
  • 网络mclaren;ian mckellen;IanMcKellen
  1. 对《指环王》的粉丝们来说幸运的是,麦凯伦成功地渡过了拍摄难关,并且仍然以一流的演技饰演了甘道夫。

    Fortunately for LOTR fans , McKellan managed to make it through filming , and still delivered a stellar performance as Gandalf .

  2. 奥兰多将在《霍比特人:去而复返》中最后一次扮演精灵王子莱戈拉斯《霍比特人》最终部将于12月17上映,奥兰多将与伊恩▪麦凯伦,凯特▪布兰切特和马丁▪弗里曼共同出演。

    Orlando will reprise his elf prince character Legolas for the final time in The Hobbit : There and Back Again - due out December 17 - alongside Ian McKellen , Cate Blanchett , and Martin Freeman .

  3. 这回,比尔博•巴金斯(马丁•弗里曼饰)与由“矮人王”索林•橡木盾(理查德•阿米蒂奇饰演)带领的十三矮人军团,以及巫师甘道夫(伊恩•麦凯伦饰演)一同展开旅程,重新夺回孤山矮人王国。

    It 's time for the group of Bilbo Baggins ( Martin Freeman ) and the 13 dwarfs , led by Thorin Oakenshield ( Richard Armitage ) and the wizard Gandalf ( Ian McKellen ) , to win back the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor .