
zēng yā
  • pressurize;supercharge;pressure boost
增压 [zēng yā]
  • [pressurize] 增加压力

  • 增压器

增压[zēng yā]
  1. 气源总管靠发动机,APU或地面气源车增压。

    The engines , the APU , or a pneumatic ground cart can pressurize the pneumatic manifold .

  2. 燃气发生器能使高压输送系统增压。

    Gas generator rocket can pressurize a high-pressure feed system .

  3. 降低增压柴油机NOx排放的结构参数分析与试验研究

    Experimental Study and Analysis on Structural Parameters for Reducing NO_x of Turbocharged Diesel

  4. 大众汽车公司的机械式G型增压器

    Volkswagen 's G Type Mechanical Supercharger

  5. JOY支架起底液压油缸的改进抓岩机增压缸的设计

    The mend of joy lift ram design of pressurizing cylinder in Clamshell

  6. 涡轮增压器主要零部件的模态计算及压气机CFD分析

    The Mode Analysis of Turbo-charger ' Blades and CFD Analysis of Compresser

  7. 利用CFD分析软件FIRE对一台直列6缸增压柴油机的喷雾与燃烧过程进行模拟。

    A calculation of spray and combustion of a six-cylinder diesel engine was conducted by CFD simulation tool FIRE .

  8. 8E15OZLC型增压柴油机的研制

    Development of Turbocharged 8E150Z_LC Type Diesel Engine

  9. 基于PIC单片机的变喷嘴涡轮增压器电控系统设计

    Development of New Variable Nozzle Turbocharger Electronic Control System Based on PIC Microprocessor

  10. 增压溶样ICPAES法同时测定茶叶中多种微量元素含量的研究

    Determination of Multiply Trace Elements in Tea Leaf by ICP-AES and Sample Dissolution under Pressure

  11. 增压单燃料CNG发动机电控多点顺序喷射系统的研究

    Development of Electronic-Controlled Sequential Multi-Point Gas Injection System for a Turbocharged Single-Fuel CNG Engine

  12. 增压直喷柴油机EGR系统结构方案及关键技术

    The Structure Plans and Key Technologies of EGR System in Turbo-charged , Direct-injected Diesel Engines

  13. 为降低一台车用增压涡流室柴油机的NOx排放,设计加工了EGR系统。

    An EGR system is designed and machined for reducing NO_x emission of vehicle turbocharged swirl-chamber diesel engine .

  14. KY公司是一家专营涡轮增压器的民营企业。

    KY Corporation is one civilian-run enterprise which monopolizes turbochargers .

  15. 结合产品开发的实际需求,本文采用理论分析、数值模拟计算和试验研究相结合的方法,对H系列高压电控共轨柴油机的进、排气增压系统进行了较为详细、深入的分析研究。

    The objective of this paper is to study inlet , exhaust and turbo charging system of H series diesel engines with CRS by analytical , experimental and computational methods according to the actual requirement of production development .

  16. 实验结果表明,以现有涡轮增压器产品充当涡轮制冷器时,在货车发动机常用工况下,空调装置可提供低于环境温度6℃的冷气;Air(初三适用)

    The test results indicate that , when now available turbine superchargers are used as turbine refrigerators , the new air-conditioning device can provide conditioned air with the temperature being 6 ℃ less than the environmental temperature as the truck engine operates in normal condition .

  17. 本文介绍了德国大众汽车公司设计、生产的采用螺旋推进压气原理工作的G型增压器,对其原理、结构及应用作了详细的分析说明。

    G-type supercharger designed and manufactured by Volkswagen Motor Company , based on the spiral compression principle is described in the paper . Its working principle , structure and application to supercharging of automotive engine are illustrated and discussed in detail .

  18. 在FGD系统内部,增压风机、循环浆液泵和氧化风机是主要的耗能设备,并且其运行情况亦会影响系统脱硫效率的高低。

    In the FGD system , booster fan ; circulating slurry pump and oxidation fan are three major energy consuming devices , and their operation ways will affect the desulfurization efficiency .

  19. ISAD系统在增压发动机上的应用研究

    Research on ISAD System in Turbocharged Diesel Engine

  20. 15MWePFBC-CC中试机组增压流化床锅炉的设计及试运行结果

    The Design Feature and Results of Commissioning Test for The PFB Boiler in The 15 MWe Pilot PFBC-CC Unit

  21. 本文介绍近年轿车柴油机在电子控制、燃烧室、多气门、EGR、增压、喷油和废气后处理方面的发展趋势。

    The developing trend of electronic control , combustion chamber , multivalve , EGR , turbo , injection and emission after treatment etc. in diesel car is introduced in this paper .

  22. 同时对稀薄燃烧、增压中冷发动机做了ECUI/O标定、怠速标定、冷启动标定、对电控系统进行全工况内点火提前角的标定、内空燃比的标定、发动机增压压力标定。

    Then basic calibration such as ECU I / O calibration , idle speed calibration , cold start calibration , ignition advance calibration , air fuel ratio calibration , boost pressure calibration are conducted .

  23. 2.8L六缸增压柴油机的技术开发

    Technical Development of 2.8L Six Cylinders Supercharge Diesel Engine

  24. 采用可变几何涡轮增压器(VGT)是改善增压柴油机低工况的有效方法。

    The variable geometry turbocharger ( VGT ) is used to improve the performance of high pressure-ratio diesel engine , particularly at low load .

  25. 为深入研究CNG发动机稀薄燃烧特性,进一步降低天然气发动机的有害排放,设计了车用增压天然气发动机电控系统。

    In order to study the lean burn combustion characteristics of CNG engines and reduce its harmful emissions profoundly , the electric control system used in turbo charged CNG vehicle engines is presented in this paper .

  26. 介绍了60t/h增压流化床锅炉压力壳的设计结构、锅炉本体的悬吊方法、壳体上局部载荷区的加强、有限元应力计算以及制造工艺特点。

    The design structure of pressure vessel , suspension of boiler proper . strengthen of local load area on shell , FEA calculation and manufacture of 60 t / h PFBC are described in the paper .

  27. 6125Q型柴油机在增压或扩缸时机体刚度和强度的分析

    Stiffness and Strength Analysis of 6125Q Diesel Cylinder Block in Supercharged or Cylinder Diameter Enlarged Situation

  28. 在增压燃烧的条件下,随着床温的增加,N2O的排放量减少得很快;而床温对NO的排放影响很小,这一结果与常压下的结果不同。

    The results indicate that the N 2O emission decreases with the increase of bed temperature , while for NO the change is very little , and shows the difference from that in atmospheric fluidized bed combustion .

  29. 本文介绍了GZ680增压器的离心压气机与轴流透平的气动热力学设计思想及特点。

    The thermoaerodynamic design philosophy and features of the centrifugal compressor and the axial turbine of the turbocharger GZ680 are discussed .

  30. VNT通过调节废气涡轮增压器涡前压气后的压差,可将EGR率提高2%~12%。

    The EGR rate could be increased by 2 % ~ 12 % through regulating the difference between the gas pressure before the VNT and the air pressure after the VNT by means of VNT adjustment .