弯曲刚度和环间接头剪切刚度的管片内力计算方法,简化了梁&弹簧模型法;

    Considering the bending stiffness of segment joint and the shearing stiffness of lining joint , the thesis has brought forward the method to calculating the segment .

  26. 由磨削力确定夹紧环所需的夹紧力,以此计算夹紧环的刚度和尺寸,并校核其强度和张紧砂布时的扳手力矩。

    The clamping force which is determined by grinding force is used for calculating stiffness and operating torque when tighting sand skin .

  27. 提出了用隔振环来降低振动筛噪声的方法,以及隔振环刚度的确定原则和计算公式。

    This paper puts forward the method of using the vibrating isolation ring to reduce noise , and advances the definite principle of the rigidity of the vibrating isolation ring and calculation formula .

  28. 引用D.Childs和H.Moes等对柱形环油膜阻抗矢量分析方法,推导鼓形环油膜阻抗矢量,并导出鼓形环油膜刚度和油膜阻尼的瞬时一般表达式。

    The impedance vector of drum oil film is driven by applying Childs ′ method , which is used in analyzing cylindrical oil film . The stiffness and damping coefficients of drum oil film are formulated .