- 名gliadin

Effects of Ultra High Pressure on Functional Properties of Gliadin and Glutenin
Researches on using gliadin PAGE for identification on the wheat species and qualities now attract the attention of many scientific workers in the world .
Gliadin analysis by the a-page method for the variant progeny of Spring Wheat Introduced exogenous DNA
To study the disciplinarian of change in dough proteins during dough mixing , three wheat cultivars divided into three grades covering a wide range of quality parameters were used in this research .
Changes in the content of albumin and globulin , gliadin , SDS-soluble glutenin and GMP during dough mixing and coefficient between the changes of GMP content and those of other proteins were studied .
Changes in the content of albumin and globulin , gliadin , SDS-soluble glutenin and GMP during dough mixing were studied . The results indicated that : protein especially content of GMP and SDS-soluble glutenin changed regularly during dough mixing .
The standard gliadin fingerprints and their database of 68 main cultivars and a part of their backbone parents , which were grown in North China since the 1950 's , were constructed by using CAWGES software and an improved method of pH3 2 A PAGE .
Study on Identification of Wheat Somaclonal Variation by Gliadin Proteins
The extractions of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten were investigated .
Extraction of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten
Properties of Gluten , Gliadin and Glutenin Composite Films from Soy Protein Isolate and Wheat Gluten Protein
It found that the activity of mixture was not good as wheat gluten protein . Therefore , these existed the interaction between gliadin and glutenin .
Gluten : Mixture of proteins not readily soluble in water that occurs in wheat and most other cereal grains . Properties of Gluten , Gliadin and Glutenin
The results showed that , higher resolution and reproducibility of gliadin HPCE separations were obtained by using the alkaline sodium borate buffer system and an improved capillary cleaning procedure .
Separation and characterization of seed storage proteins and directed clone of their encoding genes are highly important for the study of gluten structure and the related relationship with quality , which can also provide alternative resources for improvement of wheat quality through gene engineering .
Rheological properties of three cultivar wheat were not significant affected by growth regulator , however , it had significantly decreased their gluten index .