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  1. 可以说,版本研究是《焦氏易林》研究的基础。

    We can say edition research is foundation of JIAO 's Yi Lin study .

  2. 《焦氏易林》作者考

    Check the Author 's Truthfulness of the Book " Forest of Yi by Jiao "

  3. 本文是一篇以《焦氏易林》为基本文本的诗歌研究论文。

    The poetic research of is focused on Jiao Shi Yi Lin in the article .

  4. 本文以翔实的文献资料为依凭,主要考证了《焦氏易林》的作者归属和版本两大问题,希望本论题能够为新世纪的《焦氏易林》研究作一些基础性工作。

    The text mainly criticizes two problems about JIAO 's Yi Lin , author ownership and edition . I hope they can make some basical work for the new century JIAO 's Yi Lin study .