
  • 网络orbit the Earth;AROUND THE WORLD
  1. 船只可以环绕地球而行,但地平之说仍会畅行无阻。

    Ships will sail around the world but the Flat Earth Society will flourish .

  2. 环绕地球飞行的最佳时节是六月到八月,而这段时间早已过去了。

    The best weather for flying around the world is from June to August . That time was far past .

  3. 一颗新的人造卫星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。

    A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth .

  4. 赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。

    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth .

  5. 气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。

    Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

  6. 他们把一颗气象卫星送入环绕地球的轨道。

    They put a weather satellite into orbit about the earth .

  7. GPS卫星一天环绕地球两次,向地球发送信号和各种信息。

    GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day and transmit signals and information to the earth .

  8. 太阳耀斑会威胁到环绕地球的所有人造物体,包括全球定位系统(GPS)、通信卫星、载人航天器和国际空间站等。

    Solar flares threaten all of the artificial objects orbiting our planet , including GPS and telecommunications satellites , occupied spacecraft and the International Space Station .

  9. 它利用四枚或更多GPS卫星同时发出的信号(来自环绕地球运行的大约30枚卫星)来定位;

    It uses signals from four or more GPS satellites at a time ( out of about 30 orbiting the planet ) to pinpoint our position ;

  10. 国际太空站(ISS)将是有史以来环绕地球的最大人造物体。

    The International Space Station ( ISS ) will be the largest human-made object ever to orbit the Earth .

  11. 无数颗人造卫星正日夜环绕地球飞行。

    Numerous man-made satellites are circling our planet day and night .

  12. 能量将环绕地球并影响到其上的你们每一个人。

    The energy will encircle the globe and effect each of you .

  13. 足以铺设一条四英尺宽的人行道环绕地球一圈

    That 's enough to lay a 4-foot-wide sidewalk around the earth .

  14. 他们说爱是一条河,环绕地球。

    They say it 's a river , that circles the earth .

  15. 环绕地球的是一层空气,其厚度尚未为人所知。

    Surrounding the earth is a layer of air of unknown thickness .

  16. 像弗朗西斯·杜雷克一样环绕地球航行。

    Sail round the world , like Francis Drake .

  17. 这两位男子追赶另一个环绕地球的对象,一个人造卫星。

    The two men would chase another object orbiting Earth , a satellite .

  18. 一旦进入太空,太空船就进入环绕地球运行的轨道。

    Once in space , the spacecraft went into orbit around the Earth .

  19. 而是环绕地球运动并观测太阳系外的情形,

    It was designed to orbit the earth and look far beyond our solar system

  20. 对于环绕地球运动的卫星来说,面积定律也是不完善的。

    For satellites circling the earth , the law of areas is also imperfect .

  21. 黄道是一圈看似环绕地球的星座带。

    The zodiac is a band of stars that appears to encircle the earth .

  22. 当他在太空舱内环绕地球的时候,他拍了很多地球的照片。

    When he was orbiting in the capsule , he took photographs of planet earth .

  23. 余下的,则是一个似圆盘状的星体,并环绕地球扭转。

    Part of the Earth 's mantle was also launched into orbit because of the collision .

  24. 演出前一天晚上,他曾梦到他的钢琴变成了一艘宇宙飞船,环绕地球。

    He had dreamed the night before that his piano was a rocketship orbiting the globe .

  25. 杜雷克在环绕地球航行三年后于1581年回到普利茅斯,

    Drake sailed back to Plymouth in 1581 , after his three-year journey round the world ,

  26. 此次任务中,一这架航天飞机将在数百英里的高空环绕地球运行。

    On this mission the shuttle will orbit the earth at aheight of several hundred miles .

  27. 象旋风般环绕地球,所以最近没时间写博客。

    Been gone on a whirlwind around the globe experience thus the lack of blog time .

  28. 总是看的日子里,环绕地球的日期一逆行或直接转任。

    Always watch the days that surround a date that a planet turns either retrograde or direct .

  29. 这样一个巨大的天线可以被用来产生巨大的平稳波环绕地球。

    Such a gigantic antenna could be used to generate the gigantic stationary wave around the Earth .

  30. 孕育恒星的星云的密度和环绕地球的太空的密度是一样的。

    1 the clouds from which stars are born are as dense as the space around earth .