
  1. 在小波域,提取特点向量,然后训练BP神经网络,利用训练后的网络估计离焦参数。

    In this technique , firstly a BP neural network is trained in wavelet domain to estimate defocus parameter .

  2. 根据离焦参数得到点扩展函数,利用逆滤波器复原模糊图像。

    After obtaining the point spread function ( PSF ) parameter , inverse filter is adopted to complete the restoration .

  3. 介绍一种倒谱分析方法,使计算机能较好地识别散焦模糊参数。

    This paper introduces a practical method for computer to estimate the defocus blur parameter in cepstrum area .

  4. 一种多通道运动目标重聚焦及运动参数估计方法

    Multi-channel moving target focusing and parameter estimation algorithm

  5. 红外焦平面阵列参数测试虚拟仪器系统

    IRFPA parameters testing virtual instrument system

  6. 煤与天然焦在结构参数上存在明显分界;

    Second , there is a obvious borderline of structure parameters between coal and nature coke ;

  7. 通过渣油催化裂化生焦实验和参数估计,确定生焦模型参数和活化能参数;

    The purpose of this work is to develop a predictable kinetic model of coking reaction for resid catalytic cracking .

  8. 结果表明,沥青中间相具有较优良的类石墨准晶态结构,它们的结晶参数与石油焦的相应参数较为接近。

    The results showed that pitch-mesophase possesses excellent graphite-like para-crystalline structure , the crystal parameters of which are quite adjacent to those of calcined petroleum cokes .

  9. 所制备的煅后焦的晶格参数与国外针状焦相近,真密度、灰分含量等性能均达到日本新日化公司标准。

    The lattice parameters of calcined coke and foreign needle coke were similar , true density and ash content reached the new Japanese cosmetic company standards .

  10. 最后采用二元一次线性回归法求出了半焦燃烧动力学参数,计算结果可供数值仿真和工程设计参考。

    At last , combustion kinetic parameters of semi-coke were calculated by binary linear regression and the results may be referred to for emulation calculation and engineering design .

  11. 非致冷红外探测器及其列阵是近年红外探测器发展的一个新趋势。红外焦平面性能参数的测试评价是红外探测器发展中的关键技术之一。

    By reason that test and evaluation of IRFPA is one of the key techniques during the development of infrared detectors , characteristic evaluation of uncooled infrared detectors is presented .

  12. 热象仪远焦系统光学性能参数测量

    Measurement of the optical parameters of the afocal system in thermo-lmager

  13. 红外焦平面阵列特性参数定义和测试方法的讨论

    The Study of the Definition and Measurement Methods of Characteristic Parameters of IRFPA

  14. 炭素回转窑内煅烧石油焦热物性参数的测试与研究

    Testing and analyses on thermal physical parameters of green petroleum in coke calcining kiln

  15. 催化剂对贫煤焦还原NO动力学参数的影响

    Effects of Catalysts on Kinetic Parameters of NO Reduction by the Lean Coal Char

  16. 128×128热释电红外焦平面阵列的参数测试和联调实验

    Parameters Test and Combination Experiment Systems of 128 × 128 Pyroelectric Infrared Focal Plane Arrays

  17. GB/T13583-1992红外探测器外形尺寸系列GB/T17444-1998红外焦平面阵列特性参数测试技术规范

    Outline dimension series of infrared detectors The technical norms for measurement and test of characteristic parameters of infrared focal plane arrays

  18. 研究了激光焊接输出功率、焊接速度、离焦量等工艺参数对焊接深度及焊接宽度的影响。

    The effects of laser power ? speed and defocusing parameter on welding depth and width have been studied in the experiment .

  19. 本文首先介绍了微型光学镜头的发展状况,分析了光学镜头与影像感测元件之间的匹配问题,并对定焦镜头的技术参数以及发展历程作了详细的介绍。

    This thesis analyses the design and simulation of micro optical lens system having a fixed focal length , improving on it , making with simulation and design preferable .

  20. 数值计算表明,聚焦双曲正弦高斯光束的焦移与偏心参数和菲涅耳数有关,焦移随偏心参数和菲涅耳数的减小而增大。

    Numerical calculations are performed and show that the focal shift in focused sinhGaussian beams depends on the Fresnel number and decentered parameter , and increases with decreasing them .

  21. 正确测试评价红外焦平面阵列性能参数是研制、生产和应用该阵列的基础。

    It is the foundation of researching , manufacturing and using the Infrared Focal PlaneArrays ( IRFPA ) to test and estimate the main performance parameters to a nicety .

  22. 通过数值模拟和实验,分析了脉冲频率、脉冲宽度、划片速度、辅助气压大小、离焦量等工艺参数对激光划片质量的影响。

    Through numerical simulation and experiment , the influences of factors such as frequency of pulse , pulse width , scribing speed , pressure of assistant air on the quality of laser scribing are investigated .

  23. 导出了椭圆波束变焦距环焦天线重要几何参数的求解方程,给出了这种天线的简便而有效的的设计方法,并给出实测和理论的天线方向图。

    In this paper , the equations for solving the geometrical parameters of the ring-focus antenna with a variable focal distance for forming an elliptic beam are worked out , and a simple and efficient design method of the antenna is presented .

  24. 提出的算法包含两个部分,第一部分利用统计矩和累积量周期估计红外焦平面的模型参数,第二部分利用维纳滤波恢复真实图像。

    The proposed algorithm consists of two main parts : the first part involves a periodic statistical estimation of the model parameters using the moment and cumulant ; the second part involves the estimated parameters in restoring the true image by a winner filter .

  25. 导出了用端面球透镜离焦耦合时一些参数的计算公式,并用这种耦合方法消除了脉冲YAG:Nd激光注入光纤时在光纤平端面产生的损伤现象。

    Some parametric computing formulae are derived with an optical fiber with spherical end used for out-of-focusing coupling , and by means of this , the laser-induced damage on fiber flat end face is eliminated in the case of inserting a pulsed YAG : Nd laser beam into the fiber .