
  • 网络Carburant;CARBON ADDITIVE;Carbon Raiser
  1. 天钢使用类石墨作电炉炼钢的增碳剂

    Application of graphitoid as carburant of electric steelmaking in Tianjin Steel Works

  2. 对有特殊要求的铁种可采用低硫、低氮增碳剂。

    Low S and low N carburant can be used for steels with special requirements .

  3. 煤基增碳剂代替沥青焦炼钢的试验研究以沥青焦、煤沥青以及氧化沥青为原料,采用KOH活化法制备高比表面积活性炭。

    EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON USE OF COAL & BASED CARBURETANT IN LIEU OF ASPHALT COKE IN STEELMAKING Activated carbons were prepared from asphalt coke , pitch and oxidated pitch by KOH activation method .

  4. 新型增碳剂在铸铁轧辊上的应用

    Application of New Recarburizer to Cast Iron Rolls

  5. 在包内使用增碳剂作为一种补充手段已被普遍采用。

    It has been commonly adopted to use complex carburant in the ladle as a supplementary measure .

  6. 在炭素生产过程中,石墨材料是生产铝用阴极、阳极、电极糊和炼钢用增碳剂等产品的优质原料。

    In production of carbon , graphite is a high quality stuff for electrolytic aluminium anode , electrolytic aluminium cathodes , electrode paste and carburetant .

  7. 以超低灰煤为原料生产活性炭、增碳剂、高石墨阴极炭块等产品可获得较高的经济效益。

    With such ultra-clean coal as feedstock for production of activated carbon , carbon-addition agent and high-graphite content carbon block as cathode , relatively high economic benefit attained .

  8. 利用废钢、增碳剂并适当配入铸造生铁,通过熔炼来获得合格的原铁水,然后经球化孕育处理形成球墨铸铁,为球墨铸铁生产开辟出一条新的途径。

    This paper presents the process of getting the qualified molten iron through melting scrap , carburant and moderate cast pig iron , which offers a new way for producing ductile iron .

  9. 影响增碳剂吸收率的因素有增碳剂粒度和加入量、铁液温度、搅拌时间以及铁液化学成分。

    The factors influencing absorption of recarbonizer is analyzed , which included particle size , addition amount of particle , temperature of hot metal , stirring of hot metal , and composition of hot metal .

  10. 综合以上的研究结果,以圆筒形、碳含量为50wt%的增碳剂的增碳效果最好,达到了设计和使用要求。新型钢铁增碳剂的研制及应用

    In conclusion the carburant with a morphology of hollow cylinder and the carbon content of 50wt % is the appropriate one . The Study and Application of the New Style of the Carburant in Steel