
  1. 基于滞环空间矢量三相PWM整流器的研究

    Research of 3-phase PWM Rectifier Based on Hysteresis Voltage Space Vector

  2. 现场2口井的(?)177.8mm尾管固井应用表明:该低密度水泥浆体系适合塔里木油田深井的窄环空间隙、长裸眼段固井。

    Cementing for the 177 . 8 mm liner in 2 wells shows that this system is suitable for the small annular and long section isolation in Tarim .

  3. 环空间距对振荡流有抑制作用。

    The annular space could restrain the vibration of the flow .

  4. 应用于大眼井大环空间隙的钻井液技术

    The use of drilling fluid technology in annulus space of large hole

  5. 赋环空间是几何函数论的最新发展。

    The ringed space is a recent development of the geometric function theory .

  6. 并讨论了管径比对环空间阻力以及对流换热的影响。

    Discuss the influence of caliber ratio on ring space resistance and heat convection .

  7. 赋环空间

    Ringed Space When you want have a loop

  8. 套管井水泥环空间介质波阻抗与厚度反演方法

    Inversion method of impedance and thickness of one-layered medium in annular space between casing pipe and formation

  9. 对12个足尺钢管混凝土柱-钢梁外加强环空间节点进行了静力试验。

    An experimental research on 12 full size specimens of CFT-steel beam space joint with outer concentric annular-stiffer .

  10. 幂律流体偏心环空间隙雷诺数及层流区域计算方法研究

    The study of eccentric annular clearance Reynolds number and laminar flow zone calculation methods for power law fluid

  11. 针对小井眼水平井环空间隙小、曲率大的特点,应用间隙元法对下部钻具组合进行了非线性静力学分析;

    Considering small annular clearance and large hole curvature in slim hole , the nonlinear mechanics analysis of BHA is carried out by gap-element method .

  12. 讨论了井斜角、环空间隙、管柱长度和摩擦系数对连续油管在水平井中稳定性的影响。

    The effects of deviation angle , annular tolerance , tubing length and friction factors on the stability of tubing in horizontal well are discussed .

  13. 这些公式都是简单的显表达式,并且适用于主动件是连杆的所有一自由度单环空间机构。

    These formulas are in simple explicit expressions and are suited for all ONE-DOF single-loop spatial methanisms which include that input link is any link .

  14. 超声反射法套管-地层环空间介质波阻抗反演方法与成像实例

    A wave impedance inversion method and practical image examples of the medium in the annulus space between the casing and the formation utilizing reflected ultrasonic waves

  15. 最后对现场实测资料进行了套管-地层环空间内介质的波阻抗定量反演与成像。

    Wave impedance inversion and imaging of the medium between the casing and the formation based on the practical data of an oil field are carried out .

  16. 通过对单环空间机构振动力矩的计算公式进行修正,提出了一般多环空间机构振动力矩的计算公式。

    Through modifying the formula for calculating shaking moment of single-loop spatial linkages , this paper presents the formula for shaking moment calculation of general multiple-loop spatial linkages .

  17. 小井眼固井由于其井眼尺寸小、环空间隙小,给固井作业带来较大困难,常规固井技术难以保证其固井质量。

    Cementing of the slim hole is very difficult due to its small hole size and annular clearance , and the conventional cementing technology cannot meet the requirements of field cementing .

  18. 通过对实验数据的数值模拟,拟合得到环空间的摩擦系数公式与努赛尔数,分析了采用当量直径计算时的不准确性。

    Through making simulation for experimental findings , coefficient of friction and Nu formula of the fluid in ring space is fitted . The inaccuracy of adopting equivalent diameter method is analyzed .

  19. 扩孔加大了环空间隙,固井后水泥环厚度和强度增大,可以延长侧钻小井眼油井寿命。

    The annular clearance was also enlarged , thus the thickness and strength of the cement sheath was increased , and the oil well life of the sidetracked slim hole was also prolonged .

  20. 由于小井眼环空间隙小,固井水泥浆不能均匀分布,容易出现固井质量差、套管抗外挤能力低等问题。

    Poor cementing quality is a common problem in the slim hole due to its small clearance and uneven distribution of cement slurry , it can also cause the reduction of casing collapsing strength .

  21. 小井眼窄间隙井最显著的特点就是环空间隙小,因此对现有的固井技术提出了很多新的要求,小井眼窄间隙井固井注水泥设计就是其中重要的一点。

    The most significant characteristic is small clearance in the slim hole . There are a lot of challenges to the current cementing technologies . Cementing design is the important point in the small clearance cementing .

  22. 针对套管井反射式超声波水泥固井质量检测问题,本文利用超声反射波频谱中套管共振透射窗内的复合反射系数,提出了定量反演套管-地层环空间内介质的波阻抗的方法。

    We propose a wave impedance inversion method of the medium in the annulus space between the casing and the formation utilizing the compound reflected coefficients within the window of resonant transmission frequency of the casing in frequency domain .

  23. 滞环空间矢量算法的仿真效果理想,实现了单位功率因数,并且可以在整流和逆变状态间切换,得到的系统仿真模型可以用于实际系统设计。

    The results of hysteresis SVPWM algorithm were satisfactory with achieving unity power factor . This system was able to switch between rectifier and inverter state and it can be employed to design actual system according to the simulation model .

  24. 旋转细长梁与不同环空间隙的管道内壁产生多向碰撞接触,同时空心旋转细长梁内部以及外部环空有流体作用,构成一个复杂的非线性固液耦合系统。

    The rotary slender beam is collision with the pipe inner wall about different annular clearance . The rotary slender beam also has fluid interaction in its inside and outer annular . It forms a complex nonlinear fluid-structure interaction system .

  25. 开窗工具以研究铰式复合铣锥、卡瓦液压锚定式斜向器为主,采用扩径增大环空间隙和优化水泥浆性能来提高封固质量。

    For the tool of side tracking , mainly used articulated composite milling wimble , slip hydraulic anchoring finder , enlarge the well diameter , augment the annular clearance , and optimize the slurry 's property to improve the well cementing quality .

  26. 通过对合成数据的处理,分别考察了已知介质的声学和几何参数存在的偏差对套管-地层环空间内介质的波阻抗反演结果的影响。

    With processing of synthetic data , the effects on wave impedance inversion results of the medium in the annulus space between the casing and the formation are investigated as the known acoustic and geometrical parameters deviate from the corresponding exact values .

  27. 实全纯环与空间Mk

    Real holomorphy ring & space m_k

  28. 基于TOD模式的南宁市外东环地区空间结构形态研究

    TOD Based Spatial Morphology Research Outside East Ring Road of Nanning

  29. 介绍了一种新颖的基于电流滞环和空间电压矢量调制(SVPWM)技术的电压、电流双闭环感应加热电源。

    A novel induction heating power based on current hysteresis band control and SVPWM modulation technology is introduced in this paper .

  30. 列车与隧道环隙空间流场特性的研究

    Characteristics of Flow Field in Annulus Space between Train and Tunnel