
  • 网络Environmentally friendly clothing
  1. 对环保服装的起源与开发进行了深入研究。

    The origin and development of environmental clothing are thoroughly discussed .

  2. 简析环保纺织服装产品的现状及发展趋势

    On the Current Situation and Development Trend of Environment-friendly Textile and Clothing Products

  3. 因此,积极开发环保纺织服装产品和实施绿色营销策略已成为纺织服装业的发展趋势。

    So actively developing environmental protection textile garment products and carrying out " green " business strategy have been a trend in textile-garment industry .

  4. 他表示,一些规模较小、不那么知名的品牌,目前取得了最佳结果。例如,由于在第二生命立足,一家环保户外服装企业的使命声明吸引了很多人的关注。

    Smaller , lesser-known brands are achieving some of the best results at the moment , he says , such as an environmentally friendly outdoor clothing company that has attracted a lot of interest in its mission statement through a Second Life presence .

  5. 实施绿色环保&中国服装业的必然趋势

    Environmental Protection · An Inexorable Trend of China 's Clothing Industry

  6. 绿色环保型针织服装的面料服用性能研究

    Study of Performance for Green Environmental Knitgoods

  7. 因此本文旨在通过对天丝和莫代尔织物的服用性能进行评价与分析,同时对企业开发该类环保面料的针织服装产品的具体实施方案进行设计和研究。

    This thesis is aimed to evaluate and analyze wearing properties of Tencel and Modal fabrics , and to work out a practical scheme for enterprises to develop environmental protection knitted garment products .

  8. 其中,绿色环保纤维天丝、莫代尔及其最终产品绿色环保服装的开发,已成为服装业的一场绿色革命。

    For example , Tencel fiber , Modal fiber ( environmental protection fibers ) and their finished products have come into being , which become a " green " revolution in garment industry .