
  • 网络Mercian;Il sapore del grano
  1. 麦香和甜蜜的三叶苜蓿味象梦中幸福事儿一样,从他身边飘过。

    The breath of the wheat and the sweet clover passed him like pleasant things in a dream .

  2. 根据烘烤时向和发酵的程度,香味也会有花香、果香以及麦香之分。

    Depending on the length of the roasting and degree of fermentation , the fragrance can range from floral to fruity to many .

  3. 在这个组合下,苦荞麦酸奶既有荞麦的麦香味也有酸奶的浓郁风味,产品组织状态良好,口感细腻。

    With this combination , the buckwheat yogurt achieved both wheat flavor of buckwheat and fragrant taste of yogurt , at the same time , a good state of product tissue and delicate taste .