
  • 网络Potassium pyrophosphate;GC-TKPP
  1. 镀锌液以硫酸锌为主盐,焦磷酸钾为配合剂,柠檬酸铵作辅助配合剂兼导电盐,电流密度2~3A。

    In the electroplating zinc solution , zinc sulfate is used as the main salt , potassium pyrophosphate as the complexing agent , and ammonium citrate as auxiliary complexing agent and conducting salt .

  2. 镀铜液中焦磷酸铜和焦磷酸钾的快速分析

    Rapid Determination of Cupric Pyrophosphate and Potassium Pyrophosphate in Copper Plating Solution

  3. 以焦磷酸钾为主络合剂、酒石酸钾钠为辅助络合剂,自制焦磷酸铜、焦磷酸锌为主盐进行了玻璃钢无氰Cu-Zn-Sn-Ni四元合金电镀工艺研究。

    Technology of non-cyanide Cu-Zn-Sn-Ni tetrabasic alloy imitative gold electroplating on FRP was studied using potassium pyrophosphate as main complexing agent , potassium sodium tartrate as auxiliary complexing agent and laboratory-synthesized copper pyrophosphate and zinc pyrophosphate as main salts .

  4. 分光光度法测定锡钴合金镀液中焦磷酸钾的含量

    Determination of potassium pyrophosphate in tin - cobalt electrolyte by means of spectrophotometry

  5. 漂白粉处理焦磷酸钾镀铜废水

    Treatment of potassium pyrophosphate Cu-plating effluent with bleaching powder

  6. 比较了氢氟酸活化工艺和焦磷酸钾活化工艺,氢氟酸活化后得到的镀层性能较好。

    Compared pyrophosphate potassium process , the better qualitive coating was obtained through hydrofluoric acid activation .

  7. 镀液单位体积的重量是焦磷酸钾和焦磷酸铜含量的函数。

    The weight of copper plating solution in a unit volume was function of contents of cupric pyrophosphate and potassium pyrophosphate .

  8. 测定铜时用六偏磷酸钠和焦磷酸钾联合掩蔽;测锌时用柠檬酸钠、六偏磷酸钠和铜试剂联合掩蔽。

    Combined masking agents of sodium hexametaphosphate and potassium pyrophosphate were used in the determination of copper , whereas sodium citrate , sodium hexa_metaphosphate and copper reagent were used in the determination of zinc .

  9. 利用分光光度法测定锡钴合金镀液中钴(Ⅱ)和锡(Ⅱ)的含量,探讨了测量波长和氧化剂的选择、焦磷酸钾的加入量、干扰元素等对测量结果的影响。

    This article describes the determination of cobalt and stannous ions in black tin cobalt alloy electroplating baths by means of spectrophotometry . The effect of measuring wave length , oxidant , addition of potassium pyrophosphate , interfering elements and other affecting factors on the measured absorbance were investigated .