
  • 网络flint clay;Chamotte
  1. 基质中同时引入7%的堇青石、7%的焦宝石和2%的石英砂时,浇注料的抗热震性最好。

    Adding 7 % cordierite , 7 % flint clay and 2 % quartz sand in matrix enabled the castable to have highest thermal shock resistance .

  2. 焦宝石是重要的耐火原料,广泛用于冶金、建材、陶瓷等行业。

    The Chamotte is an important refractory raw material , and it is extensively applied to the industry of metallurgy , ceramics etc.

  3. 以特级焦宝石为骨料,将αAl2O3、SiO2及红柱石等超细粉添加于基质中,以纯铝酸钙水泥为结合剂,开发出40、45浇注料。

    Castables of brands 40 # and 45 # were developed using special grade Jiao Bao Shi as aggregate , pure calcium aluminate cement as binder and adding ultrafine powders of α Al 2O 3 , SiO 2 and andalusite into the matrix .

  4. 焦宝石、磷石膏制备混凝土膨胀剂的试验研究

    Study on Preparation of Concrete Expanding Admixture by Hard Clay and Ardealite

  5. 以焦宝石熟料为主要原料,添加钾长石、瓷粉等外加物,制备了耐碱浇注料。

    Alkali resistant castable refractory was produced using hard clay clinker as main raw material and adding in potash feldspar , ceramic powder etc.

  6. 平顶山市的高岭土矿主要为沉积型,可分为瓷土型、焦宝石型、木节土型等三类,产于石炭系、二叠系中。

    The kaolin deposits in Pingdingshan City are mainly the sedimentary mineral deposit , they can be classified into three types and occured in the Carboniferous and Permian .

  7. 结果表明:合适的制品烧成温度为1400℃,添加锆英砂或焦宝石可以提高其热稳定性,可望成为较好的窑具材料。

    The results show that appropriate firing temperature is 1400 ℃, and additional zircon or bauxite can improve thermal shock of the products . So they might be a good kiln furniture material .

  8. 新型大焦斑钛宝石激光放大器腔型的设计与实验研究

    Design and Experiment Research on the Cavity of a New-Style Large Beam Size Ti ∶ Sapphire Amplifier