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  • gliadin
  1. 超高压对麦醇溶蛋白/麦谷蛋白功能性质的影响

    Effects of Ultra High Pressure on Functional Properties of Gliadin and Glutenin

  2. 目前,利用麦醇溶蛋白聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)鉴定小麦品种及品质的研究,已受到世界上许多科学工作者的重视。

    Researches on using gliadin PAGE for identification on the wheat species and qualities now attract the attention of many scientific workers in the world .

  3. 外源DNA导入春小麦其后代麦醇溶蛋白电泳分析

    Gliadin analysis by the a-page method for the variant progeny of Spring Wheat Introduced exogenous DNA

  4. 以3种不同品质性状的小麦为原料(分为3类,即3个等级),研究了小麦粉面团在搅拌过程中清球蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白、SDS可溶性麦谷蛋白及GMP含量的变化。

    To study the disciplinarian of change in dough proteins during dough mixing , three wheat cultivars divided into three grades covering a wide range of quality parameters were used in this research .

  5. 结果:面团在搅拌过程中清球蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白、SDS可溶性麦谷蛋白及GMP的含量发生了有规律的变化;

    Changes in the content of albumin and globulin , gliadin , SDS-soluble glutenin and GMP during dough mixing and coefficient between the changes of GMP content and those of other proteins were studied .

  6. 结果表明,面团在搅拌过程中,清球蛋白、麦醇溶蛋白、SDS可溶性麦谷蛋白及GMP的含量发生了比较有规律的变化,且不同小麦中这种变化幅度也不同。

    Changes in the content of albumin and globulin , gliadin , SDS-soluble glutenin and GMP during dough mixing were studied . The results indicated that : protein especially content of GMP and SDS-soluble glutenin changed regularly during dough mixing .

  7. 结合CAWGES软件,用改良的pH3.2APAGE技术绘制并构建了我国北方冬麦区建国后不同时期的主栽品种及其部分骨干亲本共68个品种的标准麦醇溶蛋白指纹图谱及其数据库。

    The standard gliadin fingerprints and their database of 68 main cultivars and a part of their backbone parents , which were grown in North China since the 1950 's , were constructed by using CAWGES software and an improved method of pH3 2 A PAGE .

  8. 麦醇溶蛋白在鉴定小麦体细胞无性系变异上的应用研究

    Study on Identification of Wheat Somaclonal Variation by Gliadin Proteins

  9. 以谷朊粉为原料,提取了麦谷蛋白和麦醇溶蛋白。

    The extractions of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten were investigated .

  10. 麦醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白提取条件的研究

    Extraction of glutenin and gliadin from vital wheat gluten

  11. 谷朊粉、麦醇溶蛋白与麦谷蛋白基本性质研究大豆分离蛋白和谷朊粉复合膜的研究

    Properties of Gluten , Gliadin and Glutenin Composite Films from Soy Protein Isolate and Wheat Gluten Protein

  12. 表明麦谷蛋白和麦醇溶蛋白在组成面筋蛋白时,不是单纯的物理混合,两者之间存在一定的相互作用。

    It found that the activity of mixture was not good as wheat gluten protein . Therefore , these existed the interaction between gliadin and glutenin .

  13. 谷蛋白:麦粒等谷物中不易溶于水的混合蛋白质。谷朊粉、麦醇溶蛋白与麦谷蛋白基本性质研究

    Gluten : Mixture of proteins not readily soluble in water that occurs in wheat and most other cereal grains . Properties of Gluten , Gliadin and Glutenin

  14. 结果显示:利用碱性硼酸钠缓冲液系统及一个改进的毛细管冲洗程序分离麦醇溶蛋白,可获得较高的分辨度和重复性。

    The results showed that , higher resolution and reproducibility of gliadin HPCE separations were obtained by using the alkaline sodium borate buffer system and an improved capillary cleaning procedure .

  15. 醇溶蛋白的高效分离鉴定和编码基因的定向克隆,是研究麦醇溶蛋白及其与品质关系的可靠途径,并为基因工程改良小麦品质提供新的基因资源,从而推动小麦品质改良工作。

    Separation and characterization of seed storage proteins and directed clone of their encoding genes are highly important for the study of gluten structure and the related relationship with quality , which can also provide alternative resources for improvement of wheat quality through gene engineering .

  16. 最后,生长调节剂处理对白麦和绿麦蛋白质及其组分影响不显著,对紫麦醇溶蛋白有显著影响,使三种粒色小麦面筋指数显著低于对照,而对面团流变学特性的影响不显著。

    Rheological properties of three cultivar wheat were not significant affected by growth regulator , however , it had significantly decreased their gluten index .