
  • 网络Electrode paste;JL-CEP
  1. 满足用户要求确保电极糊产品质量

    Ensuring the quality of electrode paste to meet the requirments of customers

  2. THD&1电极糊的生产

    The production technology of thd & 1 electrode paste

  3. 大容量矿热炉用电极糊的研制

    Study on electrode paste for high capacity submerged arc furnace

  4. 电极糊使用性能初探

    The exploring on the serving properties of electrode pastes

  5. 用正交试验法研制优质密闭电极糊

    Manufacture of optimal electrode paster for closed furnace by the methed of orthogonal experiment

  6. 电极糊在铁合金电炉上的焙烧机理及特种糊的质量特性

    Roasting mechanism of electrode paste in ferroalloy furnace and the quality of special paste

  7. 石咀山特种电极糊使用总结

    Utilization summary on Shizuishan special electrode paste

  8. 电极糊的使用与质量事故

    Utilizing and quality accidents of electrode paste

  9. 电极糊烧结过程中颗粒偏析的调整

    Adjusting of particles segregation during paste sintering

  10. 电极糊焙烧过程炉温控制系统

    Process control for baking of electrode paste

  11. 优质电极糊的研制

    Manufacture of High Quality Electrode Paste

  12. 电极糊电极糊主要供铁合金炉、电石炉和其它冶金炉作自焙电极用。

    Electrode Paste The electrode paste is used as the electrode for self-roasting in the iron-alloy furnace the acetylene furnace .

  13. 分析了电极糊烧结过程中颗粒偏析的原因,探讨了解决这一问题的方法。

    The reason of particles segregation during paste sintering is analysed , and the method to dispose the problem is also probed into .

  14. 在炭素生产过程中,石墨材料是生产铝用阴极、阳极、电极糊和炼钢用增碳剂等产品的优质原料。

    In production of carbon , graphite is a high quality stuff for electrolytic aluminium anode , electrolytic aluminium cathodes , electrode paste and carburetant .

  15. 要了解和掌握电极糊焙烧过程中的性能变化以及电极糊本身的质量特性,选择导热、导电系数相对比较大的电极糊,严格控制并管理好电极,才能真正焙烧出好的电极质量。

    To understand the change of the process in roasting and grasp the features of the electrode can be very important . The electrode should be strictly controlled and managed to produce quality electrode .

  16. 阐述了近40年来宁夏在煤炭洗选加工,煤炭炼焦,煤制电极糊、炭块、煅料、活性炭、碳化硅、瓦斯炭黑及煤炭气化和液化等方面的发展情况;

    Given is the development status in recent 40 year in Ningxia as to coal cleaning and process , coal coking , manufacture of electrode paste , carbon block , calcined coal , activated carbon , silicon carbide , carbon black from gas , and coal gasification and liquefaction .

  17. 敞口式硅铁炉电极漏糊事故处理方法的新尝试

    A trial for handling electrode paste leakage accident of open ferrosilicon electric furnace

  18. 应用线性电势扫描法研究硫化矿的纯矿电极与碳糊电极体系在氯化钠电解液中的电化学行为。

    The cyclic voltammetry curves of sulfide mineral electrodes or corresponding carbon paste electrodes in NaCl electrolytes have been obtained in this study .

  19. 煤沥青焦化所生产的沥青焦主要用于生产石墨电极、阳极糊或预焙电极,亦可用于高炉降低所用冶金焦的灰分和硫分,也可作为低污染燃料使用,具有较高经济价值。

    Coke made from coal-tar pitch is used in the manufacture of graphite electrodes , anode slurry pre-roasted electrodes and open-hearth furnaces to decrease the ash and sulfur contents of metallurgical coke , and also used as low-pollution fuel . Pitch coke has high economic values .